Quid Pro Joe O'Biden Bama gonna give daily Chinese Flu briefings.

I'm sure his ratings will soar. Wonder who will put them on?
CNN< MSNBC...they will probably replace the Trump briefings with Bidens… he has all the experts and scientists in the bedrooms waiting to speak.
I have just seen Biden giving his briefing. He should do this daily with reruns several times a day.

He seemed to not know where he was or what he was doing. Biden briefings are clearly Trump political ads. That Trump doesn't have to pay for.
I'm sure his ratings will soar. Wonder who will put them on?
CNN< MSNBC...they will probably replace the Trump briefings with Bidens… he has all the experts and scientists in the bedrooms waiting to speak.
I have just seen Biden giving his briefing. He should do this daily with reruns several times a day.
Was it funny? I saw part of it where he was trying to get the man who was rolling the speech to hurry up and he forgot what he was taking about. Very funny.

The country needs comic relief these days.

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On Sunday evening, the all-but-certain Democratic presidential nominee held a virtual fundraiser from his home in Wilmington, Del., and he told donors, “They put in a new high-speed line into my home, they've converted a recreation room, basically, into a television studio. So beginning tomorrow, I guess tomorrow, I'm making the first presentation.”

Biden's move to essentially hold his own briefings amid the coronavirus pandemic is unusual, considering they are sure to offer a starkly different message than the daily briefings out of the White House during a time of national emergency.

Just because the nation's whore-in-chief calls it the "Chinese" virus doesn't mean that everybody should. You people need to stop parroting this trash and this sick attempt to stir up bigotry.

It came from China, Snowflake.

Yeah. It came from China. The nation's pig-in-chief wants everyone to know this so that all people who look Asian can be targeted by the ignorant. I saw a TV reporter yesterday who was targeted for insults by some cheap tramp. Her name was on the screen. She was not even of Chinese background. She clearly was of Lao or Cambodian background. But even if she was of Chinese background, why should it be okay for her to be insulted?

I'm insulted Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, and Schiff are so called American's.
Democrats now realize what a disaster the muppet brothers are. Bernie is an unelectable communist and Joey is senile. They made a mistake. Get out as soon as possible
Democrats now realize what a disaster the muppet brothers are. Bernie is an unelectable communist and Joey is senile. They made a mistake. Get out as soon as possible
I could see that happening, although I doubt if he would run if New York was still in trouble. He seems like that kind of guy.
Trump is using his in place of his normal pep rallies, seems only fair

I cheer this impending debacle.

And if Trump wasn't doing daily briefings you would be whining and crying that he doesn't care.

He does not care, he just needed something to take the place of his pep rallies

Thanks for proving my point.
Next week Biden will do one of his 'campaign rallies' from his basement while he is eating a taco.
I guess his campaign handlers couldn't figure out how to mic Biden up. The empty suit had to speak into his cell phone.
I can't find today's briefing. Don't tell me they already pulled the plug on Plugs....(oops, poor choice of words)
I guess ol Joe cured the Chinese virus. He isn't doing his daily briefings after Day 1.
I guess ol Joe cured the Chinese virus. He isn't doing his daily briefings after Day 1.

That's because Jill had to tell him at the end of the 1st briefing that it was done as Joe continued to stare blankly into the camera.
What a shitshow!

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