Rams Visit Seahawks

The challenge when Russel ran too far before throwing was amazing. They just showed it in slow mo. Something was really off that whole game.
They rushed Wilson, every team with a good defensive line has beat Seattle. The Steelers, Vikings, Browns do not have the defensive lines to pressure Wilson. The Panthers, Cardinals, Bengals, the Packers early in the season, and the Rams have all beat Seattle by pressuring and sacking Wilson. Wilson is a good QB but like David Carr he can't carry the whole team.
They rushed Wilson, every team with a good defensive line has beat Seattle. The Steelers, Vikings, Browns do not have the defensive lines to pressure Wilson. The Panthers, Cardinals, Bengals, the Packers early in the season, and the Rams have all beat Seattle by pressuring and sacking Wilson. Wilson is a good QB but like David Carr he can't carry the whole team.
Could you give Pete Carroll a call?
Seattle is in the playoffs. That's all they cared about. Now the questions is which team will show up in 2 weeks? The Shitbirds that started the season 2-3, or the Seahawks that have won 5 of the last 6 games?
As Papa Goo Goo suggested the O-Line seemed central to many if not most of the mistakes that led to the Hawks loss.

That said the Seahawks O-Line had improved a lot since when they were initially banded together at the start of the season. They DID produce a pocket for Wilson to work in and it was clear from the resulting records broken and set that the group two weeks ago was in control of the space they were assigned to perform in.

So..Why all the errors? Well...most of the mistakes started at Center. Patrick Lewis must have a slow learning curve. The only REAL difference in the make up of the O-Line was that LT Okung did not play yesterday and had played in the previous 5 games. Apparently the make up of the O-Line is a fragile affair. Apparently DEPTH is just as much the Boogy Man as was the group that had grown together to from the start of the season. The Rams presented too much pressure and the loss of Okung gave Lewis too much to think about...so much so that he lost the ability to just hike the football and, .....which as we all...except he...know, is the Center's first job.

Football is primarily a band of cascading effect of responsibilities that when directed individually well and the gifted gods at QB, RBs, Receivers and the TE's get the ball delivered at the hoped for space on time is probably the most rewarding and entertaining ballet of organized human motion we get, at least for my buck.

When the epicenter of all this co-ordinated activity, the "snap", is blown the cascade of motion can be comical indeed unless the players in this tragedy happen to be your team. Such was what occurred at the CLink yesterday several times. Patrick Lewis was clearly not up to the job of hiking a football accurately and doing his blocking assignments as well as calling out the O-Line's assignments. That combined with the shifting of positions to cover for Okung on the left side and replacing our injured TE's on the right side was all it took to give Wilson nothing to work with.

As far as the errors in Coaching, specifically throwing the challenge, which crippled the Hawks when they REALLY could have used a challenge I do not know. Carroll depends on other eyes to start the challenge process. In neither of his failed challenges was the actual event even close. His trusted assistants were not only horribly wrong they embarrassed the Coach, The Team and all of us fans with their silly wastefulness of these sometimes very useful tools. Carroll clearly needs to get smarter people in the booth or where ever they are viewing the proceedings. I have never seen more stupid challenges.
Yep, the center is part of the O-line. Against good defensive lines is 0-6, tough stat to dispute.

I love when Huggy loses and starts calling me names. Lol!

When they get to the playoffs the O-line will face better defensive lines than Pittsburgh, Minnesota and the three losing teams they beat. The fact is Seattle is 2-4 against teams with winning records, and 0-6 against teams with good d-lines.

I hope the Hawks are as dense as you when it comes to the obvious problems.
Yep, the center is part of the O-line. Against good defensive lines is 0-6, tough stat to dispute.

I love when Huggy loses and starts calling me names. Lol!

When they get to the playoffs the O-line will face better defensive lines than Pittsburgh, Minnesota and the three losing teams they beat. The fact is Seattle is 2-4 against teams with winning records, and 0-6 against teams with good d-lines.

I hope the Hawks are as dense as you when it comes to the obvious problems.

