Rand Paul Returns Surplus Operating Budget...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul says he will send a $600,000 check to the U.S. Treasury, returning the part of his operating budget as a senator that was not spent.

Paul made the announcement at press conference in Kentucky on Wednesday. According to a press release from Paul’s office, the sum is over 20 percent of the total operating budget.

Last year, he returned $500,000 worth of unspent funds to the Treasury.

“I ran to stop the reckless spending, and I pledged to the people of Kentucky that I would work to keep their hard-earned money out of the hands of Washington bureaucrats whose irresponsible spending has threatened our country’s economic health,” Sen. Paul said.

The Republican senator and son of libertarian icon Ron Paul is considered a likely 2016 presidential contender.

Read more: Rand Paul returns surplus operating budget | The Daily Caller
But then he sent it to the Treasury who will then throw it down the Black Hole of Derivatives.
Granny says, "Dat's right - what Congress needs is a few more Rand Paul's...
Rand Paul repays $600K to Treasury, result of office thrift
2/21/13 - Taking his own message of fiscal conservatism to heart
Sen. Rand Paul is taking his own message of fiscal conservatism to heart, returning about 17 percent of his Senate office budget to the U.S. Treasury. “It’s the only budget I control,” Paul (R-Ky.) said on Wednesday at a news conference in Louisville, Ky., according to a Thursday report in The Courier-Journal, a Louisville-based publication. “It’s not enough, but it’s a start.”


Paul has returned six-figure sums before.

Paul, who is set to return $600,000 from his $3.5 million office budget, has returned six-figure sums before. The libertarian-leaning lawmaker said his office scrutinizes spending from big-ticket items like travel, down to “computers, paper, ink cartridges. Everything we buy,” the report said.

A POLITICO review last year, however, found that many lawmakers on both sides of the aisle return at least a little of their

Read more: Rand Paul to repay $600K to Treasury - Katie Glueck - POLITICO.com
I think it would have been better for Sen. Paul to rent a Helicopter (Or borrow Ben Bernanke's) and drop all that cash somewhere over Kentucky.

That way it would have actually done some good.
At least he didn't do like his dad and take grab as much money as he could to become one of the most prolific porkmeisters in congress. Yay more fed taxpayer funds for decorative garbage cans in Galveston, thanks Uncle Ron!
Ron Paul one of only four House Republicans to request earmarks for 2011 budget (UPDATED) | The Washington Independent

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) was one of only four House Republicans to break rank from the party and request earmarks despite a Republican Conference earmark moratorium. Paul sent 41 earmark requests totaling $157,093,544 for the 2011 Fiscal Year. His largest single request was $19,500,000 for a naval training ship at the Texas Maritime Academy in Galveston, followed by a $18,126,000 to provide maintenance on the Matagorda Ship Channel.

For Fiscal Year 2010, Paul requested 54 total earmarks, adding up to $398,460,640 in pork that the former presidential candidate sought to bring home to his district. These requests were made prior to the House Republican Conference’s voluntary ban on filing earmarks.

Oink, oink
Ron Paul one of only four House Republicans to request earmarks for 2011 budget (UPDATED) | The Washington Independent

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) was one of only four House Republicans to break rank from the party and request earmarks despite a Republican Conference earmark moratorium. Paul sent 41 earmark requests totaling $157,093,544 for the 2011 Fiscal Year. His largest single request was $19,500,000 for a naval training ship at the Texas Maritime Academy in Galveston, followed by a $18,126,000 to provide maintenance on the Matagorda Ship Channel.

For Fiscal Year 2010, Paul requested 54 total earmarks, adding up to $398,460,640 in pork that the former presidential candidate sought to bring home to his district. These requests were made prior to the House Republican Conference’s voluntary ban on filing earmarks.

Oink, oink

This is about Rand Paul. But because you have a pea size brain all you can do is try desperately to attack someone.

Rand will probably be running in 2016 and will probably win, because like his father he has a better record than everyone else on either side.

Millions failed to turn out for Obama this election, the Democrat party lost almost 6% of it's voter base. Dems might not say they are happy Obama's second term is over but when it gets here, but this last election sure signaled their discontent. First time in over 30 years the Dem party lost voters... and it was 4 million less.
This is about Rand Paul. But because you have a pea size brain all you can do is try desperately to attack someone.
I'm not sure of my brain size but suspect it is within normal range given side of head is about right.

Thread is about Rand, but Ron is a related subject since we talking Pauls and how they deal with money.

I'm certainly not desperate to do anything when posting on this message board in my spare time.

Rand will probably be running in 2016 and will probably win, because like his father he has a better record than everyone else on either side.
Yup worked for Ron eh?

