Question to Russians. Why Putin and his criminal gang still not kicked out to Hague?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Question to Russians.

Why Putin and his criminal gang still not kicked out to Hague?
Are all of you idiots and can't grasp what's going on?
Daily coming dozens of proofs the coward in bunker will kill your country.
And you still believe his criminal propaganda?
He murdered his best general Surowikin in prisons, imprisoned for life all Russian patriots like Navalny, Strelkow and hundred others.
Dollar is on the best way to cost 150 Ruble soon.

Read below what say today independent Russian sources

Stop the stupid war immediately and send Putin to the International court

Why is the Ukrainian army not launching a counter-offensive - in preparation for which so much effort and resources have been invested, and for which the Ukrainian troops were ready to launch a couple of months ago?
Don't tell me fairy tales about how the counteroffensive is already under way, but it is very difficult to break through the Russians' long-term defensive positions - save these fables for the downcasts who are used to believing propaganda.
And certainly don't waste your time recounting legends about the courageous resistance of Russian soldiers - leave that for those who are used to listening to the nonsense of Solovyov and Simonyan.
Yes, Ukraine did not get everything it wanted from its Western allies, but it was nevertheless well armed.
The Ukrainian army could have taken Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk in a matter of days. The border there is practically not fortified in any way, and Russian partisan units fighting on the Ukrainian side are quietly walking across it.
And it would take the Ukrainians hours to capture the pro-Russian Transnistria.
And Belarus, Ukrainian troops could have rolled up into a pancake - as a result of which they would have found themselves on the outskirts of Smolensk and Velikiye Luki.
Instead, however, the Ukrainian command is simulating movement only in places where the Russians have created some sort of defense lines, concentrated their troops and are expecting a Ukrainian offensive - that is, mainly in the relatively small area between the Dnieper River and the outskirts of Donetsk. And there are no real attempts at a full-scale offensive there either, just local battles.
So why is Ukraine refraining from breaking through the front?

The answer is self-evident: Ukraine has been forbidden to do so. Forbidden at the highest level....
On the other hand, the Kremlin is also doing everything in its power not to defeat Ukraine or force it to surrender.
Not once has Moscow made any attempt to destroy Zelensky or anyone else from the Ukrainian government. Not once has there been an attempt to destroy critical infrastructure, such as bridges over the Dnieper River or railroad hubs.
They are hitting residential buildings all they want, angering the whole of Ukraine with these raids, which are completely useless from a strategic point of view. But on really important targets, no way...
However, Ukraine has never attempted any sabotage near Putin's main residence in Valdai .
but absolutely useless raids on high-rise glass windows in the area of Moscow City (and even more certainly at night, when there is certainly no one there but security guards), that's welcome. But not at all, not at all!..
In general, it should be clearly understood that the modern Banderite, Russophobic Ukraine, which for the first time in its history got rid of the Russian language and Russian-Soviet attributes, was artificially, practically forcibly created by the Kremlin.
Exactly by the Kremlin.
No Ukrainian or Western politicians or propagandists were capable of such a task - absolutely. Stepan Bandera could only dream of such a task.
And certainly not President Volodymyr Zelensky, who did everything in his power to normalize relations with the Russian Federation.

And now Moscow is doing everything it can to push Ukraine away from Russia as much as possible - but not to defeat it in any way.
The Kremlin is cultivating an extremely bitter enemy with its own hands, very diligently. At the same time, it is mercilessly punishing those of its citizens who call for peace and an end to the slaughter - although many of those who call sympathize not so much with Ukraine as with Russia, horrified at the consequences of such a policy for their country.
In fact, today, only those who oppose the Kremlin's suicidal adventure for Russia can be called patriots of Russia.
But as for those who wave their fists and thirst for blood, dreaming of a rush to the English Channel, of turning London and Washington into nuclear dust, of a triumphant victory over Iblis and gay drug addicts, they are, unequivocally and unconditionally, enemies of Russia, extremely dangerous for Russia, acting to Russia's detriment.
Of course, the majority of this public are degenerates in use.

