Zone1 Racist “Woke” School Bans Whites and Asians from College Prep classes

Win or lose in court over this policy, unless white parents get rid of the white-hating lib educators the threat to white children remains
The only way to do that is to 1) elect normal people to the School Board, and 2) fire any principal or teacher who is being racist in their policies or lessons.
FDR was on the BoD of Harvard in the 1930s when he pushed through the anti-Jew policies.

So what? Harvard was founded by Christians; allowing any non-Christians at all is more than liberal enough. As for Jewish schools, why would they admit non-Jews to make up more than 15% of students? lol of course not, and nobody would snivel about it if they didn't accept non-Jews at all.

The Jerusalem Center and the independent Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies recently released the results of a survey looking at Jewish Israeli attitudes toward Christianity. Given the lack of exposure young people have to Christians and Christianity, Rossing said, he was not surprised by results that showed young Israeli Jews tend to be less tolerant of Christians than people over 30. People under 30 “are solely the product of the educational system and don’t have contact with Christianity, while [older people] have had other influences and opportunities for encounters,” said Rossing.

Sixty-eight percent of non-Orthodox Jewish respondents said that Christianity should be taught in Israeli schools and 52 percent said that the New Testament should be studied. Seventy-three percent of Orthodox Jewish respondents, however, and 90 percent of ultra-Orthodox Jewish respondents opposed teaching about Christianity in schools in any form. Only 3 percent of the respondents said they had no opinion, indicating that the vast majority of people feel strongly about this issue one way or the other, Rossing said.


Most non-Orthodox Jewish day schools, including Wornick, admit non-Jewish students on a case-by-case basis.

Nothing stops Jews from attending public universities or founding their own colleges.
Duh. It lists those who are eligible, and whites and Asians are noticeably absent.

What if a Restaurant had a note on its front door saying, “whites and Asians can eat here”? You would argue that it doesn’t SAY no blacks?

Time to put a halt to the anti-white racism trying to suppress the achievements and limit the potential of whites and Asians.
No, there are generalities that one can qualify with.
Fairfax County again.....In a way I have a really hard time feeling any sympathy at all because deserves has everything to do with it.

I bet that the same parents that voted for the SB members there are the same ones bitching of the situation.

The tiger moms needs to get their shit together and put in the work to cast out the current dem leftist SB. If they worked toward that rather than bitching no end things might improve. Thing is they are just as "woke" as the SB.

That said it's great for the gop as they can point to Fairfax County as a object lesson on what electing dems does for a area and to their children. ;)
I suspect that most of the moms in that school district are abortion loving open border wacko’s themselves

Maybe these lib moms dont love their children and thus dont care that they are discriminated against for being white
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I suspect that most of the moms in thst school district are abortion loving open border wacko’s themselves

Maybe these lib moms dont love their children and thus dont care that they are discriminated against for being white
The lib moms in FFX are suffering from Libitis. But the ones in neighboring Loudoun County are pushing back hard. (Garland has labeled them “Domestic Terrorists” in an effort to intimidate them into going along with the racism.)
Duh. It lists those who are eligible, and whites and Asians are noticeably absent.

What if a Restaurant had a note on its front door saying, “whites and Asians can eat here”? You would argue that it doesn’t SAY no blacks?

Time to put a halt to the anti-white racism trying to suppress the achievements and limit the potential of whites and Asians.
No, it does not list those that are eligible. Nor does it state that whites and Asians cannot take college prep courses. Your source is rated "questionable" by MediaCheck with the following advice,

Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis.

Due diligence can save you from looking like an idiot.

The SCOTUS just heard two related cases in which Harvard and UNC redesigned entrance policies with the express goal of rejecting Asians and getting in more blacks (with SIGNIFICANTLY lower grades and scores). I expect the decision will be announced in June.

Yes, been going on for years, and not just at eastern schools. Califonia's universities have been openly discriminating against Asians and whites for decades, and don't try to hide it.
To qualify

But acceptance is decided by the anti white educators

The seats should go to the most qualified students not the least qualified

The College and Career Exploration (CCE) club operates as an after-school program and is open to all students.

Yes, been going on for years, and not just at eastern schools. Califonia's universities have been openly discriminating against Asians and whites for decades, and don't try to hide it.
Famous case in California from 1978 that excluded a white med school applicant because of his race. Same principal is in play here, with the wokists excluding whites and Asians.

The College and Career Exploration (CCE) club operates as an after-school program and is open to all students.

After further study I agree that the program does not exclude white students if they wish to participate

The wording at first suggests otherwise

But thats only due to typical lib educator incompetence
After further study I agree that the program does not exclude white students if they wish to participate

The wording at first suggests otherwise

But thats only due to typical lib educator incompetence
Your fake outrage is noted for what doesn't exist.

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