Zone1 Questioning the Book of Mormon

Your judgement is unrighteous.

I'm sorry to say that you belong to a religion that says no coffee, but you can chug as many energy drinks and/or sodas as you want.

Who's rejecting me? Mormons?
Kind of like what happened with the election and how people realized how evil and liars the Democrats and Harris are. And, what happened in the election and since. People don't like people who attack other's beliefs in an evil way like you do. In other words, you aren't sweet.
Kind of like what happened with the election and how people realized how evil and liars the Democrats and Harris are. And, what happened in the election and since. People don't like people who attack other's beliefs in an evil way like you do. In other words, you aren't sweet.
Was I attacking your beliefs in an evil way when I said the universe wasn't created from existing matter like your prophet said it was? Or that we are God's creatures; nothing more, nothing less? Or that there aren't multiple gods? Or that you won't become a god?

Or was I disagreeing with some of your religious based beliefs?
People don't like people who attack other's beliefs
Are you kidding? That's the norm around here and in politics. So maybe what you mean to say is that people don't like people who attack their beliefs. Because they seem perfectly fine with attacking other people's beliefs as long as it's not their own.
Was I attacking your beliefs in an evil way when I said the universe wasn't created from existing matter like your prophet said it was? Or that we are God's creatures; nothing more, nothing less? Or that there aren't multiple gods? Or that you won't become a god?

Or was I disagreeing with some of your religious based beliefs?
The way you state things is different than the way Sweet(less)Sue92 does. She attacks and belittles. You simply state your opinions whether true or not true, whether logical or illogical. I point out the logic within context such as Jesus was talking specifically to those asking the question, the rabbis of the Jews. So, his response was specifically to the rabbis of the Jews telling them they are also gods. Note the small (g) representing what Psalms 82:6 says after telling the people they are gods, "But children of the Most High.) Which simply means, our Father in Heaven will always be our Father in Heaven, even when we are a God for our own universe and receive the building blocks of our own universe. We will never be God to this universe. But, certainly with our own that we construct if we make it to the highest degree of the 3rd Heaven of Glory, the Celestial Glory as stated in 1Corinthians chapter 15.
You simply state your opinions whether true or not true, whether logical or illogical. I point out the logic within context such as Jesus was talking specifically to those asking the question, the rabbis of the Jews. So, his response was specifically to the rabbis of the Jews telling them they are also gods. Note the small (g) representing what Psalms 82:6 says after telling the people they are gods, "But children of the Most High.) Which simply means, our Father in Heaven will always be our Father in Heaven, even when we are a God for our own universe and receive the building blocks of our own universe. We will never be God to this universe. But, certainly with our own that we construct if we make it to the highest degree of the 3rd Heaven of Glory, the Celestial Glory as stated in 1Corinthians chapter 15.
That's odd because I see it a different way. I find you to be very dogmatic. I find you to skew your beliefs to the belief of the church at all costs. I on the other hand will disagree with my church where it is warranted.
Are you kidding? That's the norm around here and in politics. So maybe what you mean to say is that people don't like people who attack their beliefs. Because they seem perfectly fine with attacking other people's beliefs as long as it's not their own.
I gave you the reason Sweetless does her thing the other way than you do. So, pat yourself on the back as I continue to attempt to logically reason with you the scriptures.
I'm sorry to say that you belong to a religion that says no coffee, but you can chug as many energy drinks and/or sodas as you want.

In our faith we adhere to a a strict dietary discipline given to us by God known as the Word of Wisdom. It is a revelation given to promote the temporal health and longevity of any who adhere to its principles. Faithful members tend to show that adhering to these principles has overall granted us a longer life span.