But as for the smaller part, among those on whom decisions of vital importance for the country depend, you don't want to, but you have to suspect in them a very clear agent who is purposefully leading Russia to ruin.

And now, today, Ukraine has clearly been forbidden to advance, just as Russia has.
Ukraine's border with Belgorod, and especially with the Kursk and Bryansk regions, is virtually unfortified, and on both sides. But neither of the opposing sides is even trying to carry out decisive offensive actions in those places, although the shortest route from Kiev to Moscow and from Moscow to Kiev passes through Bryansk region.
Both sides are breaking the comedy somewhere on the distant periphery, under nobody needs Kurdyumovka and Artemovski-Bakhmut.
And there is complete silence on the border with tiny, absolutely pro-Russian, practically defenseless Transnistria; there is not even a passive economic blockade there.
And there is no movement on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border (while the army of Belarus, which is backward and sharply hostile to Ukraine, is practically ineffective).
The question involuntarily arises: what is going on?
And the only answer comes to mind: apparently, someone is not interested in stopping the bloodshed by any means.
Slaughter, stagnation and degradation must continue - and they will continue. As long as it takes.
There will be no winners in this confrontation. real winners.

Of course, Ukraine will formally win - without options. For the laws of the genre must be observed, good must triumph over evil. The audience must be satisfied with the ending of the play.
In essence, Moscow has already lost the information war with a bang (and it didn't even try to win, if you look closely). And whoever loses the information war inevitably loses everything.

However, Ukraine's victory will be about the same as the Soviet Union's victory over Germany. That is, it seems that they won, and were defeated to pieces, and hoisted the victory banner over the Reichstag.... But the USSR came out of that war extremely tormented - no less than defeated Germany. And the sun of American hegemony rose over the world...
Do not stupidly repeat the Vienna Woods tales that Stalin after the war allegedly categorically rejected the proposal to trade for dollars. He did not and could not reject anything. Stalin's USSR unconditionally accepted the new rules of the game. Trade with the capitalist world was only for dollars.
Up until the 1960s, the Soviet Union did not celebrate Victory Day - there was nothing to celebrate. Half the country in ruins and a dead man in every family was no reason to celebrate.
Only when the generation that did not remember the war grew up and the wounded veterans died out - then they started to celebrate and rub propaganda stories....
So, Ukraine will win in the end - but it will be in a half-living state and will fall into absolute, unconditional, all-round dependence on good friends.
Russia will apparently disappear completely from the world map as a single entity - and its unfortunate fragments will have to pay and repent for several generations.
The sun of a new hegemony will rise over the world....

Apparently this is the way it's planned and this is the way it's going to be. There is no one to oppose this scenario. The two-legged herd, driven mad by propaganda, smeared with blood and festering with the sweet poison of permissiveness, is marching full speed ahead into the quicksand, clomping its hooves and waving its horns menacingly. And those individuals who understand something and have at least a vague idea about something are being trampled and thrown to the wayside.
Why did our Western partners quietly allow the Kremlin's varmints to put Alexei Navalny and Kara-Murza in jail for practically the rest of their lives?
Because Navalny and Kara-Murza are real, genuine patriots of Russia who would like to turn our country into a rich, prosperous, peaceful state.
And how can such an option suit potential competitors?
It is the Kremlin thugs, who have always kept Russia in a black body, and who are now leading it straight to ruin, who are the main hope and support of the Paleface Lords.
And if Navalny and Kara-Murza are getting in the way of the real agents trying to interfere with the well-thought-out and slow-moving operation to liquidate Russia, then they will have to shut up in their prison cells.

Such are the realities of today.

Translated from:
Why did our Western partners quietly allow the Kremlin's varmints to put Alexei Navalny and Kara-Murza in jail for practically the rest of their lives?
I assume this is a rhetorical question? In our current reality here in the West, we have no power to dictate to a Russian strong-man government and tell them what they must do. I think this war will continue until the funding for Ukraine finally runs dry. If Trump manages to be elected, I think he will tell Ukraine that the endless free ride is over and they need to make accommodation, and end this misery before something truly horrific happens.

