Read my story, then create a logical argument that I am only crazy.

Mar 22, 2020
Because I know how many other crazy individuals have stated similar things and this must not seem any difference. I've debated against creationist christians who believe the world is only 6,000 years old, anti vaxers, and white supremacists who think "races shouldn't mingle". Treat this story in a similar fashion.

Here it is :

I am a US Citizen. Years ago I was targeted by the CIA.
They select individuals who are mentally or socially vulnerable and are influence to commit
acts of violence against the general public. I had a childhood trauma adversity score
of 10 out of 10. In my early 20's became vocal about the activities of NSA, Blackwater,
DHS, etc. This is when the trouble started. Acquaintances, friends, online contacts would
repeat what I had only written about in an unpublished blog, or bring up details of my life
that they couldn't possibly of known. I worked as a taxi driver in San Francisco, a passenger
would tell me that he had a friend who thought he was being "gang stalked, do you know what
gang stalked means? Its where the government follows you around and fucks with you". but then
assured me that the man was just schizophrenia. That same night I went home and drank from a
water purifier from the fridge. Suddenly I began to have intense convulsions, it seemed certain
that I would die, in addition to the hallucinations of insects crawling on the walls.
The next morning my face and pillow were covered in saliva. There was an audible voice that
later became an intrusive thought repeating, "you need to run people over in your car." and a
very clear visualization in my mind of this occurring.
Despite all of this I went into work that morning. A passenger said " you don't look so good, maybe you should drink more water" Another passenger was a professionally dressed lady and a man who was wearing 3 sets of safety goggles on his face and 3 seperate tool belts all filled with plastic toys meant for children. She explained that he was schizophrenic and believed the government was out to get him.
Many times i would wake up with a headache and no memory of the night before and yet the
same intrusive thoughts were become so strong that I could no longer study or listen to music.
My driving skills deteriorate, I confided in a friend that my worst fear was during the 12 hour shift
was to hit a child in the crosswalk. The very next day a passenger asked, "did you hear about that little
girl who got hit by a taxi driver, he should kill himself." To be clear I have never abused drugs,
alcohol, neither side of family have a history of mental illness, and people who suddenly develop symptoms of
schizophrenia later in life without it first showing around puberty is almost zero. There were also times
I traveled to foreign countries such as Mexico, China, Philippines, and thailand, yet these kind
of events only occurred in the United States.
Eventually I bought land in the countryside and stopped all social contact and posting anything online in hopes that the situation would improve but it did not. My homestead was sabotaged, looted, and vandalized relentlessly. THe security cameras, pinhole spycameras, GPS tracker, DVR system, thermal motion detectors,
FTP file server, internet connection with a secondary fallback service, brand new hard drives, and micro
SD cards were turned off, reformatted, disabled, stolen, overwritten, moved, broken every time I left
my house. whoever it was had perfect information of where everything was and the technical skills to
undermine it. One night a vehicle pulls up at 4 am. I recognize it as a nearby neighbor. THey grab a
bag of tools and drive off. I called a local sheriff, on his arrival I can hear him refer to me over
the radio as, "the suspect. While trying to explain the situation he constantly cuts me off mid sentence
and rolls his eyes. He repeatedly makes sarcastic comments about "fixing my broken security cameras" but
promises to go speak with the neighbor then will give me the papers to fill out. I said, "thank you", he repeats
the thank you back in a highly sarcastic manner, then turns around driving straight back the way he came.
I called the police station, not only was there no record of him coming by, the report i filled out last
month in person at the station was nowhere to be found in their system. Later i went to fill a water tank at the
river when i got back much of everything had been destroyed. This was after Covid hit
and was finally being taken seriously. when my homestead was most needed. I had spends years building and acquiring
of food animal fodder a grain mill, and backups of everything. Also a greenhouse and garden. but it had became clear
that I would not survive and not done what they wanted. In these finally hours of my life i will focus on informing
as many people as possible. It is easy to kill a person but much more difficult to kill a message.
Please turn this into a meme like with Jeff Epstein the government does not care if the public
knows that apedophile as murdered before he could testify but they do very much care if a bright
light is shinned upon the CIA and other bad actors. They are cockroaches that breed in the dark
they infiltrate and subvert social movements, perform assassinations in public with a gun that induces a heart
attack while concealed in a fanny pack, Things you think can only happen in "evil countries" happen here except
they are far more sophisticated and better funded. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by politics, ideologies, gender, race or class
You have more in common with each other than they want you to realize.
Try a couple 2 mg Tafil and a couple bong hits while listening to Steppenwolf The Monster.
It's impressive that I can be on multiple sites and not post the wrong message to the wrong board.