I don't even know what a Papageorgio is. Some guy that was a child tv actor that won four cars???? Huh? You get mocked because your avie is weird. That is unless you ARE the kid in stupid Chevy Chase Vacation movies and won the 4 automobiles..If THAT is true then I apologize and will honor your avie name and photograph.

The 4 losses against teams with winning records mostly happened early in the season when we already knew we would have trouble until the O-Line gelled. Even though the O-Line did pretty good in the five previous games that was with a set unit. I wouldn't call the Seahawks O-Line a "veteran" outfit yet. It didn't take much adversity to throw them off yesterday. The Rams match up well against the Hawks but THEY were only 6-8. I believe the game's performance by the Seahawks was MOSTLY mistakes by the O-Line and specifically by our Center. There was one hike where Lewis thought Wilson was right behind him, not! Russ was back in shotgun, and he tossed the ball almost straight up, around 30 feet, in the air. Comedy gold! :lol: Another football was rolled on the ground from center past Wilson. Hilarious! It was reported that after the game Lewis just sat in the locker room almost in tears..clearly in shock. From what I heard he felt personally responsible for most of the blame in the loss. Dave Wyman, former Seahawk star Linebacker now radio personality ESPN/KIRO AM which I am listening to at this moment is my source on the Lewis info.

Brock Huard, Former Seahawk QB, Rose bowl Champ for the Wash Huskies ESPN colr guy and John Clayton ESPN analysist don't put THAT much in the loss yesterday. As crazy as the errors were it's not like those wacko mistakes have been a constant problem. They were costly as the little used(4 season carries) Fullback's fumble led to 6 points for the Rams. The miscues LOOKED horrible and they each killed drives but they were all coach-able and correctable.

A few of the jail break's where Wilson was running for his life were his error in that he could have thrown the ball out of bounds and just killed the drama no harm no foul. Some times Wilson "extends" plays much longer than he should. He could cause less harm on himself by just getting rid of the ball rather than try to wear out the legs of his opponents. Some of that "magic" comes back to bite him in the ass. The long hail Mary towards Lockett was especially stupid as Tyler was triple covered and Wilson suffered his first INT in 6 games breaking the historic string. It was a stupid throw with no possibility of becoming a completed pass.

PS... Just saw part of the Carroll Press conference and he says he told Wilson to just "chuck it" and possibly give the interception. ???? What an idiot!
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I don't care what you know about Papageorgio, it is irrelevant. Just as I don't care about your Huggy and stupid avatar.

Huard is a Seattle homer and Clayton a former Seahawks beat writer for the Tacoma News Tribune is also a bit of a homer. I have heard them both along with Wyman and they are like any other NFL's homers.

During your 5 game win streak, tell which team had a superior defensive line? Cleveland? Minnesota? Pittsburgh? Baltimore? San Francisco? The last two teams with good defensive lines were St. Louis and Arizona.

I will say you are in better shape than Carolina, they have seemed to lost the will to kill.

I'm thinking Seattle will beat Arizona Sunday but if they meet in the playoffs in Arizona, I see Arizona winning and then on to the Super Bowl.
I don't care what you know about Papageorgio, it is irrelevant. Just as I don't care about your Huggy and stupid avatar.

Huard is a Seattle homer and Clayton a former Seahawks beat writer for the Tacoma News Tribune is also a bit of a homer. I have heard them both along with Wyman and they are like any other NFL's homers.

During your 5 game win streak, tell which team had a superior defensive line? Cleveland? Minnesota? Pittsburgh? Baltimore? San Francisco? The last two teams with good defensive lines were St. Louis and Arizona.

I will say you are in better shape than Carolina, they have seemed to lost the will to kill.

I'm thinking Seattle will beat Arizona Sunday but if they meet in the playoffs in Arizona, I see Arizona winning and then on to the Super Bowl.

My avatar pic is not stupid. The "Wilson" volley ball with grass and sticks for hair was Tom Hanks' pretend companion in the movie "Cast Away". Alone on the island and going insane as he attempts his own rescue Hanks lost his only support in the ocean waves as he called out "Wilson!..Wilson!". My clever use of the Idol Wilson as an homage to my team's god-like quarterback is not unlike Hanks' hopeless and surreal obsession. I'm a big fan of Hanks as an actor and Russell Wilson as a phenom as an NFL QB that promised himself and us his fans that he will be the best QB ever in NFL history. I believe.

