Re-Defining "Hate"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
This week we learned that Senator Bernie Sanders was shown to be a misogynist when he (is accused to have) opined to Senator E. Warren that "A woman can't win the next Presidential election." The formulation of that thought is a matter of some dispute, but basically that's it. He denies it, but don't all haters deny it?

So Bernie, in effect, hates women because he has the opinion that Donald Trump will defeat any woman who runs on the Democratic ticket in 2020.

Earlier this week I read a hysterical piece about a judge on one of the U.S. Federal courts of appeal "hates trans people" because he declined to address a biological man (a federal prisoner who chooses to pretend to be a woman) as "she."

We all know that anyone who opposes legal gay marriage "hates" homosexuals and lesbians.

We also know that anyone who objects to government employers and other institutions who hire/admit Black people who are objectively unqualified are "racists."

President Trump recently ridiculed that Swedish teenager who got all the attention predicting that her future has been stolen from her, and now we know that he "hates" young people.

In fact Trump "hates" just about everybody, if you believe the New York Times and CNN. He hates muslims, jews, Mexicans, immigrants, women, homosexuals, transexuals - I'm sure I've left some groups out, but you get the idea.

Are you starting to pick up a pattern here? Everyone that the Left doesn't like is called a "hater" or some synonym of hater...bigot, misogynist, racist, xenophobe. But calling someone those words with no actual evidence makes the accuser something of an ass-hole, doesn't it? In every one of the examples above, there is no rational argument that can support the "hater" charge. And while I'd rather not get lost in the weeds of all the Trump slanders, but there is no real evidence or indication of Trump being guilty of ANY of it; it's all in the pointy little heads of the TDS brigade.

As a card-carrying member of the Great Right Wing Conspiracy, I just want to go on record as HATING people who call me a hater. Fuck you all.
Bernie was stating an opinion and he may be right

Trump has his formula for beating women. Warren would just be Hillary Lite
Trump has his formula for beating women

Crap ... I've been using f'(x)g'(x) + f(x)g(x) all these years ... no wonder I'm pussy whipped ...
Bernie was stating an opinion and he may be right

Trump has his formula for beating women. Warren would just be Hillary Lite
Now all you have to do is "deny" you are a misogynist and that will prove you are one because that is what haters/misogynists do, they deny it...see how that works
A Supreme Court justice once famously said something like: "I cannot define pornography, but I know it when I see it."

I guess that most of us cannot define "hate speech," but we know it when we hear or read it.

Right now, all Internet websites are trying to come up with a definition, and it is very difficult.

I guess it is NOT "hate speech" if one says, "I think that Martians are really messing up our society here on Jupiter."

But I guess it IS "hate speech" if one says, "All Martians should be rounded up and sent back to Mars!"

I suspect that in the coming decades, ANY criticism of any group will be defined as "hate speech."

Our great-grandchildren will be living in a very "interesting" United States of America -- if it still exists.
As a card-carrying member of the Great Right Wing Conspiracy, I just want to go on record as HATING people who call me a hater. Fuck you all.
Even though they are accurate when calling you a hater?
I was on another forum which disallowed criticism against "groups."

I said Chicago politics was corrupt and someone said I should be banned because I had criticized people from Chicago.

So, this never ends.

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