I like to call that adequate coffee intake.
Because I know how many other crazy individuals have stated similar things and this must not seem any difference. I've debated against creationist christians who believe the world is only 6,000 years old, anti vaxers, and white supremacists who think "races shouldn't mingle". Treat this story in a similar fashion.

Here it is :

I am a US Citizen. Years ago I was targeted by the CIA.
They select individuals who are mentally or socially vulnerable and are influence to commit
acts of violence against the general public. I had a childhood trauma adversity score
of 10 out of 10. In my early 20's became vocal about the activities of NSA, Blackwater,
DHS, etc. This is when the trouble started. Acquaintances, friends, online contacts would
repeat what I had only written about in an unpublished blog, or bring up details of my life
that they couldn't possibly of known. I worked as a taxi driver in San Francisco, a passenger
would tell me that he had a friend who thought he was being "gang stalked, do you know what
gang stalked means? Its where the government follows you around and fucks with you". but then
assured me that the man was just schizophrenia. That same night I went home and drank from a
water purifier from the fridge. Suddenly I began to have intense convulsions, it seemed certain
that I would die, in addition to the hallucinations of insects crawling on the walls.
The next morning my face and pillow were covered in saliva. There was an audible voice that
later became an intrusive thought repeating, "you need to run people over in your car." and a
very clear visualization in my mind of this occurring.
Despite all of this I went into work that morning. A passenger said " you don't look so good, maybe you should drink more water" Another passenger was a professionally dressed lady and a man who was wearing 3 sets of safety goggles on his face and 3 seperate tool belts all filled with plastic toys meant for children. She explained that he was schizophrenic and believed the government was out to get him.
Many times i would wake up with a headache and no memory of the night before and yet the
same intrusive thoughts were become so strong that I could no longer study or listen to music.
My driving skills deteriorate, I confided in a friend that my worst fear was during the 12 hour shift
was to hit a child in the crosswalk. The very next day a passenger asked, "did you hear about that little
girl who got hit by a taxi driver, he should kill himself." To be clear I have never abused drugs,
alcohol, neither side of family have a history of mental illness, and people who suddenly develop symptoms of
schizophrenia later in life without it first showing around puberty is almost zero. There were also times
I traveled to foreign countries such as Mexico, China, Philippines, and thailand, yet these kind
of events only occurred in the United States.
Eventually I bought land in the countryside and stopped all social contact and posting anything online in hopes that the situation would improve but it did not. My homestead was sabotaged, looted, and vandalized relentlessly. THe security cameras, pinhole spycameras, GPS tracker, DVR system, thermal motion detectors,
FTP file server, internet connection with a secondary fallback service, brand new hard drives, and micro
SD cards were turned off, reformatted, disabled, stolen, overwritten, moved, broken every time I left
my house. whoever it was had perfect information of where everything was and the technical skills to
undermine it. One night a vehicle pulls up at 4 am. I recognize it as a nearby neighbor. THey grab a
bag of tools and drive off. I called a local sheriff, on his arrival I can hear him refer to me over
the radio as, "the suspect. While trying to explain the situation he constantly cuts me off mid sentence
and rolls his eyes. He repeatedly makes sarcastic comments about "fixing my broken security cameras" but
promises to go speak with the neighbor then will give me the papers to fill out. I said, "thank you", he repeats
the thank you back in a highly sarcastic manner, then turns around driving straight back the way he came.
I called the police station, not only was there no record of him coming by, the report i filled out last
month in person at the station was nowhere to be found in their system. Later i went to fill a water tank at the
river when i got back much of everything had been destroyed. This was after Covid hit
and was finally being taken seriously. when my homestead was most needed. I had spends years building and acquiring
of food animal fodder a grain mill, and backups of everything. Also a greenhouse and garden. but it had became clear
that I would not survive and not done what they wanted. In these finally hours of my life i will focus on informing
as many people as possible. It is easy to kill a person but much more difficult to kill a message.
Please turn this into a meme like with Jeff Epstein the government does not care if the public
knows that apedophile as murdered before he could testify but they do very much care if a bright
light is shinned upon the CIA and other bad actors. They are cockroaches that breed in the dark
they infiltrate and subvert social movements, perform assassinations in public with a gun that induces a heart
attack while concealed in a fanny pack, Things you think can only happen in "evil countries" happen here except
they are far more sophisticated and better funded. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by politics, ideologies, gender, race or class
You have more in common with each other than they want you to realize.
Are you currently taking, or have you ever been prescribed any of the following medications?
List of Schizophrenia Medications (49 Compared) -
If so...
Because I know how many other crazy individuals have stated similar things and this must not seem any difference. I've debated against creationist christians who believe the world is only 6,000 years old, anti vaxers, and white supremacists who think "races shouldn't mingle". Treat this story in a similar fashion.

