Re: Muslims burning a poppy on the armastice and its peripheral ramifications


Sep 8, 2010
Under your skin.
Forgive my extension of roomy's thread. I just didn't want my stance lost in a mire of repetitive insults.

Note: This OP will address the subject in the form of point-by-point statements.

The article itself

Before you get entirely carried away by Andy Bloxham's piece in the Telegraph; a right-wing, Tory allied broadsheet (as a result, it's often called the 'Torygraph'), you need to look at the bigger picture and ask yourselves why the Telegraph dedicated so much attention to such an insignificant (in size) protest in the first place. In my opinion, that apart from selling copy, it's in the Telegraph's interest to whip-up a storm of outrage because it makes the government, half of which the Telegraph strongly sympathises with, appear much stronger. And in return, the owners of sympathetic media will be owed favours by those in power who they've helped. Exactly the same relationship existed between Tony Blair's Labour government and Rupert Murdoch's publications, mainly The Sun.

Supposed Police inaction over confronting protesters

Many of you have asked and opined on why the MET (Metropolitan Police) took little action and committed less resources than expected. Well, the MET took a real bashing after it took offensive action against anarchists and the great unwashed during the 2009 G20 summit held in London; during which, an innocent bystander was - unintentionally - killed by a police officer. They also came under fire for employing (supposedly) dubious tactics, known as 'kettling' which involve holding large crowds of people in makeshift detention and deprive them of sanitary conditions as well as roughing them up when and where they please. Personally I don't know what all the fuss is about. If you start rampaging through a public place causing hundreds of thousands of pounds in damage and disruptions and the police bash a few and stop them from going to the toilet, then boo fucking hoo.

So, on this occasion, the police downscaled their presence so as to avoid another showdown with smelly protesters who seem to protest over the most trivial things these days, and subsequent trial by a blood thirsty tabloid press. A lack of judgement, if you ask me.

The growth in support of far-right parties

This isn't an isolated occurance, it's happening all over western Europe. And I agree with California Girl, if unchecked, it will only end in disaster. Far-right parties like the British National Party (which is soon to be declared bankrupt, might I add) are growing in numbers and attracting more votes partially because of the frenzy the gutter press has whipped-up, but mainly because of the emergence of Islamic isolationism in the form of the headscarf (which I want banned) and more prolific promotion of radical muslim fundamentalists via the internet, it's becoming easier for them to communicate.

Holland is now leaning towards the far-right. Hungary is now run by the far-right. France and Belgium are both taking measures against islamic headscarves that, quite frankly, don't have a place in western society. It's spreading across Europe faster than this so-called "creeping Sharia" everyone seems so afraid of. But is it a bad thing, some will undeniably ask, myself included. This will coincide and be answered in my next point.

Political correctness: and how it's accomodated growing Islamic influence in western society.

Before I start, allow me to refer to points made by California Girl and Bootneck:

This is how the Brits treat radical Islamists.

Hate preacher Abu Hamza’s family home is having a £40,000 makeover paid for by tax payers, the Daily Mail can reveal.
Workmen from at least three construction firms have already spent two months doing up the £700,000, five-bedroom council property in an exclusive West London street.
Astonishingly, it is the second time in only five years that council bosses have approved expensive renovations on the property where the hook-handed cleric’s wife and eight children live supported by benefits worth nearly £700 a week.
Officially, the latest work is to underpin the property’s foundations after an engineer warned of subsidence.

Read more: Hamza's £40,000 repair bill...paid by taxpayers | Mail Online

It is no wonder that political parties like the British Nationalist Party are seeing a rise in numbers. This kind of thing is just fucking ridiculous - British people are losing their homes in a recession and their government is financially supporting (with taxpayers money), those who seek to destroy the British way of life.


WTF indeed. But Bootneck's reply is both blunt, yet admirably succinct:

Thank the EU and the bleeding heart liberalists for that situation. Our government has attempted to deport or extradite dozens of undesirables only to be thwarted by the EU human rights arseholes.

As a continent of once proud empire builders, we've now had our hands tied by petty, largely liberal eurocrats who are hellbent on promoting equality in an indifferent world. It's a futile concept, but the emergance of 'political correctness' has accomodated far more bizarre casualties in its war on common sense. But before I address the Abu Hamza disgrace, allow me to explain my stance on political correctness.