To Putin, he should tell him to find a way to compromise and end this slaughter of his people and the Ukrainians OR rather than stopping the flow of weapons, money, and intel to Ukraine, we will boost our efforts to help them keep grinding his forces down until he IS willing to come to the table.

If the choice was mine, I'd have a ceasefire in place, a prisoner exchange, and I'd force them to negotiate a new border that reflects Russian access to Crimea via a land route, but Russia would then have to live with a Ukraine that has joined NATO. Without that security guarantee, Putin could re-fit, re-arm, build up his forces, and come back for more in a couple of years. Once NATO is part of that equation, Ukraine will not have to constantly worry about him moving on them again.

This war has destabilized the region and has cost Russia and Ukraine half a million or so, dead, wounded, or MIA. Half a million, in 15 months :( It makes me sick to hear people on the internet talking about "Glory to Ukraine" or some such nonsense as though it was a sporting event. Von Clausewitz had a lot to say about violence being used as "politics by other means". When major powers become involved in long-term fighting, that violence is like a smoldering fire that can, at any time, suddenly spread wildly to other regions and create a far worse conflagration than the war that escalated. It is time for this to end.
You are rght about one thing only OP -- it is no Sporting event . Rather, Russia have obliterared a bunch of Nazis who were about to invade Russian territory but got out - smarted and were pre-empted .Good to see Mr Putin fighting for freedom from Nazi tyrants .No wonder he is the most popular and respected leader on the planet . Do you want one of my , " We love you Volodya " t- shirts ?
Question to Russians.

Why Putin and his criminal gang still not kicked out to Hague?
Are all of you idiots and can't grasp what's going on?
Daily coming dozens of proofs the coward in bunker will kill your country.
And you still believe his criminal propaganda?
He murdered his best general Surowikin in prisons, imprisoned for life all Russian patriots like Navalny, Strelkow and hundred others.
Dollar is on the best way to cost 150 Ruble soon.

Read below what say today independent Russian sources

Stop the stupid war immediately and send Putin to the International court

Why is the Ukrainian army not launching a counter-offensive - in preparation for which so much effort and resources have been invested, and for which the Ukrainian troops were ready to launch a couple of months ago?
Don't tell me fairy tales about how the counteroffensive is already under way, but it is very difficult to break through the Russians' long-term defensive positions - save these fables for the downcasts who are used to believing propaganda.
And certainly don't waste your time recounting legends about the courageous resistance of Russian soldiers - leave that for those who are used to listening to the nonsense of Solovyov and Simonyan.
Yes, Ukraine did not get everything it wanted from its Western allies, but it was nevertheless well armed.
The Ukrainian army could have taken Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk in a matter of days. The border there is practically not fortified in any way, and Russian partisan units fighting on the Ukrainian side are quietly walking across it.
And it would take the Ukrainians hours to capture the pro-Russian Transnistria.
And Belarus, Ukrainian troops could have rolled up into a pancake - as a result of which they would have found themselves on the outskirts of Smolensk and Velikiye Luki.
Instead, however, the Ukrainian command is simulating movement only in places where the Russians have created some sort of defense lines, concentrated their troops and are expecting a Ukrainian offensive - that is, mainly in the relatively small area between the Dnieper River and the outskirts of Donetsk. And there are no real attempts at a full-scale offensive there either, just local battles.
So why is Ukraine refraining from breaking through the front?