Here it is :

I am a US Citizen. Years ago I was targeted by the CIA.
They select individuals who are mentally or socially vulnerable and are influence to commit
acts of violence against the general public. I had a childhood trauma adversity score
of 10 out of 10. In my early 20's became vocal about the activities of NSA, Blackwater,
DHS, etc. This is when the trouble started. Acquaintances, friends, online contacts would
repeat what I had only written about in an unpublished blog, or bring up details of my life
that they couldn't possibly of known. I worked as a taxi driver in San Francisco, a passenger
would tell me that he had a friend who thought he was being "gang stalked, do you know what
gang stalked means? Its where the government follows you around and fucks with you". but then
assured me that the man was just schizophrenia. That same night I went home and drank from a
water purifier from the fridge. Suddenly I began to have intense convulsions, it seemed certain
that I would die, in addition to the hallucinations of insects crawling on the walls.
The next morning my face and pillow were covered in saliva. There was an audible voice that
later became an intrusive thought repeating, "you need to run people over in your car." and a
very clear visualization in my mind of this occurring.
Despite all of this I went into work that morning. A passenger said " you don't look so good, maybe you should drink more water" Another passenger was a professionally dressed lady and a man who was wearing 3 sets of safety goggles on his face and 3 seperate tool belts all filled with plastic toys meant for children. She explained that he was schizophrenic and believed the government was out to get him.
Many times i would wake up with a headache and no memory of the night before and yet the
same intrusive thoughts were become so strong that I could no longer study or listen to music.
My driving skills deteriorate, I confided in a friend that my worst fear was during the 12 hour shift
was to hit a child in the crosswalk. The very next day a passenger asked, "did you hear about that little
girl who got hit by a taxi driver, he should kill himself." To be clear I have never abused drugs,
alcohol, neither side of family have a history of mental illness, and people who suddenly develop symptoms of
schizophrenia later in life without it first showing around puberty is almost zero. There were also times
I traveled to foreign countries such as Mexico, China, Philippines, and thailand, yet these kind
of events only occurred in the United States.
Eventually I bought land in the countryside and stopped all social contact and posting anything online in hopes that the situation would improve but it did not. My homestead was sabotaged, looted, and vandalized relentlessly. THe security cameras, pinhole spycameras, GPS tracker, DVR system, thermal motion detectors,
FTP file server, internet connection with a secondary fallback service, brand new hard drives, and micro
SD cards were turned off, reformatted, disabled, stolen, overwritten, moved, broken every time I left
my house. whoever it was had perfect information of where everything was and the technical skills to
undermine it. One night a vehicle pulls up at 4 am. I recognize it as a nearby neighbor. THey grab a
bag of tools and drive off. I called a local sheriff, on his arrival I can hear him refer to me over
the radio as, "the suspect. While trying to explain the situation he constantly cuts me off mid sentence
and rolls his eyes. He repeatedly makes sarcastic comments about "fixing my broken security cameras" but
promises to go speak with the neighbor then will give me the papers to fill out. I said, "thank you", he repeats
the thank you back in a highly sarcastic manner, then turns around driving straight back the way he came.
I called the police station, not only was there no record of him coming by, the report i filled out last
month in person at the station was nowhere to be found in their system. Later i went to fill a water tank at the
river when i got back much of everything had been destroyed. This was after Covid hit
and was finally being taken seriously. when my homestead was most needed. I had spends years building and acquiring
of food animal fodder a grain mill, and backups of everything. Also a greenhouse and garden. but it had became clear
that I would not survive and not done what they wanted. In these finally hours of my life i will focus on informing
as many people as possible. It is easy to kill a person but much more difficult to kill a message.
Please turn this into a meme like with Jeff Epstein the government does not care if the public
knows that apedophile as murdered before he could testify but they do very much care if a bright
light is shinned upon the CIA and other bad actors. They are cockroaches that breed in the dark
they infiltrate and subvert social movements, perform assassinations in public with a gun that induces a heart
attack while concealed in a fanny pack, Things you think can only happen in "evil countries" happen here except
they are far more sophisticated and better funded. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by politics, ideologies, gender, race or class
You have more in common with each other than they want you to realize.
Considering the OP is talking about "the final hours of his life" maybe we want the mods to contact authorities with some IP information?
I don't know if you're crazy or what- but, with a little help you could turn the story into a good book and probably lead to a career as a novelist-
Yup. He be cray-cray.