HUGGY is a real nickname that has been given me by many of my closest friends for inventing and promoting HUGGY plush dolls for kids in the Seattle area and to some degree all over the country through TV advertising. It's a stupid name but it is mine. You could go just about anywhere in the Magnolia/Down Town Seattle/Ballard and ask in any of the Local Pizza chains such as Romios and others about "HUGGY" and get a hit.

It is doubtful that your nick is irrelevant to you or you wouldn't use it. For some reason of your own choosing you want to be evasive about it. That's fine but I do not believe it is just some random selection.

As for your question... You are correct that none of the teams you mentioned have great D-Lines. Pittsburgh and Minnesota were/are fair to middlin defensively but Wilson was white hot in those encounters. The Rams have a VERY strong and fast Defensive front and Linebackers. They have struggled at the QB position and receiving. From what I saw over throws and dropped passes have killed their drives this season along with penalties. If you take away the recovered fumble for a TD they won with a meager 19 offensive points yesterday. When Wilson has had time to throw the ball recently he has averaged 32 points. Seahawk blunders gave the Rams a win. The Hawks stepped on their own dicks more than the Rams took the win... But a win is a win.

I don't mind listening to a homer as long as he/she is knowledgeable. One can be in love with a team and honest at the same time. Wilson and Carroll's way of building a winning team are worthy of admiration and loyalty. I've been a hard core fan since day ONE...Carroll's tenure has been exciting from a fan's perspective. I've certainly seen worse.

I don't know how anyone could evaluate what AZ will do on Sunday with the playoffs approaching. Do they need another win to challenge the Panthers for a #1 seed? Do they want to protect their key players? Who knows. Carroll claims no matter what the circumstances it's "the pedal to the metal" and I believe him. So I agree that it is certainly possible for a Hawk win this Sunday in AZ. The Seahawks have played very well on the road this season so if they beat AZ on Sunday I see no reason YET why they couldn't do it again if they meet in the playoffs. The Seahawks DO have one thing AZ does not and THAT is a hell of a lot of playoff experience.
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I don't care what you know about Papageorgio, it is irrelevant. Just as I don't care about your Huggy and stupid avatar.

Huard is a Seattle homer and Clayton a former Seahawks beat writer for the Tacoma News Tribune is also a bit of a homer. I have heard them both along with Wyman and they are like any other NFL's homers.

During your 5 game win streak, tell which team had a superior defensive line? Cleveland? Minnesota? Pittsburgh? Baltimore? San Francisco? The last two teams with good defensive lines were St. Louis and Arizona.

I will say you are in better shape than Carolina, they have seemed to lost the will to kill.

I'm thinking Seattle will beat Arizona Sunday but if they meet in the playoffs in Arizona, I see Arizona winning and then on to the Super Bowl.

My avatar pic is not stupid. The "Wilson" volley ball with grass and sticks for hair was Tom Hanks' pretend companion in the movie "Cast Away". Alone on the island and going insane as he attempts his own rescue Hanks lost his only support in the ocean waves as he called out "Wilson!..Wilson!". My clever use of the Idol Wilson as an homage to my team's god-like quarterback is not unlike Hanks' hopeless and surreal obsession. I'm a big fan of Hanks as an actor and Russell Wilson as a phenom as an NFL QB that promised himself and us his fans that he will be the best QB ever in NFL history. I believe.

HUGGY is a real nickname that has been given me by many of my closest friends for inventing and promoting HUGGY plush dolls for kids in the Seattle area and to some degree all over the country through TV advertising. It's a stupid name but it is mine. You could go just about anywhere in the Magnolia/Down Town Seattle/Ballard and ask in any of the Local Pizza chains such as Romios and others about "HUGGY" and get a hit.

It is doubtful that your nick is irrelevant to you or you wouldn't use it. For some reason of your own choosing you want to be evasive about it. That's fine but I do not believe it is just some random selection.

