Raw milk acquittal: A victory for freedom


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Saturday, May 25th, 2013 | Posted by Kevin Barrett

In these days of creeping tyranny – some would say galloping tyranny – whenever freedom wins a battle, it’s time for a celebration.

So pour yourself a champagne glass full of healthful, delicious, GMO-free raw milk, and raise a toast to Vernon Hershberger, who was just acquitted by a jury on three of four counts of “foodcrime.”

Hershberger can now return to his farm and continue producing healthy food for his neighbors. The jury’s verdict sent an unmistakeable message: When a farmer like Hershberger wants to run a cooperative food club, and provide his neighbors with raw milk and other non-Monsanto, farm-grown foods without a retail license, he is acting within his legitimate rights. In other words, both raw milk and direct-to-consumer food clubs have been effectively legalized in Wisconsin.

Read more @ Raw milk acquittal: A victory for freedom | Veterans Today

A story of government tyranny going on for some time. It's nice to see a jury of his peers acquitted him. I just how much $$$ it cost to defend himself and what financial straits he faces.
Yeah, well that's groovy, but we've had the second outbreak in four months of illness caused by bacteria in raw milk.

The infection, caused by fecal contamination of a cow's raw milk, began in early May. Symptoms can include diarrhea, stomach pains, nausea, vomiting and arthritis.Cooper said several children experienced lingering arthritis after the February outbreak.
Read more here: KENAI, Alaska: 2nd bacteria outbreak reported on peninsula | State News | ADN.com

In this state it's allowed because this is a co-op farm, various people own the cows there, so they can drink raw milk from their own cow if they like. Nice of them to be so adamant about that right that they don't mind making their own children sick.

The contamination was due to fecal matter in the raw milk. That's shit in the milk. Wonderful.

I believe people have the right to drink raw milk if they want, but I have to wonder about their right to jeopardize their children.

After reading up on this topic, I'll stick with pasteurized milk. They started pasteurizing milk for a reason, after all.
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Yeah, well that's groovy, but we've had the second outbreak in four months of illness caused by bacteria in raw milk.

The infection, caused by fecal contamination of a cow's raw milk, began in early May. Symptoms can include diarrhea, stomach pains, nausea, vomiting and arthritis.Cooper said several children experienced lingering arthritis after the February outbreak.
Read more here: KENAI, Alaska: 2nd bacteria outbreak reported on peninsula | State News | ADN.com

In this state it's allowed because this is a co-op farm, various people own the cows there, so they can drink raw milk from their own cow if they like. Nice of them to be so adamant about that right that they don't mind making their own children sick.

The contamination was due to fecal matter in the raw milk. That's shit in the milk. Wonderful.

I believe people have the right to drink raw milk if they want, but I have to wonder about their right to jeopardize their children.

After reading up on this topic, I'll stick with pasteurized milk. They started pasteurizing milk for a reason, after all.

You can pasteurize raw milk at home.

Using a pot with a thick bottom like a dutch oven and a digital thermometer.


Heat the milk to 150 degrees for 30 minutes.

Stir constantly to keep the milk from scorching.

Place the milk in sterilized mason jars (just like canning) and refrigerate.
I believe people have the right to drink raw milk if they want, but I have to wonder about their right to jeopardize their children.
So how did all those kids survive growing up on Farms?

After reading up on this topic, I'll stick with pasteurized milk. They started pasteurizing milk for a reason, after all.
And that reason was that so Big Agra can truck it all over the country from their Centralized Dairy Farms.

By the way, the boiled, dead milk STILL has the fecal matter in it. In fact, because it's boiled, it's allowed to have MORE FECAL MATTER IN IT.

Stop drinking milk and watch your health improve.
“Raw milk is responsible for nearly three times more hospitalizations than any other foodborne disease outbreak, says Hannah Gould, Ph.D., senior epidemiologist with the CDC's Enteric Diseases Epidemiology Branch. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there were 86 reported food poisoning outbreaks from raw milk between 1998 and 2008, resulting in 1,676 illnesses, 191 hospitalizations, and two deaths."
Not safe to eat: Three foods to avoid - CNN.com
What are the stats on leafy green veggies ? Isn't this simple a freedom of choice question?
If I choose to eat something that has made people sick in the past isn't that still my choice /
More people die from alcohol related deaths than from those related to raw milk...but as the former generates tons of taxes for the government, alcohol is legal.
I admittedly haven't been following this all that closely but food supply along with water supply are becoming as precious if not more than clean air. The FDA is like a double edged sword on some of this stuff. Some of what the FDA has approved selling in the US is mighty questionable. Follow the money again?
“Raw milk is responsible for nearly three times more hospitalizations than any other foodborne disease outbreak, says Hannah Gould, Ph.D., senior epidemiologist with the CDC's Enteric Diseases Epidemiology Branch. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there were 86 reported food poisoning outbreaks from raw milk between 1998 and 2008, resulting in 1,676 illnesses, 191 hospitalizations, and two deaths."
Not safe to eat: Three foods to avoid - CNN.com

How many people have died from listeria? salmonella? E. Coli? in that 10 year period. I'm betting far more than 2.