UCLA study proves Mormons live longer​

Published: April 13, 2010, 12:17 a.m. MDT

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By Deseret News, Mark W. Cannon and Danielle Stockton

  • Second in a three-part series.Mormon men live 10 years longer than other U.S. white males.Mormon women live more than five years longer than other U.S. white females.Those are the among the results of a 25-year study into the health habits and the longevity of the Mormon lifestyle by non-Mormon UCLA professors James E. Enstrom and Lester Breslow, who summarized their research with the conclusion: "Several healthy characteristics of the Mormon lifestyle are associated with substantially reduced death rates and increased life expectancy."The study, conducted from 1980 to 2004, included information from questionnaire responses by more than 9,800 faithful Mormon couples and concluded that practicing Mormons in California had the lowest total death rates and the longest life expectancies ever documented in a well-defined U.S. cohort. The authors concluded the findings suggest a model for substantial disease prevention in the general population.Mormons live by a health code called the "Word of Wisdom." They abstain from alcohol, tobacco, tea and coffee because the body is the temple of the spirit (I Cor. 3:16-17).The study revealed Mormon males had a life expectancy of 84.1 years — 9.8 years longer than that of U.S. white males. Mormon females had a life expectancy of 86.1 years — 5.6 years longer than U.S. white females.Enstrom explained in a telephone interview that there was less difference in the comparison of women than of men because women generally live substantially longer than men because of fewer risk factors in their occupations and lives.Another staggeringly significant fact to emerge from the study: The more strictly and constantly Mormons followed Mormon lifestyle elements, the longer they live.Other interesting findings from the study include:Religiously active LDS men, i.e. high priests, have 40 percent less chance, on average over the years, of dying than white American men.
  • Active Mormon women have 27 percent less chance, on average over the years, of dying than white American women.
  • Mormon men who never smoked, attend church at least weekly, obtained at least 12 years of education and are married have a 50 percent less chance, on average over the years, of dying than their national counterparts.
  • Mormon women who do the same things have a 34 percent less chance, on average over the years, of dying than their counterparts. These are called optimal Mormon groups in the study.
  • The probability of death is lowered to 52 percent for Mormon men and 40 percent for Mormon women who consistently live the Word of Wisdom, based on the measurement of moderate body mass index.
  • If you add regular physical activity and seven to eight hours of sleep per night, the probability of death is 56 percent less for Mormon men and 43 percent less for Mormon women than their counterparts.
The results of Enstrom and Breslow's study were published in "Preventive Medicine" in 2008. Since the study was published, Enstrom has not seen anything that contradicted his conclusions."Active California Mormons practice a healthy lifestyle advocated by their religion, which emphasizes a strong family life, education and abstention from tobacco and alcohol," Enstrom said.The low mortality findings are consistent with earlier studies which found low rates of cancer in Mormons.

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Notes: Mark W. Cannon is a former chairman of the BYU Political Science Department. He has held high level positions in each of the three branches of the federal government, including being staff director for the Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution. His Ph.D. is in Political Economy and Government from Harvard University.Danielle Stockton is a recent convert to the LDS Church. She was editor of the student newspaper at the elite Madeira School in Virginia. She now attends BYU.
I gave you the reason Sweetless does her thing the other way than you do. So, pat yourself on the back as I continue to attempt to logically reason with you the scriptures.
The dunning effect is strong in you.
Kind of like what happened with the election and how people realized how evil and liars the Democrats and Harris are. And, what happened in the election and since. People don't like people who attack other's beliefs in an evil way like you do. In other words, you aren't sweet.

You started a thread called "Questioning the Book of Mormon" and we're not supposed to state our opinion? Okay
In our faith we adhere to a a strict dietary discipline given to us by God known as the Word of Wisdom. It is a revelation given to promote the temporal health and longevity of any who adhere to its principles. Faithful members tend to show that adhering to these principles has overall granted us a longer life span.