As for your question... You are correct that none of the teams you mentioned have great D-Lines. Pittsburgh and Minnesota were/are fair to middlin defensively but Wilson was white hot in those encounters. The Rams have a VERY strong and fast Defensive front and Linebackers. They have struggled at the QB position and receiving. From what I saw over throws and dropped passes have killed their drives this season along with penalties. If you take away the recovered fumble for a TD they won with a meager 19 offensive points yesterday. When Wilson has had time to throw the ball recently he has averaged 32 points. Seahawk blunders gave the Rams a win. The Hawks stepped on their own dicks more than the Rams took the win... But a win is a win.

I don't mind listening to a homer as long as he/she is knowledgeable. One can be in love with a team and honest at the same time. Wilson and Carroll's way of building a winning team are worthy of admiration and loyalty. I've been a hard core fan since day ONE...Carroll's tenure has been exciting from a fan's perspective. I've certainly seen worse.

I don't know how anyone could evaluate what AZ will do on Sunday with the playoffs approaching. Do they need another win to challenge the Panthers for a #1 seed? Do they want to protect their key players? Who knows. Carroll claims no matter what the circumstances it's "the pedal to the metal" and I believe him. So I agree that it is certainly possible for a Hawk win this Sunday in AZ. The Seahawks have played very well on the road this season so if they beat AZ on Sunday I see no reason YET why they couldn't do it again if they meet in the playoffs. The Seahawks DO have one thing AZ does not and THAT is a hell of a lot of playoff experience.

Thank you for admitting that the pressure and the sacks are leading to Seattle mistakes. That would be an offensive line issue. The offensive line is better but they are still weak and will be the reason they won't get to the Super Bowl.

Seattle and Arizona is a hunch by listening to the players and coaches. I maybe wrong but I don't know. You have made predictions that didn't pan out, like last week and how the Panthers would not come into Seattle and win.

Anything is possible.
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No doubt the pressure is on. Having an opportunity to go to three straight Super Bowls is so far unimaginable to attain. Building a team worthy of such success has so many cards stacked against it that it just boggles the mind entering the third season. So many of the stars get sucked away in free agency. The NFL hates a dynasty. All the momentum is directed to stir the pot and promote new challengers. What Carroll has stated as his objective to "Win Forever" is on paper an impossible dream. Yet here we are. Carroll and his staff have fought tooth and nail patching up the holes against the odds. We have Sherman, we have Wilson, we have Bennett, Lynch and next season Rawls. We have pedestrian receivers that just catch the ball. Somehow the rag tag O-Line has just done enough to give Wilson enough time.

The stakes are high. The TV and radio promotion builds the speculation exponentially. As the advertisement of the new movie about concussions with Will Smith explains the "NFL owns a day in the week..Sunday". This is true at least here where we live in the USA. Everywhere else on this blue/white and brown globe football means something entirely different.

For me this is by far the most interesting time of the year. The addiction is thorough. My Huskies used to be up in the top ten frequently and occasionally #1 going to the Rose Bowl twice in person with the family football has been ingrained in my heritage all my life. It has had way more direct effect on my family than religion. My Gramps played against Jim Thorpe in early pro ball. American football is in my blood. There is no greater test of team achievement in sports.

The playoffs is the only true path to "Mecca". All other organized interests are just "posers"... :lol:

The weeks in the NFL playoffs culminating in the Super Bowl are a better spectacle than the Olympics. And as some one said.. " Anything is possible ".... At least for those few that are lucky and good enough to be participants.
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I don't even know what a Papageorgio is. Some guy that was a child tv actor that won four cars???? Huh? You get mocked because your avie is weird. That is unless you ARE the kid in stupid Chevy Chase Vacation movies and won the 4 automobiles..If THAT is true then I apologize and will honor your avie name and photograph.:lmao::haha::up:
I predict the Seahawks will win the Super Bowl against the Patriots.

They are the only team in the NFC that can beat Carolina and if they play the Patriots, they'll win by 20.

Dude have you noticed that in following Ram games this year,that they tend to play better on the west coast? their strong physical defense they have was too much for Arizona to handle this year when they played them in the desert and now they took it to the Hawks on the coast as well.