The answer is self-evident: Ukraine has been forbidden to do so. Forbidden at the highest level....
On the other hand, the Kremlin is also doing everything in its power not to defeat Ukraine or force it to surrender.
Not once has Moscow made any attempt to destroy Zelensky or anyone else from the Ukrainian government. Not once has there been an attempt to destroy critical infrastructure, such as bridges over the Dnieper River or railroad hubs.
They are hitting residential buildings all they want, angering the whole of Ukraine with these raids, which are completely useless from a strategic point of view. But on really important targets, no way...
However, Ukraine has never attempted any sabotage near Putin's main residence in Valdai .
but absolutely useless raids on high-rise glass windows in the area of Moscow City (and even more certainly at night, when there is certainly no one there but security guards), that's welcome. But not at all, not at all!..
In general, it should be clearly understood that the modern Banderite, Russophobic Ukraine, which for the first time in its history got rid of the Russian language and Russian-Soviet attributes, was artificially, practically forcibly created by the Kremlin.
Exactly by the Kremlin.
No Ukrainian or Western politicians or propagandists were capable of such a task - absolutely. Stepan Bandera could only dream of such a task.
And certainly not President Volodymyr Zelensky, who did everything in his power to normalize relations with the Russian Federation.

And now Moscow is doing everything it can to push Ukraine away from Russia as much as possible - but not to defeat it in any way.
The Kremlin is cultivating an extremely bitter enemy with its own hands, very diligently. At the same time, it is mercilessly punishing those of its citizens who call for peace and an end to the slaughter - although many of those who call sympathize not so much with Ukraine as with Russia, horrified at the consequences of such a policy for their country.
In fact, today, only those who oppose the Kremlin's suicidal adventure for Russia can be called patriots of Russia.
But as for those who wave their fists and thirst for blood, dreaming of a rush to the English Channel, of turning London and Washington into nuclear dust, of a triumphant victory over Iblis and gay drug addicts, they are, unequivocally and unconditionally, enemies of Russia, extremely dangerous for Russia, acting to Russia's detriment.
Of course, the majority of this public are degenerates in use.

But as for the smaller part, among those on whom decisions of vital importance for the country depend, you don't want to, but you have to suspect in them a very clear agent who is purposefully leading Russia to ruin.

And now, today, Ukraine has clearly been forbidden to advance, just as Russia has.
Ukraine's border with Belgorod, and especially with the Kursk and Bryansk regions, is virtually unfortified, and on both sides. But neither of the opposing sides is even trying to carry out decisive offensive actions in those places, although the shortest route from Kiev to Moscow and from Moscow to Kiev passes through Bryansk region.
Both sides are breaking the comedy somewhere on the distant periphery, under nobody needs Kurdyumovka and Artemovski-Bakhmut.
And there is complete silence on the border with tiny, absolutely pro-Russian, practically defenseless Transnistria; there is not even a passive economic blockade there.
And there is no movement on the Ukrainian-Belarusian border (while the army of Belarus, which is backward and sharply hostile to Ukraine, is practically ineffective).
The question involuntarily arises: what is going on?
And the only answer comes to mind: apparently, someone is not interested in stopping the bloodshed by any means.
Slaughter, stagnation and degradation must continue - and they will continue. As long as it takes.
There will be no winners in this confrontation. real winners.

Of course, Ukraine will formally win - without options. For the laws of the genre must be observed, good must triumph over evil. The audience must be satisfied with the ending of the play.
In essence, Moscow has already lost the information war with a bang (and it didn't even try to win, if you look closely). And whoever loses the information war inevitably loses everything.

However, Ukraine's victory will be about the same as the Soviet Union's victory over Germany. That is, it seems that they won, and were defeated to pieces, and hoisted the victory banner over the Reichstag.... But the USSR came out of that war extremely tormented - no less than defeated Germany. And the sun of American hegemony rose over the world...
Do not stupidly repeat the Vienna Woods tales that Stalin after the war allegedly categorically rejected the proposal to trade for dollars. He did not and could not reject anything. Stalin's USSR unconditionally accepted the new rules of the game. Trade with the capitalist world was only for dollars.
Up until the 1960s, the Soviet Union did not celebrate Victory Day - there was nothing to celebrate. Half the country in ruins and a dead man in every family was no reason to celebrate.
Only when the generation that did not remember the war grew up and the wounded veterans died out - then they started to celebrate and rub propaganda stories....
So, Ukraine will win in the end - but it will be in a half-living state and will fall into absolute, unconditional, all-round dependence on good friends.
Russia will apparently disappear completely from the world map as a single entity - and its unfortunate fragments will have to pay and repent for several generations.
The sun of a new hegemony will rise over the world....