Political correctness is an attempt to limit people being offended, and through an unscrupulous legal system that see's libel trials as an easy buck, it's got out of control. The truth is that you can't go throughout life without being offended, it makes you stronger; but over the last two decades, Europe has been lead by weak men and women who are too scared to speak-out against intrusions on our (western) way of life. For fear of being summoned to account for their 'offensive' behaviour up in front of the beak.

Abu Hamza was a joke that made Britain look weak amongst her allies and enemies. But if we had sent him back to the middle east, the Court of Human Rights claimed that he would be tortured, so we had to allow him to remain (in a country he supposedly despised). Personally, if I were in charge I would have, like a leader of a strong country, told the Court of Human Rights and their boyfriends in Brussels to fuck themselves. He and his hook would've been on the first available flight. But then that would be be deemed offensive, incurring the almighty wrath of Brussels that Westminster seems to be so afraid of.

So, now that we have a culture preventing offending and punishing any 'offenders', a culture that aren't afraid to offend their host nation/continent get away with murder, in some cases. I don't hate muslims, but I don't love them either. The fact of the matter is that the Europe they want to establish themselves in is historically white and christian. In short, if they want to make a decent life for themselves and practice their customs, they're going to have to take their host nations laws and customs into consideration beforehand.

That said, I don't think this notion of 'creeping sharia' will have any last effect or impact and that most moderate muslims don't hold any grudge against the west. They just want to get on with their lives.

Phew, sorry for dragging that out. And thank you for having the patience to read it through to the end. Questions and answers will be held in the next room where Madeline and California Girl will be serving tea and biscuits (two institutions the muslims will never interfere with, hopefully).
Forgive my extension of roomy's thread. I just didn't want my stance lost in a mire of repetitive insults.

Note: This OP will address the subject in the form of point-by-point statements.

The article itself

Before you get entirely carried away by Andy Bloxham's piece in the Telegraph; a right-wing, Tory allied broadsheet (as a result, it's often called the 'Torygraph'), you need to look at the bigger picture and ask yourselves why the Telegraph dedicated so much attention to such an insignificant (in size) protest in the first place. In my opinion, that apart from selling copy, it's in the Telegraph's interest to whip-up a storm of outrage because it makes the government, half of which the Telegraph strongly sympathises with, appear much stronger. And in return, the owners of sympathetic media will be owed favours by those in power who they've helped. Exactly the same relationship existed between Tony Blair's Labour government and Rupert Murdoch's publications, mainly The Sun.

Supposed Police inaction over confronting protesters

Many of you have asked and opined on why the MET (Metropolitan Police) took little action and committed less resources than expected. Well, the MET took a real bashing after it took offensive action against anarchists and the great unwashed during the 2009 G20 summit held in London; during which, an innocent bystander was - unintentionally - killed by a police officer. They also came under fire for employing (supposedly) dubious tactics, known as 'kettling' which involve holding large crowds of people in makeshift detention and deprive them of sanitary conditions as well as roughing them up when and where they please. Personally I don't know what all the fuss is about. If you start rampaging through a public place causing hundreds of thousands of pounds in damage and disruptions and the police bash a few and stop them from going to the toilet, then boo fucking hoo.

So, on this occasion, the police downscaled their presence so as to avoid another showdown with smelly protesters who seem to protest over the most trivial things these days, and subsequent trial by a blood thirsty tabloid press. A lack of judgement, if you ask me.

The growth in support of far-right parties

This isn't an isolated occurance, it's happening all over western Europe. And I agree with California Girl, if unchecked, it will only end in disaster. Far-right parties like the British National Party (which is soon to be declared bankrupt, might I add) are growing in numbers and attracting more votes partially because of the frenzy the gutter press has whipped-up, but mainly because of the emergence of Islamic isolationism in the form of the headscarf (which I want banned) and more prolific promotion of radical muslim fundamentalists via the internet, it's becoming easier for them to communicate.

Holland is now leaning towards the far-right. Hungary is now run by the far-right. France and Belgium are both taking measures against islamic headscarves that, quite frankly, don't have a place in western society. It's spreading across Europe faster than this so-called "creeping Sharia" everyone seems so afraid of. But is it a bad thing, some will undeniably ask, myself included. This will coincide and be answered in my next point.

Political correctness: and how it's accomodated growing Islamic influence in western society.

Before I start, allow me to refer to points made by California Girl and Bootneck:

This is how the Brits treat radical Islamists.

