ran's president orders stepped-up missile production after usa new sanction


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2015
TEHRAN, Iran — President Hassan Rouhani on Thursday ordered the accelerated production of missiles in response to possible new U.S. sanctions.

In a letter to the defense minister published on the president's website, Rouhani said Iran won't accept any limitations on its missile program.

A senior U.S. official told the AP on Wednesday that America is considering designating a number of additional targets for sanctions related to Iran's ballistic missile program.

Both the U.S. and Iran insist the missile program is not part of a landmark agreement Tehran reached with world powers in July that is to lift international sanctions in exchange for Iran curbing its nuclear program.

"Apparently, the U.S. government ... is considering adding new individuals and institutions to the list of its previous oppressive sanctions," Rouhani said in the letter. "It's necessary to continue with greater speed and seriousness the plan for production of various missiles needed by the armed forces within the approved defense policies," he wrote.

Rouhani added that the "development and production of Iran's ballistic missiles, which have not been designed to carry nuclear warheads, are important conventional instruments to defend the country and will continue."

Iran had earlier denied U.S. accusations that it launched a provocative rocket test last week near Western warships in the Strait of Hormuz, dismissing the claim as "psychological warfare."

Gen. Ramezan Sharif, a Revolutionary Guard spokesman, said its forces did not carry out any drills in the key Persian Gulf waterway. Sharif said the security of the strategic Persian Gulf remains among Iran's top priorities. His comments were posted on the Guard's website.

Cmdr. Kyle Raines, a U.S. Central Command spokesman, said Wednesday that Guard vessels fired several unguided rockets about 1,370 meters (1,500 yards) from the USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier and other Western warships and commercial traffic last Saturday. Raines said the firing came 23 minutes after Iranians announced a live fire exercise over maritime radio.

While the rockets weren't fired in the direction of any ships, Raines said Iran's actions were "highly provocative."

"Firing weapons so close to passing coalition ships and commercial traffic within an internationally recognized maritime traffic lane is unsafe, unprofessional and inconsistent with international maritime law," he said.

Nearly a third of all oil traded by sea passes through the Strait of Hormuz, which has been the scene of past confrontations between America and Iran, including a one-day naval battle in 1988, during the Iran-Iraq war.

Copyright 2015 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Rouhani Says Iran Has Right to Develop Missiles, Expands Program
  • ail
Iran President Hassan Rouhani ordered his defense minister on Thursday to expand Iran's missile program, in response to a U.S. threat to impose sanctions over a ballistic missile test Iran carried out in October.

"As the U.S. government is clearly still pursuing its hostile policies and illegal meddling ... the armed forces need to quickly and significantly increase their missile capability," Rouhani wrote in a letter to Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan, published on the state news agency IRNA.

A senior administration official told NBC News the U.S. has been weighing options "related to Iran's ballistic missile program based on our continued concerns about its activities."

The official said no determination had been made and that the administration was keeping Congress "informed about issues related to Iran sanctions."
Now, according to TOS, where is your position on the subject? Are you just a post-bot? Or humanoid?
Now, according to TOS, where is your position on the subject? Are you just a post-bot? Or humanoid?

You leftists really hate when your leader is once again shamed. What have Republicans been saying since Kerry made that idiotic deal anyway? We told you this was going to happen.
Now, according to TOS, where is your position on the subject? Are you just a post-bot? Or humanoid?

You leftists really hate when your leader is once again shamed. What have Republicans been saying since Kerry made that idiotic deal anyway? We told you this was going to happen.
My leader is my peter..I don't know about you...and yet again the US will put sanctions back in place, just like it was foretold when the agreement was agreed upon..There is no shame unless it is from the party which breaks the agreement...
I would not doubt that the Iranian mullahs received direct permission from the Obama administration to continue/accelerate their development procedures, and that all this is just for show.
I would not doubt that the Iranian mullahs received direct permission from the Obama administration to continue/accelerate their development procedures, and that all this is just for show.
That's why the Oblama admin is getting ready to replace sanctions quickly as possible, but, to an Iran fan such as yourself, I can see why you'd be pissed at Oblama and not Iran...

Beheading the Blacksmith of Balkh: Iranian Americans scapegoated again
Aradicalised, American-born Pakistani went to Saudi Arabia and married another Pakistani brainwashed with an extremist version of Wahhabism that is the Saudi state religion. The couple came to the US and shot up a Christmas office party killing 14 people.