UCLA study proves Mormons live longer​

Published: April 13, 2010, 12:17 a.m. MDT

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By Deseret News, Mark W. Cannon and Danielle Stockton

  • Second in a three-part series.Mormon men live 10 years longer than other U.S. white males.Mormon women live more than five years longer than other U.S. white females.Those are the among the results of a 25-year study into the health habits and the longevity of the Mormon lifestyle by non-Mormon UCLA professors James E. Enstrom and Lester Breslow, who summarized their research with the conclusion: "Several healthy characteristics of the Mormon lifestyle are associated with substantially reduced death rates and increased life expectancy."The study, conducted from 1980 to 2004, included information from questionnaire responses by more than 9,800 faithful Mormon couples and concluded that practicing Mormons in California had the lowest total death rates and the longest life expectancies ever documented in a well-defined U.S. cohort. The authors concluded the findings suggest a model for substantial disease prevention in the general population.Mormons live by a health code called the "Word of Wisdom." They abstain from alcohol, tobacco, tea and coffee because the body is the temple of the spirit (I Cor. 3:16-17).The study revealed Mormon males had a life expectancy of 84.1 years — 9.8 years longer than that of U.S. white males. Mormon females had a life expectancy of 86.1 years — 5.6 years longer than U.S. white females.Enstrom explained in a telephone interview that there was less difference in the comparison of women than of men because women generally live substantially longer than men because of fewer risk factors in their occupations and lives.Another staggeringly significant fact to emerge from the study: The more strictly and constantly Mormons followed Mormon lifestyle elements, the longer they live.Other interesting findings from the study include:Religiously active LDS men, i.e. high priests, have 40 percent less chance, on average over the years, of dying than white American men.
  • Active Mormon women have 27 percent less chance, on average over the years, of dying than white American women.
  • Mormon men who never smoked, attend church at least weekly, obtained at least 12 years of education and are married have a 50 percent less chance, on average over the years, of dying than their national counterparts.
  • Mormon women who do the same things have a 34 percent less chance, on average over the years, of dying than their counterparts. These are called optimal Mormon groups in the study.
  • The probability of death is lowered to 52 percent for Mormon men and 40 percent for Mormon women who consistently live the Word of Wisdom, based on the measurement of moderate body mass index.
  • If you add regular physical activity and seven to eight hours of sleep per night, the probability of death is 56 percent less for Mormon men and 43 percent less for Mormon women than their counterparts.
The results of Enstrom and Breslow's study were published in "Preventive Medicine" in 2008. Since the study was published, Enstrom has not seen anything that contradicted his conclusions."Active California Mormons practice a healthy lifestyle advocated by their religion, which emphasizes a strong family life, education and abstention from tobacco and alcohol," Enstrom said.The low mortality findings are consistent with earlier studies which found low rates of cancer in Mormons.

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Notes: Mark W. Cannon is a former chairman of the BYU Political Science Department. He has held high level positions in each of the three branches of the federal government, including being staff director for the Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution. His Ph.D. is in Political Economy and Government from Harvard University.Danielle Stockton is a recent convert to the LDS Church. She was editor of the student newspaper at the elite Madeira School in Virginia. She now attends BYU.

Except that coffee has real health benefits in moderate doses, while soda has absolutely none. So that really makes no sense.
Except that coffee has real health benefits in moderate doses, while soda has absolutely none. So that really makes no sense.
Here is the actual revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith regarding the Word of Wisdom:

Doctrine and Covenants
Section 89

Revelation given through Joseph Smith the Prophet, at Kirtland, Ohio, February 27, 1833. As a consequence of the early brethren using tobacco in their meetings, the Prophet was led to ponder upon the matter; consequently, he inquired of the Lord concerning it. This revelation, known as the Word of Wisdom, was the result.

1–9, The use of wine, strong drinks, tobacco, and hot drinks is proscribed; 10–17, Herbs, fruits, flesh, and grain are ordained for the use of man and of animals; 18–21, Obedience to gospel law, including the Word of Wisdom, brings temporal and spiritual blessings.

