Rand Paul Utterly Destroys Warmists

Oy.....once again we see a perfect illustration.......these alarmists cant connect the dots.

They believe that their little science club dictates how people think...........and the only things that matters here is the perceptions people are left with. These bozo's keep redirecting the thread audience back to the science stuff....:spinner:.......as if it matters in the real world. As if the science is the absolute truth.............

In their minds ( and this is scary stuff s0ns ) it is. But as with anything, society measures things against a mean. Rand Pauls responses clearly have resonated with much of the public.....or the Paris withdrawal doesn't happen. These are amongst the dots the alarmists cant connect............been saying for 20 years, its a fucked up thinking thing.

There is a street racing group out in Oklahoma called The 405. They claim to be the fastest street racers in the country and they prove it right on TV week after week. People come from all over the country and get decimated by these guys. Now the alarmists...........they would be like a street racing community that CLAIMS to be the fastest but has nothing to back it up. Legends in their own minds.............that's ghey.:gay:

When your side gets decimated on national TV in a debate and your fallback is to point out already established science, you're not getting it. Nobody cares about your fallback points.......the damage is already done. For ten years, people like Paul have been making asses of these climate change fakers.........the public has noticed. It is why nobody is giving a shit about climate change in 2017.:bye1:
The one question all these brilliant "science minds" on this forum ( the AGW climate crusaders ) can never answer is..........."Where is the science mattering in the real world?"
The one question all these brilliant "science minds" on this forum ( the AGW climate crusaders ) can never answer is..........."Where is the science mattering in the real world?"
Well REAL science does matter else we would still be dragging stuff with a travois made from tipi tent poles through the prairies. But this crap isn`t a science.
No matter how many times they insist on that bogus 97% consensus of "scientists" that don`t have what it takes in real science. All the other scientists and engineers who have what it takes are in their fantasy world part of an oil-industrial-illuminati conspiracy.
Fact is that the ratio of idiot wannabe "scientists" to real scientists is about the same as bench warmers in baseball and the kind of players who can hit it out of the park...and that`s the kind that get hired by BP, Shell etc....the top 3% !
Why on earth would anyone look for scientific advice from the 97% bottom feeders instead of the exceptionally qualified top 3%
Now, here is someone that disagrees with you about consensus.

And he "feels" that 40% of scientists agree with him, but gives no evidence. And he's a handsomely paid ($5000/month) denier propagandist. He openly takes bribes, the honest scientists don't.

Singer also has zero experience in climate science, yet he counts himself as one of those climate scientists.

YOU on the other hand deny that the change maybe to natural causes, why I have no idea.

Duh. Because the evidence says the opposite.

We go by evidence, you go by your feelings.

Now, since you are apparently a tried and true follower of the cult of MGW. Here is what Singer does believe about MGW.

Being that Singer is a paid shill who knows much less about the science than I do, why should I care?

Here are some more scientist that disagree with the hyperbole surrounding the climate.

So? Shall I show you a list of scientists who disagreed with Einstein? There are always a few scientists who botch the science big time.
nobody buys the 97% anymore........only the religion and the zombies. If the 97% really resonated with the folks, Paris withdrawal never happens.....but it did because it can. Nobody is caring about the decided science in 2017.......the k00ks in here think that the people are all a members of the club. But its another connect the dots fAiL by these bozo's.

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