Racism. Face To Face VS. Internet.

Asclepias said:
No. Whites are the reason there is crime and poverty in some Black communities. We know this because for years Blacks had great communities until whites started bombing them or burning them to the ground.

Go to Detroit, a majority black city. You have black mayors from 1974-2014, a majority black city government, a majority black police department, and mostly black street gangs.

Religious extremists oppurtunize on absolving away the struggles of Detroit citizens. It is easy to blame the white man for why your ass is still living in the ghetto, collecting welfare, smoking dope, fraternizing with thugs, and serving fried chicken for minimum wage. It is much harder to accept responsibility for the shit in your own community and to actually do something about it (and Detroit citizens happen to be some of the laziest deadbeat sycophants in the entire world)

I know you and confused and all about whether you want to play the role of the empowered community member or the victimized child, but you best start choosing, because they are in fact mutually exclusive.
Asclepias said:
No. Whites are the reason there is crime and poverty in some Black communities. We know this because for years Blacks had great communities until whites started bombing them or burning them to the ground.

Go to Detroit, a majority black city. You have black mayors from 1974-2014, a majority black city government, a majority black police department, and mostly black street gangs.

Religious extremists oppurtunize on absolving away the struggles of Detroit citizens. It is easy to blame the white man for why your ass is still living in the ghetto, collecting welfare, smoking dope, fraternizing with thugs, and serving fried chicken for minimum wage. It is much harder to accept responsibility for the shit in your own community and actually do something about it (and Detroit citizens happen to be some of the laziest deadbeat sycophants in the entire world)

This is contradictory to my beliefs, but maybe it would not be such a bad thing if someone finally went in and purged these fanatical divisive assholes like the Nation of Islam from the earth.
All poor Blacks dont live in Detroit. What are you talking about?
All poor Blacks dont live in Detroit. What are you talking about?

Highest crime rate in the country, largest city relative to the most government corruption, most impovershed large city in the United States, largest city to file for bankruptcy, and the worse police response times in the nation.

Stop deflecting, because you risk sounding like a broken record.
All poor Blacks dont live in Detroit. What are you talking about?

Highest crime rate in the country, largest city relative to the most government corruption, most impovershed large city in the United States, largest city to file for bankruptcy, and the worse police response times in the nation.

Stop deflecting, because you risk sounding like a broken record.
Highest lack of jobs and economic upward mobility too. This is due to whites pulling the jobs out of Detroit. However one city doesnt make your point even if it wasnt the fault of whites.
This is due to whites pulling the jobs out of Detroit.

So it is white skins fault because they did not entitle black skins with private sector job occupations? Seriously?

However one city doesnt make your point even if it wasnt the fault of whites.

And a majority of cities does not warrant your generalized assertions. If you can make exceptions to the rule, then the rule is bullshit.
This is due to whites pulling the jobs out of Detroit.

So it is white skins fault because they did not entitle black skins with private sector job occupations? Seriously?

However one city doesnt make your point even if it wasnt the fault of whites.

And a majority of cities does not warrant your generalized assertions. If you can make exceptions to the rule, then the rule is bullshit.

Yes. Those white businesses were handed down from the time of white AA. Whites had 400 years of white only affirmative action so they own all the jobs. We know they are still racists because a white high school grad has just as much chance of getting a job as a college educated Black guy. Not to mention Black people are screened out of interviews if their names sound too Black.

All white majority cities are filled with racist whites. Gimme a break. You cant name one that doesnt have racists there.
Yes. Those white businesses were handed down from the time of white AA. Whites had 400 years of white only affirmative action so they own all the jobs. We know they are still racists because a white high school grad has just as much chance of getting a job as a college educated Black guy. Not to mention Black people are screened out of interviews if their names sound too Black.

I see you have decided to adopt your victimized child persona for this conversation.

This is all irrelevant if you acknowledge that black skin human beings are not entitled to jobs. If you deny entitlement, then it is not any groups fault that black skin human beings do not have jobs besides black skin human beings. If you do acknowledge entitlement, then I am sure we can have a fun debate on how nobody is entitled to shit.

All white majority cities are filled with racist whites. Gimme a break. You cant name one that doesnt have racists there.

