Racist political ad?

whenever a dem sees racism it's alwys the white who is the evil oppressor and the black the innocent victim

Sorry bud, blame white peoples history of oppression.

Ah so what you are saying is because Whites were Racist in the past, it's ok to Hate all white people today and hold them accountable for the Actions of people from the past.

Thanks for showing us all how the left really feels. It's Ok to Be Racists against Whites. Period.

If thats what you think I said...go with that K, buddy?
If the political parties were reversed, and Allen "Afro" West were a Democrat, the fucktard racist Democrats would be YELLING. Allen West would be forced to apologize and the media would but more energy into helping the Democrat ticket win.
Whenever a repub sees racism...its involves Allen West

Well...I'm not a Republican. But that's beside the point. I'm not defending or supporting Representative West either. The question is do you or do you not consider this ad racist or otherwise offensive? If not, that's fine, but would you feel the same way if the tables were turned and a similar ad showed a Black Dem punching white women?

Punching someone of another race is a violent act but not racist. You can punch someone for a variety of reasons besides jumping to the "thats racist" bullshit.

But hey, accuse dems of always screaming racist while screaming racist seems to work in some circles

So, you're saying NOT racist. Fine. Are you also saying if the tables were turned, you'd also be saying NOT racist?

Lastly, I never accused anyone of "always screaming racist". You pulled that one out of YOUR ass.
Well...I'm not a Republican. But that's beside the point. I'm not defending or supporting Representative West either. The question is do you or do you not consider this ad racist or otherwise offensive? If not, that's fine, but would you feel the same way if the tables were turned and a similar ad showed a Black Dem punching white women?

Punching someone of another race is a violent act but not racist. You can punch someone for a variety of reasons besides jumping to the "thats racist" bullshit.

But hey, accuse dems of always screaming racist while screaming racist seems to work in some circles

So, you're saying NOT racist. Fine. Are you also saying if the tables were turned, you'd also be saying NOT racist?

Lastly, I never accused anyone of "always screaming racist". You pulled that one out of YOUR ass.

Yes, in your hypothetical I would hypothetically say it's not racist.

Lastly, not you, many of the same jackasses that are in here do it all the time
This ad is being run in Florida against Allen West. Regardless of what you might think of Representative West's policies, I wonder who else finds this ad horribly racist. I am the only one? Maybe it's just me...so I'm looking for feedback.

No, I don't find it the least bit racist.

I can't image if this were turned around and the ad was about a Black Democrat punching out white women, that every Progressive/Liberal wouldn't be SCREAMING racism...no?

Yes, they probably would because that's straight out of their playbook and they tend to be incredibly immature people overall.
Whenever a repub sees racism...its involves Allen West

And whenever a Democrat sees a criticism of Obama it involves racism.

actually no, but it's easier for you to ignore actual racism once you throw false labels on it.

You cant spin T-shirts with curious george on the front that says Obama underneath. Dont think the righties here havent tried. That was before he was even elected! So it couldnt be his policies.
Whenever a repub sees racism...its involves Allen West

whenever a dem sees racism it's alwys the white who is the evil oppressor and the black the innocent victim

Sorry bud, blame white peoples history of oppression.

I call it just plain HISTORY, but trying to find racism in this trash ad ignores the genuine objections that apppear to float over the some of the rightwing heads. Note also the same, lame, overused "Liberal ad" title.
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whenever a dem sees racism it's alwys the white who is the evil oppressor and the black the innocent victim

Sorry bud, blame white peoples history of oppression.

I call it just plain HISTORY, but trying to find racism in this trash ad ignores the genuine objections that apppear to float over the some of the rightwing heads. Note also the same, lame, overused "Liberal ad" title.

It doesnt float over their heads IMO...They do it (they'll tell you this too) because the despicable awful contemptible left does it. It's sooooo offensive they want to do it too, it seems. But it's different when they do it.

At American Sunrise, we are concerned that the core progressive values on which our country was founded are under attack from the far right, and we want to stand up and do our part to defend them.​
At a time when extremism and partisan fanaticism rule the U.S. Congress, America’s future depends on the emergence of a new generation of leaders to emerge and reshape the political debate, mend the cracks in our country’s foundation, and put American onto a path toward a better, brighter future.​
And how do they plan to do that?
Candidates most likely to be supported by American Sunrise are those who are socially progressive...​
Sorry bud, blame white peoples history of oppression.

I call it just plain HISTORY, but trying to find racism in this trash ad ignores the genuine objections that apppear to float over the some of the rightwing heads. Note also the same, lame, overused "Liberal ad" title.

It doesnt float over their heads IMO...They do it (they'll tell you this too) because the despicable awful contemptible left does it. It's sooooo offensive they want to do it too, it seems. But it's different when they do it.

Same thing when it comes to torture, denial of due process, and mass killings: "THEY DID IT FIRST!"
whenever a dem sees racism it's alwys the white who is the evil oppressor and the black the innocent victim

Sorry bud, blame white peoples history of oppression.

Ah so what you are saying is because Whites were Racist in the past, it's ok to Hate all white people today and hold them accountable for the Actions of people from the past.

Thanks for showing us all how the left really feels. It's Ok to Be Racists against Whites. Period.


blacks were racist in the past too, and in the present.

The door swings both ways
Ahh yes, let's compare the corpses of victims of black racism to white racism. Fair?
Sorry bud, blame white peoples history of oppression.

{Many Indians in East Africa and Uganda were in the sartorial and banking businesses, where they were employed by the British. Since the representation of Indians in these occupations was high, stereotyping of Indians in Uganda as tailors or bankers was common. Also, some Indians perceived themselves as coming from a more advanced culture than Uganda, a view not appreciated by Ugandans. Indophobia in Uganda thus pre-dated Amin, and also existed under Milton Obote. The 1968 Committee on "Africanization in Commerce and Industry" in Uganda made far-reaching Indophobic proposals. A system of work permits and trade licenses was introduced in 1969 to restrict the role of Indians in economic and professional activities. Indians were segregated and discriminated against in all walks of life.[3]

After Idi Amin came to power, he exploited pre-existing Indophobia and spread propaganda against Indians involving stereotyping and scapegoating the Indian minority. Indians were stereotyped as "only traders" and "inbred" to their profession. Indians were labelled as "dukawallas" (an occupational term that degenerated into an anti-Indian slur during Amin's time), and stereotyped as "greedy, conniving", without any racial identity or loyalty but "always cheating, conspiring and plotting" to subvert Uganda. Amin used this propaganda to justify a campaign of "de-Indianization", eventually resulting in the expulsion and ethnic cleansing of Uganda's Indian minority.[3]}

Expulsion of Asians from Uganda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fucking racist moron.
Whenever a repub sees racism...its involves Allen West

Well...I'm not a Republican. But that's beside the point. I'm not defending or supporting Representative West either. The question is do you or do you not consider this ad racist or otherwise offensive? If not, that's fine, but would you feel the same way if the tables were turned and a similar ad showed a Black Dem punching white women?

Punching someone of another race is a violent act but not racist. You can punch someone for a variety of reasons besides jumping to the "thats racist" bullshit.

But hey, accuse dems of always screaming racist while screaming racist seems to work in some circles

Pluuuuze don't lecture us on racism. you had a lefty just recently complain that Fox news was racist for showing the back of Gabby Douglas's head.. did you smack him down? I don't think so.

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