Millions failed to turn out for Obama this election, the Democrat party lost almost 6% of it's voter base. Dems might not say they are happy Obama's second term is over but when it gets here, but this last election sure signaled their discontent. First time in over 30 years the Dem party lost voters... and it was 4 million less.
Weren't you just lecturing about going off topic?
Ron Paul one of only four House Republicans to request earmarks for 2011 budget (UPDATED) | The Washington Independent

U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) was one of only four House Republicans to break rank from the party and request earmarks despite a Republican Conference earmark moratorium. Paul sent 41 earmark requests totaling $157,093,544 for the 2011 Fiscal Year. His largest single request was $19,500,000 for a naval training ship at the Texas Maritime Academy in Galveston, followed by a $18,126,000 to provide maintenance on the Matagorda Ship Channel.

For Fiscal Year 2010, Paul requested 54 total earmarks, adding up to $398,460,640 in pork that the former presidential candidate sought to bring home to his district. These requests were made prior to the House Republican Conference’s voluntary ban on filing earmarks.

Oink, oink

You've been brainwashed to accept the "pork" argument, but in reality if that money is going to be appropriated in a spending bill, it belongs in the districts of the taxpayers who are paying it, not in the executive branch for the president to divvy out for his agenda.

Think about it.
You've been brainwashed to accept the "pork" argument, but in reality if that money is going to be appropriated in a spending bill, it belongs in the districts of the taxpayers who are paying it, not in the executive branch for the president to divvy out for his agenda.
I submit the Ron Paul lovers who accept his pork habits are the ones more likely to fit the brainwashed category.

He's wasn't taking the tax money from the common tax payer in Galveston and returning it to them, he was taking tax money from the common tax payer everywhere and spending it. You think he was handing out dollar bills in Galveston? Nope, he was spending money to pay back political favors with to pet projects, like like every other slimy politician. It astounds me his starry eyed fans buy this "if I don't spend it someone else will" line as something they want to hear.

Bottom line spending 400 million of fed money in your local district is doing just that, spending fed money that we all paid in taxes.

Oink, oink
You've been brainwashed to accept the "pork" argument, but in reality if that money is going to be appropriated in a spending bill, it belongs in the districts of the taxpayers who are paying it, not in the executive branch for the president to divvy out for his agenda.
I submit the Ron Paul lovers who accept his pork habits are the ones more likely to fit the brainwashed category.

He's wasn't taking the tax money from the common tax payer in Galveston and returning it to them, he was taking tax money from the common tax payer everywhere and spending it. You think he was handing out dollar bills in Galveston? Nope, he was spending money to pay back political favors with to pet projects, like like every other slimy politician. It astounds me his starry eyed fans buy this "if I don't spend it someone else will" line as something they want to hear.

Bottom line spending 400 million of fed money in your local district is doing just that, spending fed money that we all paid in taxes.

Oink, oink

This post is about Rand Paul's actions. Your bizarre hate for Ron Paul is irrelevant and off-topic.
You've been brainwashed to accept the "pork" argument, but in reality if that money is going to be appropriated in a spending bill, it belongs in the districts of the taxpayers who are paying it, not in the executive branch for the president to divvy out for his agenda.
I submit the Ron Paul lovers who accept his pork habits are the ones more likely to fit the brainwashed category.

He's wasn't taking the tax money from the common tax payer in Galveston and returning it to them, he was taking tax money from the common tax payer everywhere and spending it. You think he was handing out dollar bills in Galveston? Nope, he was spending money to pay back political favors with to pet projects, like like every other slimy politician. It astounds me his starry eyed fans buy this "if I don't spend it someone else will" line as something they want to hear.

Bottom line spending 400 million of fed money in your local district is doing just that, spending fed money that we all paid in taxes.

Oink, oink

Political favors and pet projects? Wtf are you talking about? Ron Paul was near the bottom of the list every year in lobbyist contributions. Like, it was in the HUNDREDS of dollars. 3 digits.

But of course, you can source your claim about his pet projects and political favors right? That would be great.:thup:
You've been brainwashed to accept the "pork" argument, but in reality if that money is going to be appropriated in a spending bill, it belongs in the districts of the taxpayers who are paying it, not in the executive branch for the president to divvy out for his agenda.
I submit the Ron Paul lovers who accept his pork habits are the ones more likely to fit the brainwashed category.

He's wasn't taking the tax money from the common tax payer in Galveston and returning it to them, he was taking tax money from the common tax payer everywhere and spending it. You think he was handing out dollar bills in Galveston? Nope, he was spending money to pay back political favors with to pet projects, like like every other slimy politician. It astounds me his starry eyed fans buy this "if I don't spend it someone else will" line as something they want to hear.

