
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
I was molested by by teacher at age 14 and I GTFO. Everytime I had sex with my husband it felt like rape. I will not give my molestor or rapist that much control and power over my life.or let society or the system tell me how I should feel or react. I am teh only one that has the that has the power over how any thing in life affect me. No one else. I am 75 years old and have not lived my life dwelling on something I cannot change. Like Maya Angelou said? " If you don't like something, change it and if you cannot change it change your attitude" I cannot change the past but I can change my future and how I let it define my future. I forgive and let go because or it will become a monkey on my back and hold me back. I am like the Phoenix. I rise from the ashes stornger than ever.It is no longer on me but on my molestor and rapist. I am free from the pain that they may have intended to cause. From the rape. What did I lose? Nothing if I don't let it. I gained strength that I have lived with all my awesome and happy life.
Amen, sista. :thup:
I also like the idea of "don't get mad" "get even" I would have gone back with a date rape drug and a bat or steel rod for Cosby. Wome are such whinny little wimips. Fight back and and stop this shit or STFU
If every time you had sex with your husband it felt like rape, your rapist left far more of an impression on you than you want to admit.​
If every time you had sex with your husband it felt like rape, your rapist left far more of an impression on you than you want to admit.​

That is the first thing I thought too.

If sex with her husband felt like rape, she was robbed of an intimacy with her partner and the enjoyment of a satisfying sex life. This is why rape victims should get therapy.
If every time you had sex with your husband it felt like rape, your rapist left far more of an impression on you than you want to admit.​

That is the first thing I thought too.

If sex with her husband felt like rape, she was robbed of an intimacy with her partner and the enjoyment of a satisfying sex life. This is why rape victims should get therapy.

Its also why we need to take rape a lot more seriously than we do now.

Women don't report rapes because they know they will likely be blamed.
If every time you had sex with your husband it felt like rape, your rapist left far more of an impression on you than you want to admit.​

That is the first thing I thought too.

If sex with her husband felt like rape, she was robbed of an intimacy with her partner and the enjoyment of a satisfying sex life. This is why rape victims should get therapy.
If every time you had sex with your husband it felt like rape, your rapist left far more of an impression on you than you want to admit.​

That is the first thing I thought too.

If sex with her husband felt like rape, she was robbed of an intimacy with her partner and the enjoyment of a satisfying sex life. This is why rape victims should get therapy.
Made me feel like rape because he was a pig. He had the problem and not me. IGTF over him also. He had to go into therapy to fix his attitude. I have and still having a very satifying sex life inspite of MS and being 75 years old. I take control of my life and no one does but me can tell me how to feel. NO therapist who has never been in this situation can only give me text book counseling. Women take control of your life. Lots of husands don't know how to love and receive love. It did not feel acutally being raped but kind of not appreaciated. Maybe not a correct anology. Not satisfied may be the best statement.
I have never met anyone that was really helped through therapy. It is just a way to continure to feel sorry for yourself. No kind of therapy is helpful. I am my best therapist. Rape is just another anoying problem so just deal with it. MS is a problem but I do not go whinning because I have it . It is me and I deal with me with MS 24/7. I may sound bitter and I am not just sick of whinny people who want other people to solve their probems. That goes of anything unpleasant in our lives. People want others to solve their problems.
Kind of sad but how do you feel about the democrat party's potential nominee who was allegedly a world class enabler for her husband's abuse of women?
Made me feel like rape because he was a pig. He had the problem and not me. IGTF over him also. He had to go into therapy to fix his attitude. I have and still having a very satifying sex life inspite of MS and being 75 years old. I take control of my life and no one does but me can tell me how to feel. NO therapist who has never been in this situation can only give me text book counseling. Women take control of your life. Lots of husands don't know how to love and receive love. It did not feel acutally being raped but kind of not appreaciated. Maybe not a correct anology. Not satisfied may be the best statement.

You have a sex life at 75? More power to you.

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