Rand Paul: Obama Should Read Constitution To Avoid Allying With Al-Qaeda...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) stated today that the U.S. government should obey the Constitution to the letter and that only Congress, not the president, can declare war on Syria, which he does not believe is an immediate threat to U.S. national security.

“We have a separation of powers,” he said in a radio interview on the Mike Huckabee Show. “The Constitution says that when we go to war, Congress declares war and the president executes the war.”

“If the president is contemplating war or contemplating offensive action against Syria, there should be a joint session of Congress and he should try and convince us for the need for it.”

Show host Mike Huckabee said that the Constitutional issue Paul raised is “the critical one” because the War Powers Act of 1973 clarified that unless the U.S. is already under attack or under eminent danger of a pending attack, the president has to have Congressional approval in order to commit U.S. armed forces into conflict.

“Nobody, nobody can claim that Syria is about to drop one [a bomb] on the U.S.,” Huckabee said.

“The interesting thing about it is that when President Obama was a Senator in 2007, he said exactly that no president should unilaterally go to war without the authority of Congress,” Paul responded.

He was referring to then-Senator Obama’s interview with the Boston Globe in late 2007.

“The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation,” Obama said.

The then-Senator from Illinois further emphasized that the president can only act unilaterally in “instances of self-defense.”

Paul pointed out that President Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush, did come to Congress about taking military action in Iraq and Afghanistan, both of which came to a vote.

“There needs to be a big debate particularly because it’s so muddled in Syria that we may well be allies with al-Qaeda if we go in,” he said...

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» Rand Paul: Obama Should Read Constitution to Avoid Allying with Al-Qaeda Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Rand Paul: Obama Should Read Constitution to Avoid Allying with Al-Qaeda | Peace . Gold . Liberty
He is correct. If the President thinks we need to go into Syria he needs to take the case to Congress. He should have done that with Libya as well.
Last I checked? al-Qaeda is a sworn enemy. What the HELL is Obama doing consorting with the enemy? (Same could be stated of the Muslim Brotherhood as well).

obama does not consider them the enemy. That's the only answer.
Last I checked? al-Qaeda is a sworn enemy. What the HELL is Obama doing consorting with the enemy? (Same could be stated of the Muslim Brotherhood as well).

He's standing with the Muslims, like he said he would. He never said he'd stand with the decent ones
The US established al-Qaeda in the Tora Bora mountains of Afghanistan and armed its members to counter the Soviet Union

On the one hand, al-Qaeda could be an entity created by the CIA as a pretext to interfere in the internal affairs of countries based on which the 9/11 events would be a play staged to manipulate public opinion in the US and the world. Some of the branches formed in al-Qaeda over time are very anti-US in beliefs.

On the other hand, al-Qaeda can be described as an independent group with radical views, which was strengthened with the financial and military support of the US during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan which Washington tried to disarm following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, but failed due to the non-governmental nature of the group.

In this scenario, the 9/11 incidents were a trap used by the CIA to annihilate them. But ultimately, US officials reached the conclusion that instead of annihilating al-Qaeda, it would be better to use them as a weapon to overthrow anti-US and anti-Zionist governments. An example of this would be US support for al-Qaeda in Syria. Good al-Qaeda and bad al-Qaeda are the newest concepts to enter the US strategic discourse. .

PressTV - Al-Qaeda, changing concept in US policy
(CNN) -- Why has the Obama administration been so reluctant to intervene in Syria? There are a host of reasons -- American fatigue with war, President Barack Obama's disinclination to start another conflict in the Middle East, and the splintered, fractured opposition to Bashar al-Assad.

But one reason looms large: al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda's affiliate in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, is generally acknowledged to be the most effective force fighting al-Assad.
Opinion: Al Qaeda's potent force in Syria - CNN.com
The US established al-Qaeda in the Tora Bora mountains of Afghanistan and armed its members to counter the Soviet Union

On the one hand, al-Qaeda could be an entity created by the CIA as a pretext to interfere in the internal affairs of countries based on which the 9/11 events would be a play staged to manipulate public opinion in the US and the world. Some of the branches formed in al-Qaeda over time are very anti-US in beliefs.

On the other hand, al-Qaeda can be described as an independent group with radical views, which was strengthened with the financial and military support of the US during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan which Washington tried to disarm following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, but failed due to the non-governmental nature of the group.

In this scenario, the 9/11 incidents were a trap used by the CIA to annihilate them. But ultimately, US officials reached the conclusion that instead of annihilating al-Qaeda, it would be better to use them as a weapon to overthrow anti-US and anti-Zionist governments. An example of this would be US support for al-Qaeda in Syria. Good al-Qaeda and bad al-Qaeda are the newest concepts to enter the US strategic discourse. .

PressTV - Al-Qaeda, changing concept in US policy

You are one royal piece of shit.
if Al -Qaeda is no longer the enemy the government needs to trim back, DHS NSA TSA

Iraq: More al-Qaeda Bomb Attacks kill 71)
Rand Paul is exactly right but I'm afraid that if the President does in fact decide to attack Syria there will be no asking Congress for the authority to do so since he's well aware of the fact that he's likely to get a NO for an answer.

He's a better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission type of guy.
I think Obama does have a short period where he can attack someone without congress.
READ: The War Powers Act of 1973

As yes, the federal governments attempt to change the definition of the meaning of the word WAR, after all can't let that pesky constitutional restriction get in the way of us murdering some foreigners for the fun of it. ;)

"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." -- George Orwell, 1984
I think Obama does have a short period where he can attack someone without congress.
READ: The War Powers Act of 1973

As yes, the federal governments attempt to change the definition of the meaning of the word WAR, after all can't let that pesky constitutional restriction get in the way of us murdering some foreigners for the fun of it. ;)

"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." -- George Orwell, 1984

YEP...Flies in the face of the intent of the Founders and the Constitution...but this shit has been going on for over 100 years to render the document moot. Tyranny all the way.
Last I checked? al-Qaeda is a sworn enemy. What the HELL is Obama doing consorting with the enemy? (Same could be stated of the Muslim Brotherhood as well).

Sounds like treason.
You adeptly read my mind. Precisely the point. Obama's actions to date scream it in his headlong attempt to take us down on many fronts. HE is an ideologue...with ZERO life experience to be POTUS.


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