Apparently this is the way it's planned and this is the way it's going to be. There is no one to oppose this scenario. The two-legged herd, driven mad by propaganda, smeared with blood and festering with the sweet poison of permissiveness, is marching full speed ahead into the quicksand, clomping its hooves and waving its horns menacingly. And those individuals who understand something and have at least a vague idea about something are being trampled and thrown to the wayside.
Why did our Western partners quietly allow the Kremlin's varmints to put Alexei Navalny and Kara-Murza in jail for practically the rest of their lives?
Because Navalny and Kara-Murza are real, genuine patriots of Russia who would like to turn our country into a rich, prosperous, peaceful state.
And how can such an option suit potential competitors?
It is the Kremlin thugs, who have always kept Russia in a black body, and who are now leading it straight to ruin, who are the main hope and support of the Paleface Lords.
And if Navalny and Kara-Murza are getting in the way of the real agents trying to interfere with the well-thought-out and slow-moving operation to liquidate Russia, then they will have to shut up in their prison cells.

Such are the realities of today.

Translated from:
Would that be the same Court you don't recognise for YOUR war criminals?
I assume this is a rhetorical question? In our current reality here in the West, we have no power to dictate to a Russian strong-man government and tell them what they must do. I think this war will continue until the funding for Ukraine finally runs dry. If Trump manages to be elected, I think he will tell Ukraine that the endless free ride is over and they need to make accommodation, and end this misery before something truly horrific happens.

To Putin, he should tell him to find a way to compromise and end this slaughter of his people and the Ukrainians OR rather than stopping the flow of weapons, money, and intel to Ukraine, we will boost our efforts to help them keep grinding his forces down until he IS willing to come to the table.

If the choice was mine, I'd have a ceasefire in place, a prisoner exchange, and I'd force them to negotiate a new border that reflects Russian access to Crimea via a land route, but Russia would then have to live with a Ukraine that has joined NATO. Without that security guarantee, Putin could re-fit, re-arm, build up his forces, and come back for more in a couple of years. Once NATO is part of that equation, Ukraine will not have to constantly worry about him moving on them again.

This war has destabilized the region and has cost Russia and Ukraine half a million or so, dead, wounded, or MIA. Half a million, in 15 months :( It makes me sick to hear people on the internet talking about "Glory to Ukraine" or some such nonsense as though it was a sporting event. Von Clausewitz had a lot to say about violence being used as "politics by other means". When major powers become involved in long-term fighting, that violence is like a smoldering fire that can, at any time, suddenly spread wildly to other regions and create a far worse conflagration than the war that escalated. It is time for this to end.
There are several problems with your plan. First, this is not a war between Russia and Ukraine; it is an invasion of Ukraine by Russia, Pure imperialist aggression.

Most important, there is no "accommodation" to be made that will not lead to more aggression from Russia. All 31 members of NATO will not agree to allow Ukraine to join until they are convinced the Russian aggression in Ukraine is really over.

You have to come to terms with the facts that Trump is just talking shit about Ukraine as a way of attacking Biden, and he really doesn't have a plan for dealing with this situation.
First, this is not a war between Russia and Ukraine; it is an invasion of Ukraine by Russia, Pure imperialist aggression.
Repeated Trolling by Toomuchbooze . Unless eight years of the Kyiv Nazis attacking Donbass does not count . Or 180 000 Ukey Nazi supporters lined up on the Donbass border was coincidence and also does not count . Stop making up silly stories Boozy . Repeating rubbish endlessly still means it is rubbish . Silly boy .
This is a question not for the Russians, but for the Americans.

The same story happened with Serbian terrorists. There was a process, but they lived in their palaces until Bush came to power.
This is a question not for the Russians, but for the Americans.

