Raven Smith, Sentenced To 615 Years In Prison


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Raven Smith who has confessed to raping, sodomizing and sexually abusing young children was sentenced to 615 years in prison.
When the Democrats brag about allowing criminals to vote, they are including monsters like Smith.
The Dems are admitting that their voters are robbers, rapist, pedocreeps and murders.

Raven Smith Alabama: Alabama Man, Raven Smith, Who Confessed To Sex Crimes Gets 615 Years In Prison
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This man is lucky because he will get out of prison in the year 2634. Think of all the fun things he will see: flying cars, robots that can drive space ships, space ships, colonies on other planets, etc.
Raven Smith who has confessed to raping, sodomizing and sexually abusing young children was sentenced to 615 years in prison.
When the Democrat brag about allowing criminals to vote, they are including monsters like Smith.
The Dems are admitting that their voters are robbers, rapist, pedocreeps and murders.

Raven Smith Alabama: Alabama Man, Raven Smith, Who Confessed To Sex Crimes Gets 615 Years In Prison
View attachment 269059

No they aren't and you know that.
Raven Smith who has confessed to raping, sodomizing and sexually abusing young children was sentenced to 615 years in prison.
When the Democrat brag about allowing criminals to vote, they are including monsters like Smith.
The Dems are admitting that their voters are robbers, rapist, pedocreeps and murders.

Raven Smith Alabama: Alabama Man, Raven Smith, Who Confessed To Sex Crimes Gets 615 Years In Prison
View attachment 269059

No they aren't and you know that.
Then why does the Democratic Party want convicted criminals to vote?
If I were a convicted felon the first thing I'd vote for is a law making whatever crime I'm into legal.
This man is lucky because he will get out of prison in the year 2634. Think of all the fun things he will see: flying cars, robots that can drive space ships, space ships, colonies on other planets, etc.
Pedophiles dont do very well in prison nor do they last very long until another inmate sticks a shiv in the asshole. Even cons hate pedophiles.
Raven Smith who has confessed to raping, sodomizing and sexually abusing young children was sentenced to 615 years in prison.
When the Democrat brag about allowing criminals to vote, they are including monsters like Smith.
The Dems are admitting that their voters are robbers, rapist, pedocreeps and murders.

Raven Smith Alabama: Alabama Man, Raven Smith, Who Confessed To Sex Crimes Gets 615 Years In Prison
View attachment 269059

No they aren't and you know that.
STUDY: Shocking Number of Convicted Criminals vote Democrat!
Professors from the University of Pennsylvania and Stanford University, found that in some states, felons register Democratic by more than six-to-one ratio.
It proves that Dem Voters are the bottom half of our society.
Democrats have alienated all the law-abiding with their support of Black Lives Matters and Antifa so now they must release felons and get them to vote.
Raven Smith who has confessed to raping, sodomizing and sexually abusing young children was sentenced to 615 years in prison.
When the Democrat brag about allowing criminals to vote, they are including monsters like Smith.
The Dems are admitting that their voters are robbers, rapist, pedocreeps and murders.

Raven Smith Alabama: Alabama Man, Raven Smith, Who Confessed To Sex Crimes Gets 615 Years In Prison
View attachment 269059

No they aren't and you know that.
Then why does the Democratic Party want convicted criminals to vote?
Raven Smith who has confessed to raping, sodomizing and sexually abusing young children was sentenced to 615 years in prison.
When the Democrat brag about allowing criminals to vote, they are including monsters like Smith.
The Dems are admitting that their voters are robbers, rapist, pedocreeps and murders.

Raven Smith Alabama: Alabama Man, Raven Smith, Who Confessed To Sex Crimes Gets 615 Years In Prison
View attachment 269059

No they aren't and you know that.
STUDY: Shocking Number of Convicted Criminals vote Democrat!
Professors from the University of Pennsylvania and Stanford University, found that in some states, felons register Democratic by more than six-to-one ratio.
It proves that Dem Voters are the bottom half of our society.

How many states allow murderers, rapist, pedophiles and serial killers to vote?
This man is lucky because he will get out of prison in the year 2634. Think of all the fun things he will see: flying cars, robots that can drive space ships, space ships, colonies on other planets, etc.
Hopefully for Raven there will be rectum replacement surgeries too because once inmates get their hands on this
demonic prick he will have his pooter stretched out and abused like a fat lady's cheap pair of yoga pants.
This man is lucky because he will get out of prison in the year 2634. Think of all the fun things he will see: flying cars, robots that can drive space ships, space ships, colonies on other planets, etc.

He's a child molester. Chancer are he'll get shanked in prison. Couldn't happen to a more deserving POS.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but why can't the authorities just label it life without parole?

God bless you always!!!

Because some judge will reduce the sentence and grant parole anyway.

My step granddaughter got 30 years. One judge reduced it to three and she's out now.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but why can't the authorities just label it life without parole?

God bless you always!!!

Because some judge will reduce the sentence and grant parole anyway.

My step granddaughter got 30 years. One judge reduced it to three and she's out now.
What was she in jail for if you don't mind my asking?

God bless you and her always!!!


P.S. It may all depend on the severity of a person's track record.
Raven Smith who has confessed to raping, sodomizing and sexually abusing young children was sentenced to 615 years in prison.
When the Democrats brag about allowing criminals to vote, they are including monsters like Smith.
The Dems are admitting that their voters are robbers, rapist, pedocreeps and murders.

Raven Smith Alabama: Alabama Man, Raven Smith, Who Confessed To Sex Crimes Gets 615 Years In Prison
View attachment 269059

Holy crap that's a lotta years. Going to cost a fortune. I'd like to show off my patriotism by offering to kill that lousy hunk of shit and save the taxpayers oodles and gobs of money.

And I'll do it for free.
Raven Smith who has confessed to raping, sodomizing and sexually abusing young children was sentenced to 615 years in prison.
When the Democrat brag about allowing criminals to vote, they are including monsters like Smith.
The Dems are admitting that their voters are robbers, rapist, pedocreeps and murders.

Raven Smith Alabama: Alabama Man, Raven Smith, Who Confessed To Sex Crimes Gets 615 Years In Prison
View attachment 269059

No they aren't and you know that.

Are too.

It's in their handbook.
This man is lucky because he will get out of prison in the year 2634. Think of all the fun things he will see: flying cars, robots that can drive space ships, space ships, colonies on other planets, etc.
Pedophiles dont do very well in prison nor do they last very long until another inmate sticks a shiv in the asshole. Even cons hate pedophiles.

Every group of humans with 2 or more members has a hierarchy. It's what we do. Baby rapers are on the lowest rung even in prisons.
This man is lucky because he will get out of prison in the year 2634. Think of all the fun things he will see: flying cars, robots that can drive space ships, space ships, colonies on other planets, etc.
Pedophiles dont do very well in prison nor do they last very long until another inmate sticks a shiv in the asshole. Even cons hate pedophiles.

The only folks who are lower on the food chain in the joint are Snitches. Mr. Smith should be glad he only got 600 years.
Don't count on it. With a democrat majority in congress and a liberal president the guy might turn out to be the spokesman for the new socialist legalize pedophilia law.

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