Rasmussen Poll: 46% of Americans say they would oppose the U.S. sending ground troops to defend Taiwan in the event of an invasion by China

I understand better than you.
Do you have any relatives in the US military, active duty?
I do.
So you want US military to go to war with China over Taiwan.
That is WW3.

When was the last time our military defended our shores against a foreign invader?
200 years ago
When was the last time our military defended our shores against a foreign invader?
200 years ago
Pearl Harbor. There was actually some minor skirmish on our mainland that was nothing during the war. There are to many shill talking heads on TV who show their war teeth and then when commercials come on hawking for donations, we see men who came back from war areas not quite whole with physical and psychological disabilities. Damn near all of the talking shills never put their life on the line in anything.
Pearl Harbor. There was actually some minor skirmish on our mainland that was nothing during the war. There are to many shill talking heads on TV who show their war teeth and then when commercials come on hawking for donations, we see men who came back from war areas not quite whole with physical and psychological disabilities. Damn near all of the talking shills never put their life on the line in anything.

Pearl Harbor was an attack, not an invasion

For over a hundred years our military has fought in foreign countries, not in the US
Only 46%? It sounds like a rigged poll. What happened to the anti-war faction that bombed recruiting centers in the 70's? Are they in charge now?
IF we support country's who wish to be run by some democratic form of government,
As opposed to being run by Dictators
is that not better for the world?
When was the last time our military defended our shores against a foreign invader?
200 years ago
When have they ever won ?

Can never stop laughing when I think of those Grenada fishermen in the 80's kicking off a few thousand US boys smoking grass .
Or, US lads surrendering and running back home from Afghanistan .

The Chinese will chop suey your rainbow army and armed only with chop sticks with the rest of the planet roaring their heads off in laughter .
When have they ever won ?

Can never stop laughing when I think of those Grenada fishermen in the 80's kicking off a few thousand US boys smoking grass .
Or, US lads surrendering and running back home from Afghanistan .

The Chinese will chop suey your rainbow army and armed only with chop sticks with the rest of the planet roaring their heads off in laughter .
When was the last time China fought a major war

Their Army is green

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