rape by Russian army

If there were rapes it were the Azov or other nationalistic scoundrels who committed them and made it look like Russians did it all. Remember Butcha, Snake Island, Ghost of Kiev, Kramatorsk train station Tochka-U strike. They are professionals in lying department.
Sorry, your embarrassing, desperate putin propaganda doesn't fly, here.
It's common sense a brain dead SoBs like you are incapable to absorb. There are even people who voted Biden and think Nancy Pelosi in not a mummy. Can you believe that?
I already told you that you are embarrassing yourself with your idiot propaganda that even you don't believe. Beating your retard drum even louder only brings more attention to your stupidity.
I already told you that you are embarrassing yourself with your idiot propaganda that even you don't believe. Beating your retard drum even louder only brings more attention to your stupidity.
So it was you who voted Biden. Now people know who's responsible for triple gas prices, BLM and faggots in the army. Shame on you.
Stating basic ethical and moral truths isn't virtue signaling. You just invented a little dolly to play with, because you are of low intellectual capability.
Seeing how you blabber of IQs and intellectual capabilities never showing any makes me think that you're a moron. Say something smart for a change.
If there were rapes it were the Azov or other nationalistic scoundrels who committed them and made it look like Russians did it all. Remember Butcha, Snake Island, Ghost of Kiev, Kramatorsk train station Tochka-U strike. They are professionals in lying department.
Oh fucking stop it. You think the ukrainians are blowing up and burning down their own villages and shooting and killing their own people for propaganda.
Oh fucking stop it. You think the ukrainians are blowing up and burning down their own villages and shooting and killing their own people for propaganda.
Yes, that's what I fucking think and that's what fucking happens. Those Hohols are capable of any dirty trick imaginable. They don't consider ethnic Russians theirs.
Just more fake news from the Ukrainian propaganda spin masters. .... :cuckoo:

It is common knowledge that the Russian Soldiers committed an estimated 2 million rapes in Germany alone during World War II. We don’t have numbers for Rapes committed outside of Germany by the Russians.

Russians are a barbaric and uncivilized people. The nation should be walled off and the barbarians trapped within.
It is common knowledge that the Russian Soldiers committed an estimated 2 million rapes in Germany alone during World War II. We don’t have numbers for Rapes committed outside of Germany by the Russians.

Russians are a barbaric and uncivilized people. The nation should be walled off and the barbarians trapped within.

I'm not excusing what they did in Berlin and all over but those soldiers had seen plenty of German brutality committed on their own people and on eastern Europeans. Don't get me wrong. You don't pay back brutality by raping women age 8 to 80. But at least you could understand their rage.

This one is incomprehensible to me. Even granting that Ukraine is not Utopia.
It is common knowledge that the Russian Soldiers committed an estimated 2 million rapes in Germany alone during World War II. We don’t have numbers for Rapes committed outside of Germany by the Russians.

Russians are a barbaric and uncivilized people. The nation should be walled off and the barbarians trapped within.
That's rich, coming from the SoB whose country contemplates legalizing pedophilia.
There are multiple accounts of rape coming from Ukraine. Russian army using rape as a weapon or are they just savages? There are reports of captured Russian soldiers castrated. Probably out of revenge. if these soldiers were rapists then they deserved it but were they guilty? anyway multiple accounts of sexual violence from Russian soldiers are being reported. Here is one.

The Russians raped German women at the end of WWII too.

Japanese journalists have published an "interview" of a Polish war correspondent who repeatedly asked a girl from Mariupol who fired on civilians. Repeated response"Azov is shooting at peaceful people! Russians don't shoot at civilians!"I didn't leave any chances for anti-Russian propaganda.
Japanese journalists have published an "interview" of a Polish war correspondent who repeatedly asked a girl from Mariupol who fired on civilians. Repeated response"Azov is shooting at peaceful people! Russians don't shoot at civilians!"I didn't leave any chances for anti-Russian propaganda.

I think, in fact I'm sure, it's Patrick Lancaster. Not some Polish freak. He's not pushing her to answer "correctly", he repeats the question several times to show the "civilised world" that the interviewee is saying what she means and not what she's expected to say.
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No other choice-----Putin is forcing them to.
I bet it's Siberia, where he's forcing them to. Right? I don't see the dogs though but they must be taking a coffee break. Can a hard biting dog have a break once in a while, for God's sake?

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