Real bad day at TESLA! Oooops!

Why is the electric car so troublesome for Right Wingers? The concept, the use, the entire notion of non fossil fueled transportation seems to worry them something awful. If a low cost, long range, affordable mass produced electric car was introduced to the market, why would Right Wingers still look askance at it?

Surely Right Wingers support free markets. Surely Right Wingers would embrace a reduction in air pollution. Surely Right Wingers are not afraid of other emerging technologies. Why does the electric car make them so skeptical, goofy and angry?

Because battery cars are not the future hydrogen fuel cell cars are


Hydrogen explodes. And where are you planning on getting it?
Bad idea.

So do gasoline cars, where am I going to get it?? I already posted a thread on it here.

Australian hydrogen car breakthrough could go global

Btw I always read along with pop sci


where am I going to get it?? I already posted a thread on it here.

We should get hydrogen from ammonia?
Okay, where are you going to get the ammonia?
Soooo typical how he replies to your questions, where do you get the ammonia?...answ.: from hydrogen question where do you get the hydrogen? answ.: from ammonia in oversized & bold font.
Having no idea what it really takes to get the hydrogen to make ammonia and then dissociate the hydrogen from NH3 he glosses over the engineering & logistic problems for each of these steps as if they don`t exist.

Hydrogen sounds cool, futuristic and emission free.
Unfortunately, there are no hydrogen wells or hydrogen deposits.
It's not his fault, he's a decent guy......but hydrogen sounds cool!
Because battery cars are not the future hydrogen fuel cell cars are


Hydrogen explodes. And where are you planning on getting it?
Bad idea.

So do gasoline cars, where am I going to get it?? I already posted a thread on it here.

Australian hydrogen car breakthrough could go global

Btw I always read along with pop sci


where am I going to get it?? I already posted a thread on it here.

We should get hydrogen from ammonia?
Okay, where are you going to get the ammonia?
Soooo typical how he replies to your questions, where do you get the ammonia?...answ.: from hydrogen question where do you get the hydrogen? answ.: from ammonia in oversized & bold font.
Having no idea what it really takes to get the hydrogen to make ammonia and then dissociate the hydrogen from NH3 he glosses over the engineering & logistic problems for each of these steps as if they don`t exist.

Hydrogen sounds cool, futuristic and emission free.
Unfortunately, there are no hydrogen wells or hydrogen deposits.
It's not his fault, he's a decent guy......but hydrogen sounds cool!
Yeah I know it sounds cool, but it`s not so cool if you happen to be near it when it`s under high pressure and the atoclave it`s pumped in blows out at both ends. All it took was a a faulty instrument indicating residual oxygen. Being a "decent guy" cuts no ice in physics & chemistry. The hydrogen he fancies is bonded to oxygen and it takes ~ 950 kj/mol to separate both Hydrogen atoms from H2O and only a little over 400 to strip a Carbon Hydrogen bond. The latter reaction is self sustaining and requires only a simple combustion process while the H2 from H2O is not. The other problem is that "decent guys" think NH3 is not flammable.It is ! Granted it has a flash point that is not reached when everything works as planned but all it takes is for a small portion of it to reach 650 C and it goes Kaboom.
Why is the electric car so troublesome for Right Wingers? The concept, the use, the entire notion of non fossil fueled transportation seems to worry them something awful. If a low cost, long range, affordable mass produced electric car was introduced to the market, why would Right Wingers still look askance at it?

Surely Right Wingers support free markets. Surely Right Wingers would embrace a reduction in air pollution. Surely Right Wingers are not afraid of other emerging technologies. Why does the electric car make them so skeptical, goofy and angry?

Because battery cars are not the future hydrogen fuel cell cars are


Hydrogen explodes. And where are you planning on getting it?
Bad idea.

So do gasoline cars, where am I going to get it?? I already posted a thread on it here.

Australian hydrogen car breakthrough could go global

Btw I always read along with pop sci


where am I going to get it?? I already posted a thread on it here.

