Question: What would you do if your pharmacy gave you too many pills?


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
I had my medicine filled Saturday and I don't usually count them, but this morning I did and I think they gave me like 3 or 4 too many. Should I let them know? I don't want to get someone in trouble, but I am sure they will eventually find out they are short on the medicine at some point.
I had my medicine filled Saturday and I don't usually count them, but this morning I did and I think they gave me like 3 or 4 too many. Should I let them know? I don't want to get someone in trouble, but I am sure they will eventually find out they are short on the medicine at some point.
/—-/ Just call them and say what happened. You won’t get anyone in trouble. A lot of pharmacies use automatic pill counters. If it’s not calibrated correctly, the could end up short on controlled Rx and then someone would be in trouble.
I had my medicine filled Saturday and I don't usually count them, but this morning I did and I think they gave me like 3 or 4 too many. Should I let them know? I don't want to get someone in trouble, but I am sure they will eventually find out they are short on the medicine at some point.
Smoke them shits off of aluminum foil.
Dial 911
Turn yourself in and get a good lawyer.

You are now a felon for possessing an over amount of unprescribed controlled substances
It was a trick. You sir are DONE


don't post this on the internet and just use them
I had my medicine filled Saturday and I don't usually count them, but this morning I did and I think they gave me like 3 or 4 too many. Should I let them know? I don't want to get someone in trouble, but I am sure they will eventually find out they are short on the medicine at some point.
Is this a trick question ?
I've heard of being too honest, but you can't be serious.
In 1971, I witnessed a friend of mine deface coins by
placing them on the railroad tracks to be run over by the train.
Should I inform the FBI ?
I had my medicine filled Saturday and I don't usually count them, but this morning I did and I think they gave me like 3 or 4 too many. Should I let them know? I don't want to get someone in trouble, but I am sure they will eventually find out they are short on the medicine at some point.
Is this a trick question ?
I've heard of being too honest, but you can't be serious.

No? If a pharmacy comes up short on a controlled substance they can get in serious trouble. At the same time if someone gets caught giving out too many they can get in trouble. If read from some people that if I let them know they could tell my doctor, and it would show them I am honest about taking my meds as prescribed which can help a lot in the long run given the way patients are treated by doctors nowadays.
In 1971, I witnessed a friend of mine deface coins by
placing them on the railroad tracks to be run over by the train.
Should I inform the FBI ?View attachment 367724

Not even remotely the same thing. They have machines at Disney World where you can turn coins into Disney emblems... If you aren't going to stick to the topic and be serious, don't post. Thanks.
No? If a pharmacy comes up short on a controlled substance they can get in serious trouble. At the same time if someone gets caught giving out too many they can get in trouble. If read from some people that if I let them know they could tell my doctor, and it would show them I am honest about taking my meds as prescribed which can help a lot in the long run given the way patients are treated by doctors nowadays.
I wouldn't know since I grow my own medicine.
Yeah I am not into marijuana, but if it were legal, and if I could get it as a prescription I would use it instead of what I get now. I've just never had this happen.
Break the law or move.
I've been doing it over 40 years- probably what's kept me alive.
That's me a month ago in the I look 58 ?
If you aren't going to stick to the topic and be serious, don't post.

"What would you do if your pharmacy gave you too many pills?"
If it's a small neighborhood pharmacy, I might inform them discreetly about it, but a big corporation like Walmart or CVS that buys pills in large quantities, I'm sure their is a fairly liberal margin of error on the pill counts, unless some red flags start showing up, in which case they could likely back-track to the guilty employee.
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I had my medicine filled Saturday and I don't usually count them

Pretty sure you can't OD. You'll just get a wicked case of the munchies.
I've heard you can on some of the high dosage edibles.
But you can OD on too much of anything.

I use Kratom every now and again, and it really doesn't help much. I did try the legal CBD here and it did absolutely nothing for me.
I use Kratom every now and again, and it really doesn't help much. I did try the legal CBD here and it did absolutely nothing for me.
You're from KENTUCKY and you can't find any good cannabis ?
That's like saying you can't find any peaches in Georgia. My Mom is from Lexington.....I lived with my grandparents in Nicholasville and worked on a 200 acre horse farm for a year and got to know the main horse trainer who grew tons of red bud ( Really high quality) back near one of the ponds. I was the only one who knew about them and he would sell it to me practically free.
I use Kratom every now and again, and it really doesn't help much. I did try the legal CBD here and it did absolutely nothing for me.
You're from KENTUCKY and you can't find any good cannabis.
That's like saying you can't find any peaches in Georgia. My Mom is from Lexington.....I lived with my grandparents in Nicholasville and worked on a 200 acre horse farm for a year and got to know the main horse trainer who grew tons of red bud back near one of the ponds. I was the only one who knew about them and he would sell it to me practically free.

It isn't about finding it. I can't use it. I am drug tested at least every 2 months at the doctor's office and it is not legal here.
It isn't about finding it. I can't use it. I am drug tested at least every 2 months at the doctor's office and it is not legal here.
Been there myself.
Hard to fool those tests.

If you have someone else's clean fresh urine at body temperature to
fill the vial I've heard is the only fool-proof way.( and if they're watching that's probably a no-go)

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