Rafael Cruz: Public Education Is A Communist Plot


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Government-supported and free public schools for all began to be established after the American Revolution
so communists were around then?

These type people should be NOT be allowed to breed

Rafael Cruz, the father of and top campaign surrogate for Sen. Ted Cruz, claimed today that the country’s public school system was founded by “a member of the American Communist Party.”
The elder Cruz alleged in an interview on the Sirius XM program “Breitbart News Daily” this morning that public schools are brainwashing children into communism as a result of the work of education reformer John Dewey.


Rafael Cruz: Public Education Is A Communist Plot


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Government-supported and free public schools for all began to be established after the American Revolution
so communists were around then?

These type people should be NOT be allowed to breed

Rafael Cruz, the father of and top campaign surrogate for Sen. Ted Cruz, claimed today that the country’s public school system was founded by “a member of the American Communist Party.”
The elder Cruz alleged in an interview on the Sirius XM program “Breitbart News Daily” this morning that public schools are brainwashing children into communism as a result of the work of education reformer John Dewey.


Rafael Cruz: Public Education Is A Communist Plot
Rafael Cruz is back on the "Sauce" again! He forgot that he was a defacto Communist when he left Cuba in 1957. Supported Castro! Now he's supposedly a Christian Minister? And if elected; Ted will have his Neo-Nazi father preaching from the White House steps? God help us!!


Government-supported and free public schools for all began to be established after the American Revolution
so communists were around then?

These type people should be NOT be allowed to breed

Rafael Cruz, the father of and top campaign surrogate for Sen. Ted Cruz, claimed today that the country’s public school system was founded by “a member of the American Communist Party.”
The elder Cruz alleged in an interview on the Sirius XM program “Breitbart News Daily” this morning that public schools are brainwashing children into communism as a result of the work of education reformer John Dewey.


Rafael Cruz: Public Education Is A Communist Plot


If we are judging politicians on the opinions of their fathers.....shall we discuss Obamas dad?
Actually public schools got hijacked by zionists and does nothing but brainwash the masses into being obedient to "liberal" ideology, reject Western education developed by Whitey and embrace limp-wristed emotionally driven "diversity" and "multiculturalism," code words for anti-White propaganda. Is it any wonder today a college degree is easier to get than a high school degree a hundred years ago?
Actually public schools got hijacked by zionists and does nothing but brainwash the masses into being obedient to "liberal" ideology, reject Western education developed by Whitey and embrace limp-wristed emotionally driven "diversity" and "multiculturalism," code words for anti-White propaganda. Is it any wonder today a college degree is easier to get than a high school degree a hundred years ago?

If we are judging politicians on the opinions of their fathers.....shall we discuss Obamas dad?
Hello? Am I missing something? Nothing against Ted. Simply stated facts about his father. The truth is that both Rafael and Ted AVOIDED registering for Selective Service. Rafael was on his way to being drafted. He chose to go to Canada and avoid serving. Came back to U.S. after the Vietnam War was over. Does that make him a "Draft Dodger?" Ted never formally registered, himself. I chose to register and serve during the Vietnam War. It was my duty as an American.
Actually public schools got hijacked by zionists and does nothing but brainwash the masses into being obedient to "liberal" ideology, reject Western education developed by Whitey and embrace limp-wristed emotionally driven "diversity" and "multiculturalism," code words for anti-White propaganda. Is it any wonder today a college degree is easier to get than a high school degree a hundred years ago?
It would seem that you, yourself, utilized the "System" pretty well. The only problem is: "I didn't understand your POINT; if there was one."
Last I checked Rafael Cruz was not running for President or any political office unless that has changed we know who the real idiot is.
Hello? Another pointless POINT! Do I detect an Innuendo?
People detect what they want to detect what was and is pointless is the subtle implication that the opinions Rafael Cruz are somehow a reflection of the opinions of Ted Cruz.
John Dewey was an avowed Marxist. Tom Dewey was an anti-communist. The idiotic left can't even keep them straight.

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