We should get hydrogen from ammonia?
Okay, where are you going to get the ammonia?
Soooo typical how he replies to your questions, where do you get the ammonia?...answ.: from hydrogen question where do you get the hydrogen? answ.: from ammonia in oversized & bold font.
Having no idea what it really takes to get the hydrogen to make ammonia and then dissociate the hydrogen from NH3 he glosses over the engineering & logistic problems for each of these steps as if they don`t exist.

The question was answered ...
Hydrogen explodes. And where are you planning on getting it?
Bad idea.

So do gasoline cars, where am I going to get it?? I already posted a thread on it here.

Australian hydrogen car breakthrough could go global

Btw I always read along with pop sci


where am I going to get it?? I already posted a thread on it here.

We should get hydrogen from ammonia?
Okay, where are you going to get the ammonia?
Soooo typical how he replies to your questions, where do you get the ammonia?...answ.: from hydrogen question where do you get the hydrogen? answ.: from ammonia in oversized & bold font.
Having no idea what it really takes to get the hydrogen to make ammonia and then dissociate the hydrogen from NH3 he glosses over the engineering & logistic problems for each of these steps as if they don`t exist.

Hydrogen sounds cool, futuristic and emission free.
Unfortunately, there are no hydrogen wells or hydrogen deposits.
It's not his fault, he's a decent guy......but hydrogen sounds cool!
Yeah I know it sounds cool, but it`s not so cool if you happen to be near it when it`s under high pressure and the atoclave it`s pumped in blows out at both ends. All it took was a a faulty instrument indicating residual oxygen. Being a "decent guy" cuts no ice in physics & chemistry. The hydrogen he fancies is bonded to oxygen and it takes ~ 950 kj/mol to separate both Hydrogen atoms from H2O and only a little over 400 to strip a Carbon Hydrogen bond. The latter reaction is self sustaining and requires only a simple combustion process while the H2 from H2O is not. The other problem is that "decent guys" think NH3 is not flammable.It is ! Granted it has a flash point that is not reached when everything works as planned but all it takes is for a small portion of it to reach 650 C and it goes Kaboom.

Here's why hydrogen-fueled cars aren't little Hindenburgs

The hydrogen fuel cell tanks in the Toyota Mirai are pressurized up to 10,000 psi, and hydrogen is 16 times lighter than air. So, if a tank were punctured or otherwise compromised, the hydrogen gas would instantaneously dissipate into the atmosphere, Hartline said.

John Kopasz, a scientist at the Argonne National Laboratory who performs research on hydrogen gas production, said that while there are inherent dangers with any combustible fuel, hydrogen fuel is safer than gasoline.

If a regular car's fuel tank is punctured, gasoline leaks out and pools beneath the vehicle, creating a ready source of fuel for a prolonged burn, Kopasz said.

In fact, in the case of the hydrogen-filled Hindenburg, most of the fire was fueled by diesel fuel for the airship's engines and a flammable lacquer coating on the outside of the dirigible.

Today's hydrogen fuel tanks are also made from highly durable carbon fiber whose strength is assessed not only in crash tests but also in trials in which bullets are fired at it.
So do gasoline cars, where am I going to get it?? I already posted a thread on it here.

Australian hydrogen car breakthrough could go global

Btw I always read along with pop sci


where am I going to get it?? I already posted a thread on it here.

We should get hydrogen from ammonia?
Okay, where are you going to get the ammonia?
Soooo typical how he replies to your questions, where do you get the ammonia?...answ.: from hydrogen question where do you get the hydrogen? answ.: from ammonia in oversized & bold font.
Having no idea what it really takes to get the hydrogen to make ammonia and then dissociate the hydrogen from NH3 he glosses over the engineering & logistic problems for each of these steps as if they don`t exist.

