Quinippeac called my father last week for a poll...


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
My father is 100% Latvian and his parents fled Latvia during Russian occupation during WWII. My great grandfather was sent to the Gulag to die by Stalin. Latvia was previously occupied by the Nazis, who actually built concentration camps in Latvia. (The little background is relevant)

My father knows totalitarianism and the horrors of socialism and fascism as told to him by his parents.

As a result, he has been a staunch conservative his entire life.

So when the pollster called him last week and asked who he will vote for, he said he is voting BIDEN, although he is voting Trump.

I wonder how many Trump supporters are telling pollsters they are voting for Biden like my father did.

Side note, about 3 days after the pollster called my father, he started receiving Biden solicitations for donations in the mail and he has never gotten anything before. He suspects the pollsters sell their data to the campaigns. I am sure this happens on both sides.

I think there are a lot of them telling the pollsters they are voting for Biden,

That is why we can't be complacent.
Some Dem operatives have been texting me asking if I support Biden and some other local worthless Dem shits. I give them confusing answers if I respond at all.
My father is 100% Latvian and his parents fled Latvia during Russian occupation during WWII. My great grandfather was sent to the Gulag to die by Stalin. Latvia was previously occupied by the Nazis, who actually built concentration camps in Latvia. (The little background is relevant)

My father knows totalitarianism and the horrors of socialism and fascism as told to him by his parents.

As a result, he has been a staunch conservative his entire life.

So when the pollster called him last week and asked who he will vote for, he said he is voting BIDEN, although he is voting Trump.

I wonder how many Trump supporters are telling pollsters they are voting for Biden like my father did.

Side note, about 3 days after the pollster called my father, he started receiving Biden solicitations for donations in the mail and he has never gotten anything before. He suspects the pollsters sell their data to the campaigns. I am sure this happens on both sides.

I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Why is your father so dishonest?
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I think there are a lot of them telling the pollsters they are voting for Biden,

That is why we can't be complacent.
Yes all the dregs with no jobs who have time to answer their cell phones for useless conversations.
I am anal-compulsive, and when I DO agree to be questioned by a pollster - which is about half the time - I am scrupulously honest and candid.

Polling is an important aspect of the information that one can gather in making life's decisions. It is a civil "sin" to lie to a pollster, unless it is a push-poll or some other bogus exercise.
I am anal-compulsive, and when I DO agree to be questioned by a pollster - which is about half the time - I am scrupulously honest and candid.

Polling is an important aspect of the information that one can gather in making life's decisions. It is a civil "sin" to lie to a pollster, unless it is a push-poll or some other bogus exercise.
Baloney. Biased polls are there to influence people the way the pollster wants them influenced, nothing more. Waste of time.
My father is 100% Latvian and his parents fled Latvia during Russian occupation during WWII. My great grandfather was sent to the Gulag to die by Stalin. Latvia was previously occupied by the Nazis, who actually built concentration camps in Latvia. (The little background is relevant)

My father knows totalitarianism and the horrors of socialism and fascism as told to him by his parents.

As a result, he has been a staunch conservative his entire life.

So when the pollster called him last week and asked who he will vote for, he said he is voting BIDEN, although he is voting Trump.

I wonder how many Trump supporters are telling pollsters they are voting for Biden like my father did.

Side note, about 3 days after the pollster called my father, he started receiving Biden solicitations for donations in the mail and he has never gotten anything before. He suspects the pollsters sell their data to the campaigns. I am sure this happens on both sides.

We know what is going on with the fake polls and the fake news.
My father is 100% Latvian and his parents fled Latvia during Russian occupation during WWII. My great grandfather was sent to the Gulag to die by Stalin. Latvia was previously occupied by the Nazis, who actually built concentration camps in Latvia. (The little background is relevant)

My father knows totalitarianism and the horrors of socialism and fascism as told to him by his parents.

As a result, he has been a staunch conservative his entire life.

So when the pollster called him last week and asked who he will vote for, he said he is voting BIDEN, although he is voting Trump.

I wonder how many Trump supporters are telling pollsters they are voting for Biden like my father did.

Side note, about 3 days after the pollster called my father, he started receiving Biden solicitations for donations in the mail and he has never gotten anything before. He suspects the pollsters sell their data to the campaigns. I am sure this happens on both sides.

I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Why is your father so dishonest?
Family attack reported, bugaboo.
I wonder how many Trump supporters are telling pollsters they are voting for Biden like my father did.

Not enough to cause this massive gap in the polls. Biden will be the next president.

You said Hillary was going to win. Are you just as certain Biden will win?

You should vote Trump instead of that useless idiot Jo Jorgensen.
This election will be decided by how many votes for biden the dems can stuff into the mail-in ballot boxes

it will be so easy they wont even need to wake the dead this time

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