I wanted them to lose this game of course since they would get a higher pick in the draft next year but oh well,I dont see them having any problems with the niners heading into the final season of the week next week and finishing the season with a 500 record. what better way to build and be ready for next season when they are playing on the west coast entering the season with a 500 record,something they have not had in years?:banana:

Once they dont play in that dump in stank louis anymore,they will be highly motivated for their home games each week next season as well.
Dude have you noticed that in following Ram games this year,that they tend to play better on the west coast? their strong physical defense they have was too much for Arizona to handle this year when they played them in the desert and now they took it to the Hawks on the coast as well.

I wanted them to lose this game of course since they would get a higher pick in the draft next year but oh well,I dont see them having any problems with the niners heading into the final season of the week next week and finishing the season with a 500 record. what better way to build and be ready for next season when they are playing on the west coast entering the season with a 500 record,something they have not had in years?:banana:

Once they dont play in that dump in stank louis anymore,they will be highly motivated for their home games each week next season as well.
St. Louis is making a move to keep them, but the Rams owner wants nothing to do with that town.
Dude have you noticed that in following Ram games this year,that they tend to play better on the west coast? their strong physical defense they have was too much for Arizona to handle this year when they played them in the desert and now they took it to the Hawks on the coast as well.

I wanted them to lose this game of course since they would get a higher pick in the draft next year but oh well,I dont see them having any problems with the niners heading into the final season of the week next week and finishing the season with a 500 record. what better way to build and be ready for next season when they are playing on the west coast entering the season with a 500 record,something they have not had in years?:banana:

Once they dont play in that dump in stank louis anymore,they will be highly motivated for their home games each week next season as well.
St. Louis is making a move to keep them, but the Rams owner wants nothing to do with that town.

The owner lied, he said he wanted to keep the Rams in St. Louis and just like the tard in OKC who moved the Supersonics there, he lied.

They can't be honest, they have to lie.
Dude have you noticed that in following Ram games this year,that they tend to play better on the west coast? their strong physical defense they have was too much for Arizona to handle this year when they played them in the desert and now they took it to the Hawks on the coast as well.

I wanted them to lose this game of course since they would get a higher pick in the draft next year but oh well,I dont see them having any problems with the niners heading into the final season of the week next week and finishing the season with a 500 record. what better way to build and be ready for next season when they are playing on the west coast entering the season with a 500 record,something they have not had in years?:banana:

Once they dont play in that dump in stank louis anymore,they will be highly motivated for their home games each week next season as well.
St. Louis is making a move to keep them, but the Rams owner wants nothing to do with that town.

BILLO_REALLY SAID: St. Louis is making a move to keep them, but the Rams owner wants nothing to do with that town.

you nailed it.:up: this is what I posted earlier on that from an article that was published a few weeks ago.

stan kroneke is the only guy that has a project and is ready to go,does not need any approval,financing is set in Inglewood,has a team to move there because he owns the Rams,he wants to go.@Kdubblive: "Kroenke has the money to make this happen, and why force him to go back to St. Louis when he doesn't want to go back, because quite honestly, he doesn't want to stay in St. Louis."

Rams set to finish season on West Coast

Roger Goodel also said just this past week,St Louis's stadium plan is not viable and will not work.:lmao::rofl::rofl::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::muahaha:

Sam Farmer also reported this the first week of this month earlier as well.

.@LATimesFarmer: "Several owners and executives not connected with the Rams find the St. Louis plan lacking and were unconvinced last week by backers of that proposal. Some have pointed to the better deal the Minnesota Vikings got — with the public footing half the cost of a new stadium — from a bigger market. Some owners perked up at San Diego's pitch, but there remains significant skepticism about whether that deal could come to fruition."


Here is the final nail in the coffin for St Louis though.

This is lawyer in this short 4 minute video who is an expert in anti trust laws of the NFL and he backs up what that sportswriter from that first article wrote where he does not need voter approval from the owners,that they cant stop him from moving to LA if he wants to.

The lawyer is from ST LOUIS no less. talk about a major slap in the face to st louis fans hearing this from one of their own.:rofl::lmao:

Can the NFL stop Kroenke from moving the Rams to LA?