Hate preacher Abu Hamza’s family home is having a £40,000 makeover paid for by tax payers, the Daily Mail can reveal.
Workmen from at least three construction firms have already spent two months doing up the £700,000, five-bedroom council property in an exclusive West London street.
Astonishingly, it is the second time in only five years that council bosses have approved expensive renovations on the property where the hook-handed cleric’s wife and eight children live supported by benefits worth nearly £700 a week.
Officially, the latest work is to underpin the property’s foundations after an engineer warned of subsidence.

Read more: Hamza's £40,000 repair bill...paid by taxpayers | Mail Online

It is no wonder that political parties like the British Nationalist Party are seeing a rise in numbers. This kind of thing is just fucking ridiculous - British people are losing their homes in a recession and their government is financially supporting (with taxpayers money), those who seek to destroy the British way of life.


WTF indeed. But Bootneck's reply is both blunt, yet admirably succinct:

Thank the EU and the bleeding heart liberalists for that situation. Our government has attempted to deport or extradite dozens of undesirables only to be thwarted by the EU human rights arseholes.

As a continent of once proud empire builders, we've now had our hands tied by petty, largely liberal eurocrats who are hellbent on promoting equality in an indifferent world. It's a futile concept, but the emergance of 'political correctness' has accomodated far more bizarre casualties in its war on common sense. But before I address the Abu Hamza disgrace, allow me to explain my stance on political correctness.

Political correctness is an attempt to limit people being offended, and through an unscrupulous legal system that see's libel trials as an easy buck, it's got out of control. The truth is that you can't go throughout life without being offended, it makes you stronger; but over the last two decades, Europe has been lead by weak men and women who are too scared to speak-out against intrusions on our (western) way of life. For fear of being summoned to account for their 'offensive' behaviour up in front of the beak.

Abu Hamza was a joke that made Britain look weak amongst her allies and enemies. But if we had sent him back to the middle east, the Court of Human Rights claimed that he would be tortured, so we had to allow him to remain (in a country he supposedly despised). Personally, if I were in charge I would have, like a leader of a strong country, told the Court of Human Rights and their boyfriends in Brussels to fuck themselves. He and his hook would've been on the first available flight. But then that would be be deemed offensive, incurring the almighty wrath of Brussels that Westminster seems to be so afraid of.

So, now that we have a culture preventing offending and punishing any 'offenders', a culture that aren't afraid to offend their host nation/continent get away with murder, in some cases. I don't hate muslims, but I don't love them either. The fact of the matter is that the Europe they want to establish themselves in is historically white and christian. In short, if they want to make a decent life for themselves and practice their customs, they're going to have to take their host nations laws and customs into consideration beforehand.

That said, I don't think this notion of 'creeping sharia' will have any last effect or impact and that most moderate muslims don't hold any grudge against the west. They just want to get on with their lives.

Phew, sorry for dragging that out. And thank you for having the patience to read it through to the end. Questions and answers will be held in the next room where Madeline and California Girl will be serving tea and biscuits (two institutions the muslims will never interfere with, hopefully).

Roomy shluuuuuuurrrrrrrrrsssssssssss...Buuuuuuuurrrrrp:lol:
I have a few questions, Swagger. If a bunch of women wanted to burn anything here in protest, even the US flag, they would be constitutionally protected. (Yes, you can posit facts about fire hazards, etc. but if these are absent, the conduct is protected). Doesn't the UK have some sort of similar law?

Question two: why did the UK (or any nation) join the EU and surrender a portion of their sovereignty in exchange for trade? I have one helluva time understanding why the EU even exists and I cannot imagine the US agreeing to merge with Canada and Mexico. I'm not bashing the UK...I just do not understand this decision.

Question three: why are there so many Muslims in the UK? Are these Middle Easterners and Africans who emigrated there? How did they get visas?

Thankies for your patience and I thought your Op was wunnerful.
Even the cops are growin' poppies...
Some Afghan police are drawn to poppy trade to boost income
April 20, 2013 — The splash of colors in Deh Rawud begins a few hundred yards from the sidewalls of Forward Operating Base Hadrian and stretches for miles.
Bright pink and white poppy plants stretch across vast fields in and around the local villages in Uruzgan province, underscoring the findings of a recent U.N. report that said poppy cultivation in Afghanistan — which has been booming in recent years — was heading for a new record high in 2013. Afghanistan is the world’s largest producer of poppy, now estimated to account for about 90 percent of world production of opium, which is used to make heroin and provides significant funding for insurgent groups. Eradicating the poppy crop is a perpetual battle in Afghanistan. It is up to Afghan security forces to carry out eradication efforts, but they may have incentive not to. District police chief Haji Nematullah said he created a plan for getting rid of the crop in his region, but his own officers have resisted it as the narcotics trade has infiltrated the ranks.