Bottom line spending 400 million of fed money in your local district is doing just that, spending fed money that we all paid in taxes.

Oink, oink

Political favors and pet projects? Wtf are you talking about? Ron Paul was near the bottom of the list every year in lobbyist contributions. Like, it was in the HUNDREDS of dollars. 3 digits.

But of course, you can source your claim about his pet projects and political favors right? That would be great.:thup:

Don't bother. He or she has a weird Ron Paul-Hating fetish. The post was about Rand Paul's actions. Yet he or she can only obsess over Ron Paul. It's like trying to have a conversation with a stinky lump of shit. Don't waste your time. He or she be craazy. :cuckoo:
This post is about Rand Paul's actions. Your bizarre hate for Ron Paul is irrelevant and off-topic.
Topics tend to evolve, Ron Paul spending is a logical extension of Rand Paul (not) spending.

Political favors and pet projects? Wtf are you talking about? Ron Paul was near the bottom of the list every year in lobbyist contributions. Like, it was in the HUNDREDS of dollars. 3 digits.
And his pork spending was in the hundreds of millions. 9 digits.

But of course, you can source your claim about his pet projects and political favors right? That would be great.:thup:
You are truly naive if you look over that list of crap he spent our money on and believe it has nothing to do with political influence. Where there is money and politicians, there is political favors.
[Don't bother. He or she has a weird Ron Paul-Hating fetish. The post was about Rand Paul's actions. Yet he or she can only obsess over Ron Paul.
Wait, so be clear... the guy who named their username after Ron Paul, has some picture or Ron Paul as their icon, is accusing someone else of having a Ron Paul obsession?

That is pretty funny.
[Don't bother. He or she has a weird Ron Paul-Hating fetish. The post was about Rand Paul's actions. Yet he or she can only obsess over Ron Paul.
Wait, so be clear... the guy who named their username after Ron Paul, has some picture or Ron Paul as their icon, is accusing someone else of having a Ron Paul obsession?

That is pretty funny.

I call em like i see em. You hate Ron Paul. We get it. Has nothing to do with this post though. So move on dipshit.
This post is about Rand Paul's actions. Your bizarre hate for Ron Paul is irrelevant and off-topic.
Topics tend to evolve, Ron Paul spending is a logical extension of Rand Paul (not) spending.

Political favors and pet projects? Wtf are you talking about? Ron Paul was near the bottom of the list every year in lobbyist contributions. Like, it was in the HUNDREDS of dollars. 3 digits.
And his pork spending was in the hundreds of millions. 9 digits.

But of course, you can source your claim about his pet projects and political favors right? That would be great.:thup:
You are truly naive if you look over that list of crap he spent our money on and believe it has nothing to do with political influence. Where there is money and politicians, there is political favors.

You don't meant to tell me that he possibly returns money to businesses in his district where there are JOBS at stake, do you???

I'm not sure how you can automatically assume it's political favors when he ranks near the bottom in lobbyist contributions. Lobbyists KNOW he doesn't take that money and they've come to ignore him.

Our tax dollars should be spent by congress, where the people are represented in the expenditures and the spending is transparent. It should not be given to the executive branch where creative accounting can muddy the transparency on exactly what our tax dollars are being spent on.

If the taxpayers had more direct representation on where their money is spent after it's appropriated, maybe it would be spent wiser. Not DEFINITELY, but maybe. No matter what, it's better than giving it to the president.
[You hate Ron Paul. We get it. Has nothing to do with this post though. So move on dipshit.
I'd counter that you idolize hiim. It is somewhat creepy the way he grew this fanbase of people who act like young women at an Elvis show in the 50s, you rarely see people signing up on message boards named Bush or Obama but here I am exchanging barbs with Paulitician and Paulie.

That Ron Paul... he's just dreeeaaaammmmy.

You don't meant to tell me that he possibly returns money to businesses in his district where there are JOBS at stake, do you???
He isn't returning it because it didn't come from there, it was fed money that came from everywhere. He just happened to be one the sleazebags willing to go grab it to spend on pet pork projects.

Our tax dollars should be spent by congress, where the people are represented in the expenditures and the spending is transparent. It should not be given to the executive branch where creative accounting can muddy the transparency on exactly what our tax dollars are being spent on.
Oh come on, over two million of our federal tax dollars going to restore an old theater somewhere in Texas is a waste, it is poor pork and I'd rather take my chances with whatever the feds will spend it on that something like that. Transparency? Who knows where the money he grabbed from the public trough went when he has projects throwing millions towards improving whatever bayou or researching shrimp.
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