Racist JetBlue passenger wearing Burger King crown shouts 'all of you guys on this plane are (N word)'' before being removed from flight

N word? It's cute that we can say f*ck and sh*t but you can say nigg* r because it's randomly offensive. Explain this to me, what is and why is it offensive and by what standards? By those that bitch the most? OK. Karen's of the left, take note.
If the man was black wearing a burger doodle crown, and yelled cracka, would that person be removed?
N word? It's cute that we can say f*ck and sh*t but you can say nigg* r because it's randomly offensive. Explain this to me, what is and why is it offensive and by what standards? By those that bitch the most? OK. Karen's of the left, take note.
Exactly ....

And, when a Black man uses the N-word does that make him racist?

This is just the sick logic of the Left.

A middle aged White man on a flight wearing a Burger King hat going on a tirade using the N-word sounds like someone who is mentally ill.

Not racist.

The real racism is calling this man racist just because he is White and used the N-word.
N word? It's cute that we can say f*ck and sh*t but you can say nigg* r because it's randomly offensive. Explain this to me, what is and why is it offensive and by what standards? By those that bitch the most? OK. Karen's of the left, take note.
If the man was black wearing a burger doodle crown, and yelled cracka, would that person be removed?
After a few more months, neither one of you will be able to get anywhere near Air Force One.
FUCK DELTA! FUCK JET BLUE! i'm ridin' on Air Force One with President Trump from now on on my travels

After a few more months, neither one of you will be able to get anywhere near Air Force One.

Well that's pretty obvious. The election will be over, Trump will be in his second term, and AF-1 won't pull up behind the bleachers like it does at his rallies.

I'm actually going to one next Tuesday, outside of La Crosse. I'll bring back some pictures for ya.
I remember when racism WAS a thing. Now? Acceptance of poor black culture is the problem here, and their failure to acclimate and their systemic violence is away larger systemic issue. The innate violence and self destructive nature of poor black culture is a way more present issue than police on black violence...Breanna Taylor? She lost her EMT license because she was tied to a homicide, she ended up selling drugs in a trap house and the cops actually knocked on her boyfriends drug pushers door, the people round' her heard them announce themselves, shot to death in a hail of gunfire her druggie boyfriend put out ….OK, George Floyd. Said "I cant breath" in handcuffs sitting upright because he obviously was obviously suffering from a fentanyl overdose ...the cop's knee on his neck? This is insane.
Here's a guy who is clearly out of his mind and shouldn't be on a plane and all you can say is that he might have been "racist" because he used the "N" word? What if he didn't use the "N" word? Would everything be all right?
N word? It's cute that we can say f*ck and sh*t but you can say nigg* r because it's randomly offensive. Explain this to me, what is and why is it offensive and by what standards? By those that bitch the most? OK. Karen's of the left, take note.
If the man was black wearing a burger doodle crown, and yelled cracka, would that person be removed?
When I read for instance, Huckleberry Finn. Don't censor history. Don't tear down statues you find offensive. Stop applying liberal/modern standards to history. Enough. You don't have that right.
To hell with all the BS of flying today...unless you have your own plane.

Did you know you can COMPLETELY avoid ALL the TSA BS if you fly private ?

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