Now excuse me while I go smash them bugs crawling up my wall.
Because I know how many other crazy individuals have stated similar things and this must not seem any difference. I've debated against creationist christians who believe the world is only 6,000 years old, anti vaxers, and white supremacists who think "races shouldn't mingle". Treat this story in a similar fashion.

Here it is :

I am a US Citizen. Years ago I was targeted by the CIA.
They select individuals who are mentally or socially vulnerable and are influence to commit
acts of violence against the general public. I had a childhood trauma adversity score
of 10 out of 10. In my early 20's became vocal about the activities of NSA, Blackwater,
DHS, etc. This is when the trouble started. Acquaintances, friends, online contacts would
repeat what I had only written about in an unpublished blog, or bring up details of my life
that they couldn't possibly of known. I worked as a taxi driver in San Francisco, a passenger
would tell me that he had a friend who thought he was being "gang stalked, do you know what
gang stalked means? Its where the government follows you around and fucks with you". but then
assured me that the man was just schizophrenia. That same night I went home and drank from a
water purifier from the fridge. Suddenly I began to have intense convulsions, it seemed certain
that I would die, in addition to the hallucinations of insects crawling on the walls.
The next morning my face and pillow were covered in saliva. There was an audible voice that
later became an intrusive thought repeating, "you need to run people over in your car." and a
very clear visualization in my mind of this occurring.
Despite all of this I went into work that morning. A passenger said " you don't look so good, maybe you should drink more water" Another passenger was a professionally dressed lady and a man who was wearing 3 sets of safety goggles on his face and 3 seperate tool belts all filled with plastic toys meant for children. She explained that he was schizophrenic and believed the government was out to get him.
Many times i would wake up with a headache and no memory of the night before and yet the
same intrusive thoughts were become so strong that I could no longer study or listen to music.
My driving skills deteriorate, I confided in a friend that my worst fear was during the 12 hour shift
was to hit a child in the crosswalk. The very next day a passenger asked, "did you hear about that little
girl who got hit by a taxi driver, he should kill himself." To be clear I have never abused drugs,
alcohol, neither side of family have a history of mental illness, and people who suddenly develop symptoms of
schizophrenia later in life without it first showing around puberty is almost zero. There were also times
I traveled to foreign countries such as Mexico, China, Philippines, and thailand, yet these kind
of events only occurred in the United States.
Eventually I bought land in the countryside and stopped all social contact and posting anything online in hopes that the situation would improve but it did not. My homestead was sabotaged, looted, and vandalized relentlessly. THe security cameras, pinhole spycameras, GPS tracker, DVR system, thermal motion detectors,
FTP file server, internet connection with a secondary fallback service, brand new hard drives, and micro
SD cards were turned off, reformatted, disabled, stolen, overwritten, moved, broken every time I left
my house. whoever it was had perfect information of where everything was and the technical skills to
undermine it. One night a vehicle pulls up at 4 am. I recognize it as a nearby neighbor. THey grab a
bag of tools and drive off. I called a local sheriff, on his arrival I can hear him refer to me over
the radio as, "the suspect. While trying to explain the situation he constantly cuts me off mid sentence
and rolls his eyes. He repeatedly makes sarcastic comments about "fixing my broken security cameras" but
promises to go speak with the neighbor then will give me the papers to fill out. I said, "thank you", he repeats
the thank you back in a highly sarcastic manner, then turns around driving straight back the way he came.
I called the police station, not only was there no record of him coming by, the report i filled out last
month in person at the station was nowhere to be found in their system. Later i went to fill a water tank at the
river when i got back much of everything had been destroyed. This was after Covid hit
and was finally being taken seriously. when my homestead was most needed. I had spends years building and acquiring
of food animal fodder a grain mill, and backups of everything. Also a greenhouse and garden. but it had became clear
that I would not survive and not done what they wanted. In these finally hours of my life i will focus on informing
as many people as possible. It is easy to kill a person but much more difficult to kill a message.
Please turn this into a meme like with Jeff Epstein the government does not care if the public
knows that apedophile as murdered before he could testify but they do very much care if a bright
light is shinned upon the CIA and other bad actors. They are cockroaches that breed in the dark
they infiltrate and subvert social movements, perform assassinations in public with a gun that induces a heart
attack while concealed in a fanny pack, Things you think can only happen in "evil countries" happen here except
they are far more sophisticated and better funded. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by politics, ideologies, gender, race or class
You have more in common with each other than they want you to realize.
Because I know how many other crazy individuals have stated similar things and this must not seem any difference. I've debated against creationist christians who believe the world is only 6,000 years old, anti vaxers, and white supremacists who think "races shouldn't mingle". Treat this story in a similar fashion.