All majority black cities are filled with racist blacks. Detroit is a prime example.

Detroit is not a white majority city though, so I will bypass your irreverence
Yes. Those white businesses were handed down from the time of white AA. Whites had 400 years of white only affirmative action so they own all the jobs. We know they are still racists because a white high school grad has just as much chance of getting a job as a college educated Black guy. Not to mention Black people are screened out of interviews if their names sound too Black.

I see you have decided to adopt your victimized child persona for this conversation.

This is all irrelevant if you acknowledge that black skin human beings are not entitled to jobs. If you deny entitlement, then it is not any groups fault that black skin human beings do not have jobs besides black skin human beings. If you do acknowledge entitlement, then I am sure we can have a fun debate on how nobody is entitled to shit.

All white majority cities are filled with racist whites. Gimme a break. You cant name one that doesnt have racists there.

All majority black cities are filled with racist blacks. Detroit is a prime example.

Detroit is not a white majority city though, so I will bypass your irreverence
I see you have decided to pretend whites didnt have 400 years of entitlement soley for white males. Get back to me when Blacks have had 400 years of unfettered affirmative action and own everything.

Doesnt matter if all the Blacks in Detroit are racist. They dont own the systems and jobs to keep whites oppressed.
I see you have decided to pretend whites didnt have 400 years of entitlement soley for white males. Get back to me when Blacks have had 400 years of unfettered affirmative action and own everything.

So 400 years need to go by before "black communities" can own up to their own shit?

How did you come up with that arbitrary period of time?

Doesnt matter if all the Blacks in Detroit are racist. They dont own the systems and jobs to keep whites oppressed.

No, but they do own the government and have all the resources necessary to liberate themselves from the ghetto and the ire of government assistance. That has been the case for quite some time, but it still has not happened.
I see you have decided to pretend whites didnt have 400 years of entitlement soley for white males. Get back to me when Blacks have had 400 years of unfettered affirmative action and own everything.

So 400 years need to go by before "black communities" can own up to their own shit?

How did you come up with that arbitrary period of time?

Doesnt matter if all the Blacks in Detroit are racist. They dont own the systems and jobs to keep whites oppressed.

No, but they do own the government and have all the resources necessary to liberate themselves from the ghetto and the ire of government assistance. That has been the case for quite some time, but it still has not happened.
Exactly. thats why I said wake me when Blacks have 400 years of affirmative action like whites did and own everything. I didnt come up with an arbitrary time.

No they dont own the government. Try again.
Exactly. thats why I said wake me when Blacks have 400 years of affirmative action like whites did and own everything. I didnt come up with an arbitrary time.

That makes no sense.

Using the same logic, it would be morally justified to enslave white people for 400 years, because it would only be fair. Eye for an eye and all, you know...

No they dont own the government. Try again.

Besides having black mayors from 1974-2014, a majority black government, majority black police, and the majority of government employees being black?

Remember, I am still talking about Detroit. I do not see the oppression, and therefore I do not see the validity of excusing the struggles of black Detroit citizens on the white man.
Exactly. thats why I said wake me when Blacks have 400 years of affirmative action like whites did and own everything. I didnt come up with an arbitrary time.

That makes no sense.

Using the same logic, it would be morally justified to enslave white people for 400 years, because it would only be fair. Eye for an eye and all, you know...

No they dont own the government. Try again.

Besides having black mayors from 1974-2014, a majority black government, majority black police, and the majority of government employees being black?

Remember, I am still talking about Detroit.
Thats silly white logic. I merely said give us 400 years of unfettered AA. We dont need to hold people back we claim are inferior like whites did.

Mayors? Wake me when we have that length of time as presidents.
Thats silly white logic. I merely said give us 400 years of unfettered AA. We dont need to hold people back we claim are inferior like whites did.

You have the mentality of a self victimizing child.

What you are describing is entitlement. You are excusing all accountability on the basis of history, because in your care bear world, "victims" are entitled to the right to not be criticized for a period equal to that of the victimizers.

My "silly white logic" is exposing the bullshit in your intellectually dishonest idiocy.

Mayors? Wake me when we have that length of time as presidents.