I found the part funny where he said the Rams were ranked dead last in all of the 32 teams in profit last year.comedy gold.but whats even MORE comedy gold is he is saying with the move to LA,the profit could jump to a billion dollars which is EXACTLY what I was telling people around here a year and half ago but practically everybody around here ignored,it just went through one ear and out the other with them back then.:lmao::rofl:

Logic and common sense dont register with a lot of USMB posters around here.:rolleyes-41:

You understood it and was one of the few who told me i made good points and would get the last laugh on them but you were one of only a handful or so around here who could think outside the box and grasp what this lawyer is saying and what "I" was saying back then.:rofl:
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BILLO_REALLY SAID: St. Louis is making a move to keep them, but the Rams owner wants nothing to do with that town.

you nailed it.:up: this is what I posted earlier on that from an article that was published a few weeks ago.

stan kroneke is the only guy that has a project and is ready to go,does not need any approval,financing is set in Inglewood,has a team to move there because he owns the Rams,he wants to go.@Kdubblive: "Kroenke has the money to make this happen, and why force him to go back to St. Louis when he doesn't want to go back, because quite honestly, he doesn't want to stay in St. Louis."

Rams set to finish season on West Coast

Roger Goodel also said just this past week,St Louis's stadium plan is not viable and will not work.:lmao::rofl::rofl::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::muahaha:

Sam Farmer also reported this the first week of this month earlier as well.

.@LATimesFarmer: "Several owners and executives not connected with the Rams find the St. Louis plan lacking and were unconvinced last week by backers of that proposal. Some have pointed to the better deal the Minnesota Vikings got — with the public footing half the cost of a new stadium — from a bigger market. Some owners perked up at San Diego's pitch, but there remains significant skepticism about whether that deal could come to fruition."


Here is the final nail in the coffin for St Louis though.

This is lawyer in this short 4 minute video who is an expert in anti trust laws of the NFL and he backs up what that sportswriter from that first article wrote where he does not need voter approval from the owners,that they cant stop him from moving to LA if he wants to.

The lawyer is from ST LOUIS no less. talk about a major slap in the face to st louis fans hearing this from one of their own.:rofl::lmao:

Can the NFL stop Kroenke from moving the Rams to LA?

I found the part funny where he said the Rams were ranked dead last in all of the 32 teams in profit last year.comedy gold.but whats even MORE comedy gold is he is saying with the move to LA,the profit could jump to a billion dollars which is EXACTLY what I was telling people around here a year and half ago but practically everybody around here ignored,it just went through one ear and out the other with them back then.:lmao::rofl:

Logic and common sense dont register with a lot of USMB posters around here.:rolleyes-41:

You understood it and was one of the few who told me i made good points and would get the last laugh on them but you were one of only a handful or so around here who could think outside the box and grasp what this lawyer is saying and what "I" was saying back then.:rofl:
There is still a fan base here in LA for the Rams. All they gotta do is move. They can go back to the Coliseum and I can go back to parking in some black guys backyard.
BILLO_REALLY SAID: St. Louis is making a move to keep them, but the Rams owner wants nothing to do with that town.

you nailed it.:up: this is what I posted earlier on that from an article that was published a few weeks ago.

stan kroneke is the only guy that has a project and is ready to go,does not need any approval,financing is set in Inglewood,has a team to move there because he owns the Rams,he wants to go.@Kdubblive: "Kroenke has the money to make this happen, and why force him to go back to St. Louis when he doesn't want to go back, because quite honestly, he doesn't want to stay in St. Louis."

Rams set to finish season on West Coast

Roger Goodel also said just this past week,St Louis's stadium plan is not viable and will not work.:lmao::rofl::rofl::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::muahaha:

Sam Farmer also reported this the first week of this month earlier as well.

.@LATimesFarmer: "Several owners and executives not connected with the Rams find the St. Louis plan lacking and were unconvinced last week by backers of that proposal. Some have pointed to the better deal the Minnesota Vikings got — with the public footing half the cost of a new stadium — from a bigger market. Some owners perked up at San Diego's pitch, but there remains significant skepticism about whether that deal could come to fruition."


Here is the final nail in the coffin for St Louis though.

This is lawyer in this short 4 minute video who is an expert in anti trust laws of the NFL and he backs up what that sportswriter from that first article wrote where he does not need voter approval from the owners,that they cant stop him from moving to LA if he wants to.

