Rand Paul Utterly Destroys Warmists

And....on the opposite end of the intellectual spectrum, here is the next Clinton positing the connection between "child marriage and climate change."


Heartwarming......that's the only word to describe Rand Paul's interview on CNN.

I had referred to this interview earlier, gave Jake Tapper credit for allowing a Libertarian to speak on his show. Hopefully his ratings get a boost for putting anyone but a liberal on to talk about this decision.

I would go even further than Rand and say clearly that nothing in this accord addresses these climate issues but they certainly do reward other nations with U.S taxpayer funding.

'The temperature of the planet has increased about one degree Fahrenheit in the last century. So imagine a summer afternoon when it’s 63 degrees and the next thing you know it’s …64 degrees! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Run for your lives, everybody! Women and children first! Where’s FEMA, dammit?'
And....on the opposite end of the intellectual spectrum, here is the next Clinton positing the connection between "child marriage and climate change."


What a moron. Chances are she could run for office and win in New York at some level and eventually become a US Senator or Representative, but hopefully never as a presidential candidate. Just what we need, another Clinton.
Rand destroyed him alright. That's one interview Jake Tapper wishes he hadn't done.
And....on the opposite end of the intellectual spectrum, here is the next Clinton positing the connection between "child marriage and climate change."


What a moron. Chances are she could run for office and win in New York at some level and eventually become a US Senator or Representative, but hopefully never as a presidential candidate. Just what we need, another Clinton.

They'll find a safe district for her to run in. Since both Bill and Hillary are locked out, it's the Clintons only chance to weasel their way back into our government. How many years will we have to listen to this airhead while the left pretends she has something to offer?
And....on the opposite end of the intellectual spectrum, here is the next Clinton positing the connection between "child marriage and climate change."


What a moron. Chances are she could run for office and win in New York at some level and eventually become a US Senator or Representative, but hopefully never as a presidential candidate. Just what we need, another Clinton.

They'll find a safe district for her to run in. Since both Bill and Hillary are locked out, it's the Clintons only chance to weasel their way back into our government. How many years will we have to listen to this airhead while the left pretends she has something to offer?

Whether it is this particular airhead or some other....this is what the Democrats have.
Without their control of the media, the party would simply be a joke.
And....on the opposite end of the intellectual spectrum, here is the next Clinton positing the connection between "child marriage and climate change."


What a moron. Chances are she could run for office and win in New York at some level and eventually become a US Senator or Representative, but hopefully never as a presidential candidate. Just what we need, another Clinton.

They'll find a safe district for her to run in. Since both Bill and Hillary are locked out, it's the Clintons only chance to weasel their way back into our government. How many years will we have to listen to this airhead while the left pretends she has something to offer?

Whether it is this particular airhead or some other....this is what the Democrats have.
Without their control of the media, the party would simply be a joke.

That's exactly right. The media is the only thing keeping that party from irrelevance. Without disinformation, they would not still exist.

'The temperature of the planet has increased about one degree Fahrenheit in the last century. So imagine a summer afternoon when it’s 63 degrees and the next thing you know it’s …64 degrees! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Run for your lives, everybody! Women and children first! Where’s FEMA, dammit?'
LOL As if the increase is evenly distributed. And he-she-it hardly has the education to comment intelligently on this subject. For that matter, neither do you.

Once again, all the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities on this planet state that AGW is real, and that it is a clear and present danger.

Now that one degree has caused major melts in almost all the alpine glaciers on this planet. Both the Greenland Ice Cap and the Anarctic Ice Caps are losing ice at the rate of billions of tons a year. The Arctic Sea Ice is getting less every decade, and may well be gone for a short time in the summer by 2030, maybe much sooner.

National Climate Assessment
Summary of Rand Paul's propaganda spiel:

He declared that we don't know global warming is real, because it might be natural. Stupid.

He declared Paris would cost 6 million US jobs, but didn't say how. Stupid.

That is, Rand Paul just made some crap up.

Why? Look at his campaign contributors. Rand Paul loves him his fossil fuel cash. He's a bought and paid for shill.

Would any denier cultists like to show us the numbers and explain how 6 million jobs would be lost? If Rand didn't just yank that number out of his butt, y'all should have no problem.

No? No denier knows? You mean they just BELIEVED the sacred teachings of their holy cult? Imagine that.

'The temperature of the planet has increased about one degree Fahrenheit in the last century. So imagine a summer afternoon when it’s 63 degrees and the next thing you know it’s …64 degrees! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Run for your lives, everybody! Women and children first! Where’s FEMA, dammit?'
LOL As if the increase is evenly distributed. And he-she-it hardly has the education to comment intelligently on this subject. For that matter, neither do you.

Once again, all the Scientific Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major Universities on this planet state that AGW is real, and that it is a clear and present danger.

Now that one degree has caused major melts in almost all the alpine glaciers on this planet. Both the Greenland Ice Cap and the Anarctic Ice Caps are losing ice at the rate of billions of tons a year. The Arctic Sea Ice is getting less every decade, and may well be gone for a short time in the summer by 2030, maybe much sooner.

National Climate Assessment
Why do you assume that less ice is bad?

Why do you assume that a 1 degree rise in the temperature is bad?

Why? Because, as you claim about others, you have no real idea and are merely going with what you wish to believe and I am not sure why. When the atmospheric CO2 was 1000X greater life flourished and the plantet was hot. When CO2 dropped, because of dropping temperature, life died off. Is that what you really want?
Summary of Rand Paul's propaganda spiel:

He declared that we don't know global warming is real, because it might be natural. Stupid.

He declared Paris would cost 6 million US jobs, but didn't say how. Stupid.

That is, Rand Paul just made some crap up.

Why? Look at his campaign contributors. Rand Paul loves him his fossil fuel cash. He's a bought and paid for shill.

Would any denier cultists like to show us the numbers and explain how 6 million jobs would be lost? If Rand didn't just yank that number out of his butt, y'all should have no problem.

No? No denier knows? You mean they just BELIEVED the sacred teachings of their holy cult? Imagine that.

Now, here is someone that disagrees with you about consensus. This person does not deny that the climate is changing, it always changes. YOU on the other hand deny that the change maybe to natural causes, why I have no idea.

Estimated 40 Percent of Scientists Doubt Manmade Global Warming | National Association of Scholars

Now, since you are apparently a tried and true follower of the cult of MGW. Here is what Singer does believe about MGW.

NIPCC is the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, another group established by Singer. In 2009 NIPCC published Climate Change Reconsidered,an 880-page report on scientific research that contradicts the models of man-made global warming. Singer believes that global warming exists but that human contributions to it are minimal. In the interview Singer said he believed his efforts in the last twenty years had been successful in disproving the notion that “the science is settled.”

And what are his credentials?

He is professor emeritus of environmental science at the University of Virginia, and he was the founding Dean of the School of Environmental and Planetary Sciences at the University of Miami (1964-1967) and the Director of the Center for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Maryland (1953-1962).

Now I am sure you will come back with he is a crack pot, in spite of his accomplishments.

Here are some more scientist that disagree with the hyperbole surrounding the climate. And when you bring up the consensus argument, remember only Einstein came up with the theory of relativity:

List of scientists opposing the mainstream scientific assessment of global warming - Wikipedia

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