The same story happened with Serbian terrorists. There was a process, but they lived in their palaces until Bush came to power.
I will start listening to that bullshit when Bill Clinton Blair and the leadership of Nato are in the Dock, until then you can do one.
I assume this is a rhetorical question? In our current reality here in the West, we have no power to dictate to a Russian strong-man government and tell them what they must do. I think this war will continue until the funding for Ukraine finally runs dry. If Trump manages to be elected, I think he will tell Ukraine that the endless free ride is over and they need to make accommodation, and end this misery before something truly horrific happens.

To Putin, he should tell him to find a way to compromise and end this slaughter of his people and the Ukrainians OR rather than stopping the flow of weapons, money, and intel to Ukraine, we will boost our efforts to help them keep grinding his forces down until he IS willing to come to the table.

If the choice was mine, I'd have a ceasefire in place, a prisoner exchange, and I'd force them to negotiate a new border that reflects Russian access to Crimea via a land route, but Russia would then have to live with a Ukraine that has joined NATO. Without that security guarantee, Putin could re-fit, re-arm, build up his forces, and come back for more in a couple of years. Once NATO is part of that equation, Ukraine will not have to constantly worry about him moving on them again.

This war has destabilized the region and has cost Russia and Ukraine half a million or so, dead, wounded, or MIA. Half a million, in 15 months :( It makes me sick to hear people on the internet talking about "Glory to Ukraine" or some such nonsense as though it was a sporting event. Von Clausewitz had a lot to say about violence being used as "politics by other means". When major powers become involved in long-term fighting, that violence is like a smoldering fire that can, at any time, suddenly spread wildly to other regions and create a far worse conflagration than the war that escalated. It is time for this to end.
Forget Ukraine in Nato, aint going to happen, Russia just won't tolerate it and never would, by the time this is over there may not be much of Ukraine left, and they only have themselves to blame, they are intoxicated with Nationalist nonsense and have prostituted their Country to the US Empire, they seem to have a slave mentality.
You are rght about one thing only OP -- it is no Sporting event . Rather, Russia have obliterared a bunch of Nazis who were about to invade Russian territory but got out - smarted and were pre-empted .Good to see Mr Putin fighting for freedom from Nazi tyrants .No wonder he is the most popular and respected leader on the planet . Do you want one of my , " We love you Volodya " t- shirts ?
You are rght about one thing only OP -- it is no Sporting event . Rather, Russia have obliterared a bunch of Nazis who were about to invade Russian territory but got out - smarted and were pre-empted .Good to see Mr Putin fighting for freedom from Nazi tyrants .No wonder he is the most popular and respected leader on the planet . Do you want one of my , " We love you Volodya " t- shirts ?
:thup: Exactly,as always the op is clueless in his babble about putin.that would be a more accurate description of biden and zelensky.Ukraine win is the biggest laugh of the year the fact the Ukraine nazis are getting their asses kicked constantly. :yes_text12:
:thup: Exactly,as always the op is clueless in his babble about putin.that would be a more accurate description of biden and zelensky.Ukraine win is the biggest laugh of the year the fact the Ukraine nazis are getting their asses kicked constantly. :yes_text12:
Yes they are, but it still gives me no pleasure to see hundreds of thousand of young men blown to hell, but the responsibility must be with them because they have been drinking the Nazi koolaid, meanwhile in Canada Trudeau making Nazism great again.
Forget Ukraine in Nato, aint going to happen, Russia just won't tolerate it and never would, by the time this is over there may not be much of Ukraine left, and they only have themselves to blame, they are intoxicated with Nationalist nonsense and have prostituted their Country to the US Empire, they seem to have a slave mentality.
Sounds like the Ukraine wants to join the free world and the USSR wants it to stay part of the empire. Not partnering with America and Europe.

Isnt Ukraine a free sovereign nation?

Like Belarus. That president lost his election and is still in power? This is Putin’s buddy? And trump loves putin..

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