Poppy is the most profitable crop Afghan farmers can grow — a kilo of dry opium brings between $160 to $200, where as a kilo of wheat pays only 41 cents, according to the U.N. report. That is why, despite the warnings and the risk of eradication, they tend their flowers and prepare for summer harvest. “In Pashtu, there is a saying,” said Malak Esmailaka, a village elder. “Do what the rumors say.” And, the rumors have been born out: cultivation of poppies is a lucrative trade. “Before they started to plant the poppies, the government announced on the radio for them not to do it, because it’s against our laws and regulations,” Esmailaka said. “They didn’t listen to that.” “So, they shouldn’t be disappointed,” he said, referring to eradication plans.

At a checkpoint on the west side of the Chutu Bridge in Deh Rawud, Esmailaka sits with Nematullah and discusses the issue. “Please, just bring some type of spray and eradicate this, because I know it’s a lot of work for the Afghan police to do,” he tells the commander. “As long as we don’t get rid of the narcotics, we cannot bring peace to Afghanistan,” Esmailake said. Down a small hill, the familiar pink and white poppies sway in the wind. Nematullah has been tasked with the eradication of the crop in his district. According to U.N. estimates, that means 1,000 acres that have to be destroyed before the main harvest in mid-May.

Complicating Nematullah’s mission is the involvement in the poppy trade of his own officers. “Yesterday, in one of my operations, I had an officer who was breaking down his own poppy field,” Nematullah said. “He was probably just helping his father and brother, but when it comes to eradication, he didn’t have a choice. It was an order from the government.” “The big problem we have is the civilian people. In Deh Rawud, they’re usually supporting the Taliban ... because of poppy,” said Abdul Ali, the finance and administrative officer for the Afghan Uniform Police in the district. “If the Taliban came in and took authority, they would let the people grow the poppy.”

Don't guess ISIS has figured out heroin is like a ticking time-bomb in the U.S.

Islamic State Eradicating Afghan Poppy Crops
May 02, 2016 — The United States and the West have long targeted Afghan opium and heroin production. Now the industry has a new enemy: Islamic State (IS).
Afghan opium farmers in areas under IS control told VOA's Afghan service that IS has started eradicating poppy crops in eastern parts of the country. IS has reportedly destroyed opium plants used for heroin production in Nangarhar's Achin and Dehbala districts and has warned farmers to find another cash crop. IS "eradicated our poppy crop because they say it is illegal," said Nawab, a local farmer who goes by his first name only. "I had a one-hectare well-grown poppy field. I did not grow wheat, and now I lost the poppy as well." Mohammad Naeem, an Achin resident, told VOA that IS militants destroyed poppy fields in the district and arrested a number of local people for growing poppy. "They say this plant is Haram [prohibited in Islam] … people had cultivated poppy in a few villages but it has been destroyed," Naeem said.


Afghan farmers work at a poppy field in Jalalabad province​

Afghan eradication efforts

The Afghan government has not confirmed the reports. However, a spokesperson for the Nangarhar governor said poppy plants have been cultivated for decades in some remote areas once controlled by the Taliban insurgent group, but now under IS rule. Afghanistan is responsible for more that 90 percent of the world's heroin, worth an estimated $3 billion a year, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Analysts say the Taliban netted some 30 percent of its annual revenue from the drug trade. The Afghan government last week kicked off its poppy eradication campaign in Nangarhar. With Western aid and expertise, the Afghan government has been trying to eradicate opium crops and help farmers turn to alternative farming.


An Afghan boy collects resin from poppies in an opium poppy field in the Khogyani district of the Nangarhar province, east of Kabul, Afghanistan​

Poppy fields in Surkhrud and Behsud districts are located within six miles of the provincial capital city of Jalalabad. "We do not have an accurate survey about the size of poppy cultivated this year, but poppy eradication has started in the Surkhrud district," Idress Safi, the head of the poppy eradication campaign in Nangarhar, told VOA. But Nawab said the government will not help growers in areas under IS control. "The government so far has done nothing," said Nawab, who lost this year's opium production income.

Islamic State Eradicating Afghan Poppy Crops

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