1 A Word of Wisdom, for the benefit of the council of high priests, assembled in Kirtland, and the church, and also the saints in Zion—
2 To be sent greeting; not by commandment or constraint, but by revelation and the word of wisdom, showing forth the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days—
3 Given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints, who are or can be called saints.
4 Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation—
5 That inasmuch as any man drinketh wine or strong drink among you, behold it is not good, neither meet in the sight of your Father, only in assembling yourselves together to offer up your sacraments before him.
6 And, behold, this should be wine, yea, pure wine of the grape of the vine, of your own make.
7 And, again, strong drinks are not for the belly, but for the washing of your bodies.
8 And again, tobacco is not for the body, neither for the belly, and is not good for man, but is an herb for bruises and all sick cattle, to be used with judgment and skill.
9 And again, hot drinks are not for the body or belly.
10 And again, verily I say unto you, all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man—
11 Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.
12 Yea, flesh also of beasts and of the fowls of the air, I, the Lord, have ordained for the use of man with thanksgiving; nevertheless they are to be used sparingly;
13 And it is pleasing unto me that they should not be used, only in times of winter, or of cold, or famine.
14 All grain is ordained for the use of man and of beasts, to be the staff of life, not only for man but for the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven, and all wild animals that run or creep on the earth;
15 And these hath God made for the use of man only in times of famine and excess of hunger.
16 All grain is good for the food of man; as also the fruit of the vine; that which yieldeth fruit, whether in the ground or above the ground—
17 Nevertheless, wheat for man, and corn for the ox, and oats for the horse, and rye for the fowls and for swine, and for all beasts of the field, and barley for all useful animals, and for mild drinks, as also other grain.
18 And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones;
19 And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures;
20 And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.
21 And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen.

Soft drinks were not even that popular by 1833 and were not a big concern within society. Sure, God could have given a mega volume discourse on all the detriments of all foods, past, present, and future in our society but he didn't. He only mentioned those which He deemed to be of a greater detriment at the time the revelation was given that were in heavy use among the saints.

Effects of Drinking Coffee​

Based on the provided search results, here are the detrimental effects of drinking coffee:
  1. Increased urination: Caffeine is a diuretic, causing the body to eliminate more water and increasing the need to urinate.
  2. Insomnia and disrupted sleep: Consuming coffee too close to bedtime can interfere with sleep quality and duration.
  3. Anxiety and jitteriness: High levels of caffeine can cause feelings of anxiety, jitteriness, and an increased heart rate.
  4. Stomach upset and acid reflux: Caffeine can increase stomach acid production, leading to heartburn, acid reflux, and stomach discomfort.
  5. Dehydration: Caffeine’s diuretic effect can lead to dehydration if not balanced with sufficient water intake.
  6. Addiction and withdrawal symptoms: Regular consumption of high amounts of caffeine can lead to physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms when consumption is stopped or reduced.
  7. Increased heart rate and blood pressure: Caffeine can cause a temporary increase in heart rate and blood pressure, which may be problematic for people with pre-existing heart conditions.
  8. Rhabdomyolysis: In rare cases, extremely high doses of caffeine (e.g., from energy drinks or supplements) can cause muscle damage and kidney failure.
  9. Interference with medication absorption: Caffeine can reduce the absorption of certain medications, such as antibiotics and blood thinners.
  10. Increased risk of osteoporosis: High caffeine intake (>4 cups/day) may increase the risk of osteoporosis, particularly in women.
It’s essential to note that these detrimental effects can vary depending on individual tolerance, consumption levels, and overall health. Moderate coffee consumption (2-3 cups per day) is generally considered safe for most adults, but it’s crucial to be aware of these potential risks and adjust consumption accordingly.

But you are right that we should take note and try not to consume things that are harmful to our bodies even if they are not mentioned in the Word of Wisdom. It is generally good advice to eat healthy and exercise so that our temporal salvation on this earth can be prolonged and we can live healthy long lives.
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I'm not belittling her belief. I'm responding to her hatred.
You are rationalizing your bad behavior is what you are doing.

Adam did you eat the apple? The woman YOU made gave it to me.

Basically you are saying your being disrespectful wasn't YOUR fault, it was HER fault. I guess she deserved it, huh? I wonder how many wife beaters made that argument? She had it coming.

Your excuses won't work with God.
You started a thread called "Questioning the Book of Mormon" and we're not supposed to state our opinion? Okay
State your opinions with real references instead of biased hatred. Start with that...
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