RBG Hospitalized Today 11/23/2019

This woman simply cannot be in good enough health to even remotely do her job. It's questionable whether ANYONE can do that job at 86 years old, let alone someone with the health challenges she's faced. Objectively she is not doing well at all and it seems her body is failing, which is too bad.

At 86, she's 86....how many people handle high profile jobs like this at 86.

She's not going to let Trump replace her if she can help it. I am sure the demoncrats and the left are begging her every day to stay on.

She'll go soon. And I won't miss her.
This woman simply cannot be in good enough health to even remotely do her job. It's questionable whether ANYONE can do that job at 86 years old, let alone someone with the health challenges she's faced. Objectively she is not doing well at all and it seems her body is failing, which is too bad.

At 86, she's 86....how many people handle high profile jobs like this at 86.

She's not going to let Trump replace her if she can help it. I am sure the demoncrats and the left are begging her every day to stay on.

She'll go soon. And I won't miss her.
She should step down, no doubt about it. The only reason she's hanging on is to SPITE the president.
I'd be lying if I wished her well.
Scorching the earth is not something I've ever known the Republicans I am friends with, including one living Senator and two who passed, and one Representative who was both friend and neighbor, not to mention the best man who ever lived, my late husband. All of them friended not only party members but those in the loyal opposition. Life in America has meant doing your best to get along with people of all walks, and party was always just a name under my parents' and my own roof. In fact, as a military family, my parents children were not allowed to air our grievances at a vanquished foe saying that the war ended with a treaty that was fair to both parties so that war would never be perpetrated into the future again. And I think that this beautiful earth given to us by God was meant to be shared in friendship with our neighbors with the end decision being what was best for the most.

Our public servants in America have traditionally served everyone when elected including criminals who break the personal harm, local, and national laws with appropriate measures to stop or prevent the criminal from harming himself and others.

This Congress does not seem to be compelled to let American rules and institutions be their guide. It is too honed into all the power being in the hands of one branch of the government that tries to squelch the power of the other two. This attitude, if not checked by the Democrats themselves, will result in another civil war in which neighbor has already begun to rise against neighbor at the behest of several Democrat Representatives in the House. If party enemies come after me, I have the means to protect myself and a law that allows it, and a court with blind justice that will restore what they can and punish what cannot be restored, which would be life. If armed people kill me, the court will hold them accountable, if not in this world, the next. And that's what I think.

This Congress will come under intense scrutiny by the judiciary, and so will a Press who uses itself to lie and punish innocent citizens they politically disagree with. They're actually trying to dismantle a President who was duly elected under the election laws in spite of numerous assaults on the public with polling place mischief and by such people as Maxine Waters who ordered civilians to punish members of the Executive Branch on her command, and a Secretary of State who ordered her spin room to manufacture lies about her political opponent that were sure to make the public hate her opponent and assist her to eliminate him post election with her insurance policy of minions in the FBI, to spy on her opponent and impeach him over frivolous items made to appear like breaking a law by her Press minions. Sorry, that's not American. I would expect KGB behavior if I were a citizen of Russia, but as an American, I despise using the long arm of the law to punish political opponents and then tearing up the nation if that didn't work. That's pretty much a summary of the life of Hillary Clinton according to known details about her modus operandi and her severe ostracization of those who do not fulfill her orders with total scorched earth for opponents and dissidents. That's poison to the Constitution, and I am against that illegal stuff and the calumny surrounding it intended to obfuscate who started what.
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When she does die and Trump wants to replace her right away the Dems will say "why rush she's not even cold yet?'
Let me tell you something.She's been frigid for years.
This woman simply cannot be in good enough health to even remotely do her job. It's questionable whether ANYONE can do that job at 86 years old, let alone someone with the health challenges she's faced. Objectively she is not doing well at all and it seems her body is failing, which is too bad.
That may well be true, but if she leaves before death, it is her choice as I understand the Constitution. In the meantime, she has dedicated her life to a disciplined approach to legal matters. The only thing that would change my mind if she were ordered by someone like Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton to make a partisan ruling rather than a ruling based on Constitutional behaviors of a Justice of the Supreme Court. I've seen nothing and heard nothing with regard to Justice Ginsberg, and until someone finds proof she is compromised beyond a shadow of a doubt, she is considered innocent of prejudice by me. If someone did ask her for a favor socially, I have a feeling her loyalty to her oaths of office to defend the Constitution would cause her to sever that person's request flat out and graciously avoid all future social contacts with such a louse.
Bless her heart. She has an indomitable determination and spirit. May she recover from this latest setback.

"Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was admitted to Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore Friday night after symptoms of chills and a fever."

"Ginsburg, 86, was originally evaluated at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., before being transferred for further tests, the Supreme Court said in a statement Saturday. Ginsburg is expected to be released from the hospital on Sunday morning, CNN reported."

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hospitalized
She needs to rest, retire.
Ginsburg is one of those people who will actually look better after the undertaker makes them up for the funeral than they do alive.Ginsburg looks like she died and was dug back up.
Sorry though I disagree with her actions that is not funny
Bless her heart. She has an indomitable determination and spirit. May she recover from this latest setback.

"Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was admitted to Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore Friday night after symptoms of chills and a fever."

"Ginsburg, 86, was originally evaluated at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., before being transferred for further tests, the Supreme Court said in a statement Saturday. Ginsburg is expected to be released from the hospital on Sunday morning, CNN reported."

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hospitalized
She needs to rest, retire.
I agree. but she must stay on the bench to protect the leftist agenda
I said a couple months ago I doubted she'd make it through the end of the year. ANOTHER reason why the Left is busting a nut to get Trump out of office! They are toast if Trump gets to add a third constitutionalist! The Constitution is the Left's kryptonite.

If they do somehow succeed in removing Trump from office, Pence will be President, and Republicans will still control the Senate. One way or another, RBG's successor will not be another corrupt left wrong-wing hack like herself.
I do not see any evidence that will bring the removal of the president.
Trump will get 3 and that's the ball game
If he gets re-elected, Trump could put FIVE justices on the Court. (Kavenaugh, Gorsuch, and replacements for Ginsburg, the 71-year-old Clarence Thomas, and the 81-year-old Stephen Breyer.)
Then they could reverse some of the liberal filth policies
Now you're talking. However, the nation's faith is in the hands of William Barr, imho. If his inspection of evidence realizes that there is not just something fishy, that there is something of substance to the charges of corruption in news sources, corruption in the FBI, CIA, Military, Barack obama's Oval Office, Hillary Clinton's State Department, electronic memorandums and orders to the FBI, CIA, Military, Democrat-run states such as California, Illinois, and Clinton's Governorship state, Arkansas, and a conspiracy including Speaker of the House Pelosi and indentured Senators such as Schumer and Feinstein, who both attended and cheered on Christine Blasey Ford's blatant lies against President Trump appointee Brett Kavanaugh on alleged rape charges that were not only unsupported by any evidence, no incident was reported to local police, no incident was reported to a local hospital nor emergency facility, plus the false accuser could not remember the date, the time, nor the place of this alleged party she named 5 others who attended, none of whom remembered the other 4 she alleged attended this small gathering of "friends." That said, Blasey was caught in at least 2 other lies of her claim not to know any information about lie detectors, and the other about changing a door in her residence due to ptsd of the incident years later, which turned out to have a pecuniary source for a business. Information also surfaced that she had taught a student how to avoid a positive reading for lying on a lie detector, and her curriculum included making a false scenario to elude prosecution using information in which the truth was not required. The 5 witnesses--all 5 did not recall being together with just the people Blasey-Ford claimed were there at any time during their life in the college they jointly attended. And information also surfaced about Blasey-Ford's extreme Democrat operative activities in years past in which dirty tricks were used.

The Democrats have proved themselves to be a party that does not play nice with others. Yet 6 of their friends own the major networks that are doubling down with the shared lies of the Democrats against President Trump. He isn't what they have painted him to be as 90% of Americans have seen the false scenarios repeated over and over, minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, for the past several years with abject lies about President Trump and false testimony from numerous witnesses who got sucked into the Democrat alternate universe of factoid fallacy.

It is my prayer that Justice Ginsberg has not taken orders from Democrats to come to the decisions she made while active on the Supreme Court. I have seen no evidence that she did. I have seen that occasionally her decision statements reflect a liberal viewpoint, but that is not grounds for removal, because we knew she was a liberal when she was appointed to her job.
Bless her heart. She has an indomitable determination and spirit. May she recover from this latest setback.

"Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was admitted to Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore Friday night after symptoms of chills and a fever."

"Ginsburg, 86, was originally evaluated at Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., before being transferred for further tests, the Supreme Court said in a statement Saturday. Ginsburg is expected to be released from the hospital on Sunday morning, CNN reported."

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hospitalized


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