Causes of death by foodborne illness in U. S.[47]
Cause Annual deaths Rate (per 100,000 inhabitants)
1 Salmonella 378 cases 0.126
2 Toxoplasma gondii 327 cases 0.109
3 Listeria 255 cases 0.085
4 Norovirus 149 cases 0.050

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My kids grew up drinking raw milk. The wife and a lady friend drove 50 miles round trip once a week to a farm that sold whole, raw milk in glass bottles. The state had inspectors there every week checking the cattle and equipment as apposed to 2 inspections/year for dairies that sold to bulk pasteurizers.
My Grandfather homesteaded a farm in South Dakota along with hundreds of farmers who immigrated with him circa 1890. Everyone drank FRESH milk. Now someone was going to try to stop that practice ? My cousin died from hitting a badger hole on a 4 wheeler in a pasture--not FRESH milk.
Yeah, well that's groovy, but we've had the second outbreak in four months of illness caused by bacteria in raw milk.

The infection, caused by fecal contamination of a cow's raw milk, began in early May. Symptoms can include diarrhea, stomach pains, nausea, vomiting and arthritis.Cooper said several children experienced lingering arthritis after the February outbreak.
Read more here: KENAI, Alaska: 2nd bacteria outbreak reported on peninsula | State News | ADN.com

In this state it's allowed because this is a co-op farm, various people own the cows there, so they can drink raw milk from their own cow if they like. Nice of them to be so adamant about that right that they don't mind making their own children sick.

The contamination was due to fecal matter in the raw milk. That's shit in the milk. Wonderful.

I believe people have the right to drink raw milk if they want, but I have to wonder about their right to jeopardize their children.

After reading up on this topic, I'll stick with pasteurized milk. They started pasteurizing milk for a reason, after all.

You can pasteurize raw milk at home.

Using a pot with a thick bottom like a dutch oven and a digital thermometer.


Heat the milk to 150 degrees for 30 minutes.

Stir constantly to keep the milk from scorching.

Place the milk in sterilized mason jars (just like canning) and refrigerate.

Lord have mercy, Missourian! As if i don't have enough to do! : )
What are the stats on leafy green veggies ? Isn't this simple a freedom of choice question?
If I choose to eat something that has made people sick in the past isn't that still my choice /

Yes, it's still your choice. At least if you own the cow, which is how people get around these regulations. There are dairy farms where you can own your cow and they milk it for you and provide you with the milk. That's what they do here where I live.

But there have been two outbreaks of illness already this year, one in February and one in May, from people drinking the raw, shitty milk.

It's just funny because people who drink unpasteurized milk like to act like they're superior for doing it. But they're the ones getting sick. Sounds like they're kind of stupid, to me, not superior.

The only concern I have is people's children. If the milk is making children sick as is happening here in my state, well...I have to wonder if those kids need some protection from their goofy parents. But bottom line, I don't really care.
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What are the stats on leafy green veggies ? Isn't this simple a freedom of choice question?
If I choose to eat something that has made people sick in the past isn't that still my choice /

Yes, it's still your choice. At least if you own the cow, which is how people get around these regulations. There are dairy farms where you can own your cow and they milk it for you and provide you with the milk. That's what they do here where I live.

But there have been two outbreaks of illness already this year, one in February and one in May, from people drinking the raw, shitty milk.

It's just funny because people who drink unpasteurized milk like to act like they're superior for doing it. But they're the ones getting sick. Sounds like they're kind of stupid, to me, not superior.

So why did they bother to criminalize stupid and smug ? It's their right--millions seem to be exercising it
Yeah, well that's groovy, but we've had the second outbreak in four months of illness caused by bacteria in raw milk.

The infection, caused by fecal contamination of a cow's raw milk, began in early May. Symptoms can include diarrhea, stomach pains, nausea, vomiting and arthritis.Cooper said several children experienced lingering arthritis after the February outbreak.
Read more here: KENAI, Alaska: 2nd bacteria outbreak reported on peninsula | State News | ADN.com

In this state it's allowed because this is a co-op farm, various people own the cows there, so they can drink raw milk from their own cow if they like. Nice of them to be so adamant about that right that they don't mind making their own children sick.

The contamination was due to fecal matter in the raw milk. That's shit in the milk. Wonderful.

I believe people have the right to drink raw milk if they want, but I have to wonder about their right to jeopardize their children.