Here it is :

I am a US Citizen. Years ago I was targeted by the CIA.
They select individuals who are mentally or socially vulnerable and are influence to commit
acts of violence against the general public. I had a childhood trauma adversity score
of 10 out of 10. In my early 20's became vocal about the activities of NSA, Blackwater,
DHS, etc. This is when the trouble started. Acquaintances, friends, online contacts would
repeat what I had only written about in an unpublished blog, or bring up details of my life
that they couldn't possibly of known. I worked as a taxi driver in San Francisco, a passenger
would tell me that he had a friend who thought he was being "gang stalked, do you know what
gang stalked means? Its where the government follows you around and fucks with you". but then
assured me that the man was just schizophrenia. That same night I went home and drank from a
water purifier from the fridge. Suddenly I began to have intense convulsions, it seemed certain
that I would die, in addition to the hallucinations of insects crawling on the walls.
The next morning my face and pillow were covered in saliva. There was an audible voice that
later became an intrusive thought repeating, "you need to run people over in your car." and a
very clear visualization in my mind of this occurring.
Despite all of this I went into work that morning. A passenger said " you don't look so good, maybe you should drink more water" Another passenger was a professionally dressed lady and a man who was wearing 3 sets of safety goggles on his face and 3 seperate tool belts all filled with plastic toys meant for children. She explained that he was schizophrenic and believed the government was out to get him.
Many times i would wake up with a headache and no memory of the night before and yet the
same intrusive thoughts were become so strong that I could no longer study or listen to music.
My driving skills deteriorate, I confided in a friend that my worst fear was during the 12 hour shift
was to hit a child in the crosswalk. The very next day a passenger asked, "did you hear about that little
girl who got hit by a taxi driver, he should kill himself." To be clear I have never abused drugs,
alcohol, neither side of family have a history of mental illness, and people who suddenly develop symptoms of
schizophrenia later in life without it first showing around puberty is almost zero. There were also times
I traveled to foreign countries such as Mexico, China, Philippines, and thailand, yet these kind
of events only occurred in the United States.
Eventually I bought land in the countryside and stopped all social contact and posting anything online in hopes that the situation would improve but it did not. My homestead was sabotaged, looted, and vandalized relentlessly. THe security cameras, pinhole spycameras, GPS tracker, DVR system, thermal motion detectors,
FTP file server, internet connection with a secondary fallback service, brand new hard drives, and micro
SD cards were turned off, reformatted, disabled, stolen, overwritten, moved, broken every time I left
my house. whoever it was had perfect information of where everything was and the technical skills to
undermine it. One night a vehicle pulls up at 4 am. I recognize it as a nearby neighbor. THey grab a
bag of tools and drive off. I called a local sheriff, on his arrival I can hear him refer to me over
the radio as, "the suspect. While trying to explain the situation he constantly cuts me off mid sentence
and rolls his eyes. He repeatedly makes sarcastic comments about "fixing my broken security cameras" but
promises to go speak with the neighbor then will give me the papers to fill out. I said, "thank you", he repeats
the thank you back in a highly sarcastic manner, then turns around driving straight back the way he came.
I called the police station, not only was there no record of him coming by, the report i filled out last
month in person at the station was nowhere to be found in their system. Later i went to fill a water tank at the
river when i got back much of everything had been destroyed. This was after Covid hit
and was finally being taken seriously. when my homestead was most needed. I had spends years building and acquiring
of food animal fodder a grain mill, and backups of everything. Also a greenhouse and garden. but it had became clear
that I would not survive and not done what they wanted. In these finally hours of my life i will focus on informing
as many people as possible. It is easy to kill a person but much more difficult to kill a message.
Please turn this into a meme like with Jeff Epstein the government does not care if the public
knows that apedophile as murdered before he could testify but they do very much care if a bright
light is shinned upon the CIA and other bad actors. They are cockroaches that breed in the dark
they infiltrate and subvert social movements, perform assassinations in public with a gun that induces a heart
attack while concealed in a fanny pack, Things you think can only happen in "evil countries" happen here except
they are far more sophisticated and better funded. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by politics, ideologies, gender, race or class
You have more in common with each other than they want you to realize.