The lawyer is from ST LOUIS no less. talk about a major slap in the face to st louis fans hearing this from one of their own.:rofl::lmao:

Can the NFL stop Kroenke from moving the Rams to LA?

I found the part funny where he said the Rams were ranked dead last in all of the 32 teams in profit last year.comedy gold.but whats even MORE comedy gold is he is saying with the move to LA,the profit could jump to a billion dollars which is EXACTLY what I was telling people around here a year and half ago but practically everybody around here ignored,it just went through one ear and out the other with them back then.:lmao::rofl:

Logic and common sense dont register with a lot of USMB posters around here.:rolleyes-41:

You understood it and was one of the few who told me i made good points and would get the last laugh on them but you were one of only a handful or so around here who could think outside the box and grasp what this lawyer is saying and what "I" was saying back then.:rofl:
There is still a fan base here in LA for the Rams. All they gotta do is move. They can go back to the Coliseum and I can go back to parking in some black guys backyard.

Indeed.something the LAMESTREAM media does not report and is keeping under the lid is that the Rams have a verbal agreement with USC to use their facility a couple years while the stadium is being built.They dont want everyone to know its a done deal so they wont report that little fact.:biggrin:

Former Rams QB Pat Haden is the athletic director of USC so you can bank on it they will be in the LA coliseum next year for you to go back and park your car in that black guys backyard.:biggrin::thup:
BILLO_REALLY SAID: St. Louis is making a move to keep them, but the Rams owner wants nothing to do with that town.

you nailed it.:up: this is what I posted earlier on that from an article that was published a few weeks ago.

stan kroneke is the only guy that has a project and is ready to go,does not need any approval,financing is set in Inglewood,has a team to move there because he owns the Rams,he wants to go.@Kdubblive: "Kroenke has the money to make this happen, and why force him to go back to St. Louis when he doesn't want to go back, because quite honestly, he doesn't want to stay in St. Louis."

Rams set to finish season on West Coast

Roger Goodel also said just this past week,St Louis's stadium plan is not viable and will not work.:lmao::rofl::rofl::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::muahaha:

Sam Farmer also reported this the first week of this month earlier as well.

.@LATimesFarmer: "Several owners and executives not connected with the Rams find the St. Louis plan lacking and were unconvinced last week by backers of that proposal. Some have pointed to the better deal the Minnesota Vikings got — with the public footing half the cost of a new stadium — from a bigger market. Some owners perked up at San Diego's pitch, but there remains significant skepticism about whether that deal could come to fruition."


Here is the final nail in the coffin for St Louis though.

This is lawyer in this short 4 minute video who is an expert in anti trust laws of the NFL and he backs up what that sportswriter from that first article wrote where he does not need voter approval from the owners,that they cant stop him from moving to LA if he wants to.

The lawyer is from ST LOUIS no less. talk about a major slap in the face to st louis fans hearing this from one of their own.:rofl::lmao:

Can the NFL stop Kroenke from moving the Rams to LA?

I found the part funny where he said the Rams were ranked dead last in all of the 32 teams in profit last year.comedy gold.but whats even MORE comedy gold is he is saying with the move to LA,the profit could jump to a billion dollars which is EXACTLY what I was telling people around here a year and half ago but practically everybody around here ignored,it just went through one ear and out the other with them back then.:lmao::rofl:

Logic and common sense dont register with a lot of USMB posters around here.:rolleyes-41:

You understood it and was one of the few who told me i made good points and would get the last laugh on them but you were one of only a handful or so around here who could think outside the box and grasp what this lawyer is saying and what "I" was saying back then.:rofl:
There is still a fan base here in LA for the Rams. All they gotta do is move. They can go back to the Coliseum and I can go back to parking in some black guys backyard.

What if even if and or when the team moves back to LA and the owner changes it's name? That has happened MANY times when teams were taken/stolen to a city/region from another by a lying scumbag with money. Oh...the promises roll out of their serpent tongues...like poisoned honey. Don't be surprised if your much loved team is next called "The Lying Serpents"...after the owner. :lol:

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