Again with the arbitrary periods of time.

Are you saying that it takes that specific period of time for the "black community" to uproot itself from the ghettos?
Thats silly white logic. I merely said give us 400 years of unfettered AA. We dont need to hold people back we claim are inferior like whites did.

You have the mentality of a self victimizing child.

What you are describing is entitlement. You are excusing all accountability on the basis of history, because in your care bear world, "victims" are entitled to the right to not be criticized for a period equal to that of the victimizers.

My "silly white logic" is exposing the bullshit in your intellectually dishonest idiocy.

Mayors? Wake me when we have that length of time as presidents.

Again with the arbitrary periods of time.

Are you saying that it takes the relative amount of time for the "black community" to uproot itself from the ghettos?
I disagree. If I was a victim I would be good with enslaving whites for 310 years then the additional 90 years of AA. its silly white logic you are espousing.

You are the one that gave us the time period. We wouldnt need Black presidents for the same length of time whites had only white presidents. 60 years would be fine.

Yes. That and to shake off white philosophy and undo the centuries of brain washing.
Another victory for anti-racist action. Another notch in my keyboard.

Good night folks!
So if you can overcome it then it is an excuse to say crime and pocerty in black neighborhoods is "because of whites". You said you can overcome it. Why can't blacks? 25% don't graduate high school compared to 10% whites. Who's fault is this?

Oh, and I have never had a black guy ever talk shit to me when by himself except for that one guy who subtly smack his lips but I have had black guys be overtly rude when there was a gaggle of them but never had one dare when he was alone. I admit I don't look like someone you want to fuck with unless you have friends to step in when things go horribly wrong
No. Whites are the reason there is crime and poverty in some Black communities. We know this because for years Blacks had great communities until whites started bombing them or burning them to the ground. Yes it can be overcome but Blacks have to shake of the white philosophy, educate themselves against the white lies taught to them, and outwork whites even when they place obstacles in your way.

You dont have to lie to me. We have no way of verifying that you are the lone exception to the rule about timid white guys.
Blackish is addressing the shit we talk about. The dad is realizing that white people don't fear you anymore. The wife made him wave to the white neighbors and wear the same sneakers 2 days in a row. Lol
Blackish is a tv show not real life. Maybe white guys should watch it and get braver?
Blackish also shows white people if you raise black kids in the white suburbs they won't grow up with a chip on their shoulder. They won't know racism.
BS. My wife and brother in law were raised in a wealthy white neighborhood. They experienced racism that wouldnt have occurred had it been more diverse. They were literally 1 of 2 Black families in the school. Both cant stand white people to this day.
I was 1 of 3 whites in an all black school and I experienced a lot of racism but I don't hate blacks. I now have empathy for them.

And I remember in the 80s I'm sure the one black kid in our school experienced racism but today it's not that bad. I learned this on blackish. Lol
Is the way you debate race issues on the Internet, the same way you debate race issues in real life?

Do you debate race issues in real life?
Or does the anonymity of the web, empower you to debate, in a manner you otherwise wouldn't?

I do not debate race issues in real life, because most grievances regarding race are bullshit.

Institutionalized racism is hardly existent and racial extremists are pathetic individuals that do not warrant the attention they receive. The overblown and often imaginary war on racial cognitive biases is rendered meaningless in the free market, which values capital and labor before skin color.
Unfortunately a lot of white hiring managers have bad opinion of blacks so racism does still exist and matter
Anything I say online I would say in person. Its just the way I am. I've never met a white person (other than a few white women) brave enough to say some of the things I've seen on this site. The old axiom holds true. White male racists are the biggest cowards on the face of the planet.

I've only debated race issues with a few white women, a Filipino guy, and a couple of Mexican guys
We are not cowards. Do you think it would be wise or nice to tell black people that half their problem is theirs and theirs alone? All the fatherlessness is causing the poverty and crime. They need to learn how to speak and take school more seriously, etc. How do you think that will be received by the black with a chip on their shoulder? Even if I agree whites are racist, blacks give us enough justification to think something is wrong with them. Not individually but as a group.

Point is a black couldn't take that kind of honesty.

