Reagan Was From Realist School of Foreign Policy

I have been criticized on this board for advocating full preparations for war with China. Reagan understood readiness and strength. Weakness ( Obama) emboldens our enemies.

Don't remember Reagan taking aid from the Enemy... He would be calling the present GOP spineless ***** right now...

I remember Reagan making a disastrous foreign policy blunder in Beirut. I remember Reagan trading arms for hostages. I remember Reagan busting the budget with increased defense spending he refused to pay for.
I have been criticized on this board for advocating full preparations for war with China. Reagan understood readiness and strength. Weakness ( Obama) emboldens our enemies.

Don't remember Reagan taking aid from the Enemy... He would be calling the present GOP spineless ***** right now...

I remember Reagan making a disastrous foreign policy blunder in Beirut. I remember Reagan trading arms for hostages. I remember Reagan busting the budget with increased defense spending he refused to pay for.

I remember the Soviet Union collapsing as a result of Reagan's hard line stance. I remember bombing Libya to make them pay for killing US soldiers in Berlin. I remember accidentally dropping a bomb in the yard of French Embassy in Tripoli when those fuckers wouldn't let us fly over their air space. I remember being part of a rebuilding of a post Vietnam military demoralized by Jimmy Carter. I remember the US kicking the shit out of the Cuban's on Grenada.
During Reagan's watch we lost 60 Americans when the Soviets shot down a South Korean commercial passenger jet and 241 military servicemen (mostly Marines) killed in their barrack by a suicide bomber in a truck filled with explosives. Under Reagan/Bush we continually went from one crisis to another. I don't care for Obama but I don't look back fondly to the Reagan years,
Reagan was not a war-mongering loon like the OP wants to portray himself. Reagan was deeply concerned with avoiding war with the Soviets.

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