After reading up on this topic, I'll stick with pasteurized milk. They started pasteurizing milk for a reason, after all.

Victory for stupidity.

Gotta love it.
You know, maybe the problem is these dairies. If you got your own cow and milked it yourself and monitored the cleanliness yourself and made sure to keep the shit out of the milk, etc. I think you'd be okay.

But these dairies that are providing the raw milk...I wouldn't trust them.

I don't drink much milk, but my husband does. And he not only wants it pasteurized, he prefers it double pasteurized. And I certainly feel more comfortable with that also.
What are the stats on leafy green veggies ? Isn't this simple a freedom of choice question?
If I choose to eat something that has made people sick in the past isn't that still my choice /

Yes, it's still your choice. At least if you own the cow, which is how people get around these regulations. There are dairy farms where you can own your cow and they milk it for you and provide you with the milk. That's what they do here where I live.

But there have been two outbreaks of illness already this year, one in February and one in May, from people drinking the raw, shitty milk.

It's just funny because people who drink unpasteurized milk like to act like they're superior for doing it. But they're the ones getting sick. Sounds like they're kind of stupid, to me, not superior.

So why did they bother to criminalize stupid and smug ? It's their right--millions seem to be exercising it

It's not about whether or not you can drink raw milk. It's about whether or not dairies can sell it to you. For health reasons they are required to pasteurize the milk that they sell.

If you want unpasteurized milk there are legal ways to get it. Such as owning a cow at one of these co-op dairies. Go for it, if it's that important to you.
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Yeah, well that's groovy, but we've had the second outbreak in four months of illness caused by bacteria in raw milk.

The infection, caused by fecal contamination of a cow's raw milk, began in early May. Symptoms can include diarrhea, stomach pains, nausea, vomiting and arthritis.Cooper said several children experienced lingering arthritis after the February outbreak.
Read more here: KENAI, Alaska: 2nd bacteria outbreak reported on peninsula | State News | ADN.com

In this state it's allowed because this is a co-op farm, various people own the cows there, so they can drink raw milk from their own cow if they like. Nice of them to be so adamant about that right that they don't mind making their own children sick.

The contamination was due to fecal matter in the raw milk. That's shit in the milk. Wonderful.

I believe people have the right to drink raw milk if they want, but I have to wonder about their right to jeopardize their children.

After reading up on this topic, I'll stick with pasteurized milk. They started pasteurizing milk for a reason, after all.

You can pasteurize raw milk at home.

Using a pot with a thick bottom like a dutch oven and a digital thermometer.


Heat the milk to 150 degrees for 30 minutes.

Stir constantly to keep the milk from scorching.

Place the milk in sterilized mason jars (just like canning) and refrigerate.

Or not.

Ice cold raw milk is hard to beat. Drink it about every day. Hilarious the government in hick WV made it illegal to board a cow and milk it. No one around here pays any attention to it except the milk inspector who mainly keeps to inspecting bulk milk.
Yes, it's still your choice. At least if you own the cow, which is how people get around these regulations. There are dairy farms where you can own your cow and they milk it for you and provide you with the milk. That's what they do here where I live.

But there have been two outbreaks of illness already this year, one in February and one in May, from people drinking the raw, shitty milk.

It's just funny because people who drink unpasteurized milk like to act like they're superior for doing it. But they're the ones getting sick. Sounds like they're kind of stupid, to me, not superior.

So why did they bother to criminalize stupid and smug ? It's their right--millions seem to be exercising it

The kids. Because of the helpless kids?

I mean, you can go dig raw worms out of your back yard and eat them for dinner if you want to. But don't feed them to your kids, eh?

Im' glad they didn't throw me in a foster home cuz mom and dad fed me fresh milk.
Yeah, well that's groovy, but we've had the second outbreak in four months of illness caused by bacteria in raw milk.

The infection, caused by fecal contamination of a cow's raw milk, began in early May. Symptoms can include diarrhea, stomach pains, nausea, vomiting and arthritis.Cooper said several children experienced lingering arthritis after the February outbreak.
Read more here: KENAI, Alaska: 2nd bacteria outbreak reported on peninsula | State News | ADN.com

In this state it's allowed because this is a co-op farm, various people own the cows there, so they can drink raw milk from their own cow if they like. Nice of them to be so adamant about that right that they don't mind making their own children sick.

The contamination was due to fecal matter in the raw milk. That's shit in the milk. Wonderful.

I believe people have the right to drink raw milk if they want, but I have to wonder about their right to jeopardize their children.

After reading up on this topic, I'll stick with pasteurized milk. They started pasteurizing milk for a reason, after all.

That's fine. Let people drink raw milk that has the potential to kill them. When the front up to hospital sick with the effects of bacteria laden raw milk, deny them medical treatment.
Might make them more responsible.

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