I started to read your story and then realized how long it is. You must be crazy if you think I’m going to read that whole thing, because it isn’t that interesting.
Recreational chemistry is so much fun.

Ughh. I can't remember all the times I was tripping my ass off on a 4-way hit of acid, back in the 60's. The stuff was literally free back then, or only a couple bucks a hit.

Those are 30 hour segments of my life I'll never get back.
Recreational chemistry is so much fun.

Ughh. I can't remember all the times I was tripping my ass off on a 4-way hit of acid, back in the 60's. The stuff was literally free back then, or only a couple bucks a hit.

Those are 30 hour segments of my life I'll never get back.
That actually explains quite a bit.

Thank you.
I don't tell people to get professional help over the internet unless someone asks me if I think they should ...

You should ...

The internet is a very bad place for you to visit ... log off, read a few books by Albert Camus, join a fitness club, learn to play chess ... just stay off the internet until you've developed a healthy set of critical thinking skills ...

The NSA and CIA aren't looking for you ... they can't even find terrorists let alone cab drivers ... we just don't care that much about you ... the NSA does keep close track of me, I know things that will be forever classified, but I've been a good boy all these years and have not discussed any of it with anyone ... review the transcripts of Major North's testimony to Congress back in the 1980's ... luckily that bitch Fawny shredded everything that tied me to that nasty episode ... all I said is that next time she was in Honduras, she should take a few classes at the prostitute school there, I still don't understand why she got all angry with me, all that damn Reagan could do was shake his head ... but I'm not crazy, just like telling tall tales is all ...
Recreational chemistry is so much fun.

Ughh. I can't remember all the times I was tripping my ass off on a 4-way hit of acid, back in the 60's. The stuff was literally free back then, or only a couple bucks a hit.

Those are 30 hour segments of my life I'll never get back.
That actually explains quite a bit.

Thank you.

The only thing it explains is that some folks don't wallow in their liberal ways, their entire lives. This isn't the same world as it was 53 years ago, although the secular "progressive" mindset seems to think it still is.

Not very "progressive" of them, is it?

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