Rashida Tlaib’s alleged links to the Hamas terror organization - report

sadly the world does not quite agree FF

Is Pastafarianism recognized in the US?

Pastafarianism is Not a Legally Recognized Religion in the ...

Unfortunately for Nebraska inmate Stephen Cavanaugh, a U.S. District judge ruled this week that his religion of choice, Pastafarianism (also known as, and referred to in court documents, as FSMism) does not qualify for Constitutional protection.

That's according to the U.S. Constitution that a weaponized DOJ and corrupt court system does not respect in any way. That weaponized DOJ and corrupt court system has no ethical problem with destroying those they do not want elected to office and will use any unethical means they want to do it. And they do it without fear because when it is the DOJ and corrupt court system, we have nowhere to turn to remedy it.
Have to be 18. Influx started 7 years ago which means oldest of your hundreds of thousands born here and voting for her would be SEVEN.
I am not going to get into it about whether or not those who voted for her were citizens or not. If you want to prove they are not, you need to post some proof.
She is Hamas' first
You know, it does look like Hamas supporters donated to her campaign. . much like Herbert Walker Bush's Granddad was a Nazi supporter, whose capital contributed to the building of the camps that mass murdered the Jewish nation. . . does this make W a Nazi, since his family fortune is connected to that?

Bush grandpa’s ties to Nazis clearer on 70th Auschwitz memorial​


Truer words seldom meet ascii FF

from my lowly position in this life looking up, the kaleidoscope of corruption is all i see

And so now you know why i wear my tin hat posting here

best wishes

Well I don't know about the tin hat Sparky but definitely a bullet proof vest and fresh batteries in the bullsh*t detector is almost mandatory to survive here.

But yes we have a large part of the body politic that doesn't see the corruption or they ignore it/pretend it doesn't exist. I'm not talking about any presumed or theorized sins of people apart from their sworn elected/appointed duties either.

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