Guess who is being chosen for punishment for this despicable crime? Iranian Americans, who have never shared that extremist ideology and who, as far as we know, have never had anything to do with this or any other act of terrorism anywhere in the world.

The passage by the United States House of Representatives of the Visa Waiver Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act, or HR 158, brings to mind a Persian story about a ruler who heard a blacksmith had committed a crime in the city of Balkh, now in northern Afghanistan. In his desire to appear swift in meting out justice he ordered the arrest and beheading of the culprit.

But, as Balkh was too far away, the ruler decreed that beheading any blacksmith would do. And yet his henchmen were unable to find such an artisan in nearby towns. All they found was a coppersmith in the city of Shushtar in western Iran. So, our zealous ruler called for the execution of the poor coppersmith of Shushtar lest the crime of the blacksmith of Balkh went unpunished.

The US House of Representatives just reenacted that story. If backed by the Senate and president, then the new law will bar Iranian-Americans from a 38-nation visa waiver programme that allows visits to signatory countries for up to 90 days without a visa.

Even if we grant that prudence in the cause of security justifies collective punishment, HR 158 does not punish either Pakistani or Saudis dual nationals. Instead Iranian Americans are to be punished – along with dual nationals from Iraq, Sudan and Syria, as well as anyone who has been to any of these four countries in the past five years.

Why? Two reasons. One: somebody had to be nailed. Two: nobody ever pays a political price for targeting Iranian Americans. This is despite the fact no Iranian national, let alone an Iranian American, has ever been proved to be involved in terrorism in the US or Europe – this should not be confused with the state- sponsored assassinations of dissidents by agents of the Islamic Republic that ended in the late 1990s.

So, why do Saudis receive a get-out-of-jail card every time they land on the terrorism square, as they often do? Because they have been the favourites of the American political elites and its ersatz aristocracy including the Bush and Trump dynasties.

Everyone knows that the never-never desert kingdom ruled by the house of Saud was heavily implicated in 9/11. Everyone knows the Saudis have for decades spread the virulent, hardcore ideology of Wahhabism that is now carried by the Taliban, al-Qaida, Isis, Boko Haram, and a dozen other terrorist franchises from Chechnya and Baluchistan to Chad. And yet, the Saudis appear untouchable.

The kabuki of passing HR 158 was an elaborate show that made the House of Representatives look busy without having the slightest effect on the security of US citizens. The legislation would restrict the travel of people who have nothing to do with terrorism but let the most likely suspects continue their movement without restrictions.

The HR 158 would affect people who have travelled directly between the US and Syria, missing the glaring fact that virtually nobody actually does this: Isis recruits usually go back and forth via Turkey. Why not introduce travel restrictions for people who go there? Because Turkey is a member of Nato and confronting them would be costly.

This is an old story. Iranians had nothing to do with 9/11 while the Saudis supplied 15 out of 19 hijackers of that bloody Tuesday.

But it was not the student visas of Saudi nationals but those of Iranians that were restricted after those attacks. It appears that we are perfect scapegoats again. Unable to find the blacksmith of Balkh, the House wants to chop off the head of the coppersmith of Shushtar.

The Tehran Bureau is an independent media organisation, hosted by the Guardian. Contact us @tehranbureau
I would not doubt that the Iranian mullahs received direct permission from the Obama administration to continue/accelerate their development procedures, and that all this is just for show.
That's why the Oblama admin is getting ready to replace sanctions quickly as possible, but, to an Iran fan such as yourself, I can see why you'd be pissed at Oblama and not Iran...

Your post is quaintly naive. I am pissed at both, equally.
I would not doubt that the Iranian mullahs received direct permission from the Obama administration to continue/accelerate their development procedures, and that all this is just for show.
That's why the Oblama admin is getting ready to replace sanctions quickly as possible, but, to an Iran fan such as yourself, I can see why you'd be pissed at Oblama and not Iran...

Your post is quaintly naive. I am pissed at both, equally.
And Russia is supplying them with the missiles.....Russia needs embargoed also...
The U.S. policy of "do as we say and not as we do" hasn't been effective for quite some time. We need advance weapons to either detonate a country's missiles upon launch or hack their guidance systems and send them where we want them to go.
The U.S. policy of "do as we say and not as we do" hasn't been effective for quite some time. We need advance weapons to either detonate a country's missiles upon launch or hack their guidance systems and send them where we want them to go.

Yeah, well good luck on that with this administration.
well, that does it.

We're all dead now. All of you yellow-back RW might as well jump off tall buildings and get it over with.

Go ahead and end it all

please end it all.

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