And who knows? Metro Detroit is a very segregated place. I don't have any black friends. Not close friends. I know some blacks but it's not like I see them on a regular basis. They wouldn't stand in my wedding. So don't expect me to expose my honest racist feelings to acquaintances.

And no you don't talk to whites in person like you talk here.

I haven't even been able to get you to admit black society is fucked up. Whenever I bring it up you point to our worst white cities and say, "see, whites are just as bad". Well if that's the bar fine. I will agree. The average black community is as bad as our worst communities
In my experience white guys are cowards unless they are drunk or outnumber you 30 to 1. Yes I talk to whites in public just like I do here. You are going to have to convince yourself on that point. I tell Black people all the time they fully own their conditions. What whites such as yourself dont understand is that regardless of them having to own their conditions the reasons those conditions exist is white racism. Now you will probably do the typical white boy dance and call it an excuse. While that is your right I will always correct you and tell you a reason and an excuse are two separate things. A reason informs a person why their life is in the state it is in. An excuse tells a person they have no responsibility for that life. I know from experience you can beat white racism. It takes a combination of knowing who you are, rejecting white philosophy, and outworking whites.
So if you can overcome it then it is an excuse to say crime and pocerty in black neighborhoods is "because of whites". You said you can overcome it. Why can't blacks? 25% don't graduate high school compared to 10% whites. Who's fault is this?

Oh, and I have never had a black guy ever talk shit to me when by himself except for that one guy who subtly smack his lips but I have had black guys be overtly rude when there was a gaggle of them but never had one dare when he was alone. I admit I don't look like someone you want to fuck with unless you have friends to step in when things go horribly wrong
No. Whites are the reason there is crime and poverty in some Black communities. We know this because for years Blacks had great communities until whites started bombing them or burning them to the ground. Yes it can be overcome but Blacks have to shake of the white philosophy, educate themselves against the white lies taught to them, and outwork whites even when they place obstacles in your way.

You dont have to lie to me. We have no way of verifying that you are the lone exception to the rule about timid white guys.
Ive always said 90% of the guys out there are pussies. They don't know how to fight. And the ones who know how to fight don't know how to wrestle and I wrestled in college. I am the exception. But even I can't or won't tell a black person in person the shit I say here.

A. I'd sound like a racist.
B. I'm not going to convince them. Have I convinced you?
C. It'd cause a fight/argument
D. I could get shot or jumped.

You know why blacks are pussies? Because George Zimmerman is still alive.


E. You just may come face to face with a "Black guy" who would kick your ass.

And as as far as George Zimmerman goes, he is a pussy, who bullies women, breaks traffic laws, and gets into confrontations with law enforcement.....and just happens to have a father who works in the judicial system, and he also has a pemit to carry a gun.

It is likely that one day, someone will
"stand their ground" with him.
No. Whites are the reason there is crime and poverty in some Black communities. We know this because for years Blacks had great communities until whites started bombing them or burning them to the ground. Yes it can be overcome but Blacks have to shake of the white philosophy, educate themselves against the white lies taught to them, and outwork whites even when they place obstacles in your way.

You dont have to lie to me. We have no way of verifying that you are the lone exception to the rule about timid white guys.
Blackish is addressing the shit we talk about. The dad is realizing that white people don't fear you anymore. The wife made him wave to the white neighbors and wear the same sneakers 2 days in a row. Lol
Blackish is a tv show not real life. Maybe white guys should watch it and get braver?
Blackish also shows white people if you raise black kids in the white suburbs they won't grow up with a chip on their shoulder. They won't know racism.
BS. My wife and brother in law were raised in a wealthy white neighborhood. They experienced racism that wouldnt have occurred had it been more diverse. They were literally 1 of 2 Black families in the school. Both cant stand white people to this day.
I was 1 of 3 whites in an all black school and I experienced a lot of racism but I don't hate blacks. I now have empathy for them.

And I remember in the 80s I'm sure the one black kid in our school experienced racism but today it's not that bad. I learned this on blackish. Lol
How did you experience racism in a school that wasnt run by the kids? I think you meant you experienced some racist incidents. You can afford to have empathy. You can pass for white and are subject to white privilege.

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