Hydrogen sounds cool, futuristic and emission free.
Unfortunately, there are no hydrogen wells or hydrogen deposits.
It's not his fault, he's a decent guy......but hydrogen sounds cool!
Yeah I know it sounds cool, but it`s not so cool if you happen to be near it when it`s under high pressure and the atoclave it`s pumped in blows out at both ends. All it took was a a faulty instrument indicating residual oxygen. Being a "decent guy" cuts no ice in physics & chemistry. The hydrogen he fancies is bonded to oxygen and it takes ~ 950 kj/mol to separate both Hydrogen atoms from H2O and only a little over 400 to strip a Carbon Hydrogen bond. The latter reaction is self sustaining and requires only a simple combustion process while the H2 from H2O is not. The other problem is that "decent guys" think NH3 is not flammable.It is ! Granted it has a flash point that is not reached when everything works as planned but all it takes is for a small portion of it to reach 650 C and it goes Kaboom.

Here's why hydrogen-fueled cars aren't little Hindenburgs

The hydrogen fuel cell tanks in the Toyota Mirai are pressurized up to 10,000 psi, and hydrogen is 16 times lighter than air. So, if a tank were punctured or otherwise compromised, the hydrogen gas would instantaneously dissipate into the atmosphere, Hartline said.

John Kopasz, a scientist at the Argonne National Laboratory who performs research on hydrogen gas production, said that while there are inherent dangers with any combustible fuel, hydrogen fuel is safer than gasoline.

If a regular car's fuel tank is punctured, gasoline leaks out and pools beneath the vehicle, creating a ready source of fuel for a prolonged burn, Kopasz said.

In fact, in the case of the hydrogen-filled Hindenburg, most of the fire was fueled by diesel fuel for the airship's engines and a flammable lacquer coating on the outside of the dirigible.

Today's hydrogen fuel tanks are also made from highly durable carbon fiber whose strength is assessed not only in crash tests but also in trials in which bullets are fired at it.
pressurized up to 10,000 psi, and hydrogen is 16 times lighter than air.
Hahaha...hydrogen at 10 000 psi is 16 times lighter than air.....
And "would instantaneously dissipate"...."is safer than gasoline."....because "gasoline leaks out and pools beneath the vehicle," other words it is not a fuel vapor bomb unless it is well dispersed.
...which is the very problem why a "flooded" engine refuses to start.
So why don`t you go to a welding supply shop and see what happens if you crack a hydrogen cylinder valve open with a lit cigarette in your mouth....and while you are at it try and light up a bucket full of gasoline with that cigarette.
Because battery cars are not the future hydrogen fuel cell cars are


Hydrogen explodes. And where are you planning on getting it?
Bad idea.

So do gasoline cars, where am I going to get it?? I already posted a thread on it here.

Australian hydrogen car breakthrough could go global

Btw I always read along with pop sci


where am I going to get it?? I already posted a thread on it here.

We should get hydrogen from ammonia?
Okay, where are you going to get the ammonia?
Soooo typical how he replies to your questions, where do you get the ammonia?...answ.: from hydrogen question where do you get the hydrogen? answ.: from ammonia in oversized & bold font.
Having no idea what it really takes to get the hydrogen to make ammonia and then dissociate the hydrogen from NH3 he glosses over the engineering & logistic problems for each of these steps as if they don`t exist.

The question was answered ...

The energy needed to obtain the hydrogen was not addressed.

Estimated August passenger car sales from indicate that only four passenger car models sold better than the Tesla Model 3 in August. Those cars were only from Honda and Toyota. They were the Toyota Camry, Honda Civic, Honda Accord and Toyota Corolla.

This was at the 5000 car per week level for the Model 3. If the Model 3 reaches 7000 cars per week then it will be the second best selling car model. It would only be behind the Toyota Camry. If the Model 3 reaches 8000 cars per week then it will become the top selling car in the USA.

The Toyota Camry sells for $29,000 to 34,000.

The three available versions of the Model 3 are $49,000 to $64,000 in price.

Tesla Model 3 top selling US passenger car model in terms of August revenue and fifth in cars sold

Whatever happens with Musk personally, the Tesla auto company will survive. Someone will pick it up. The sales are simply too strong for some company not to take over and become one of the major auto brands in the world.

Too damn easy to check

Tesla didn't even make the Top 20

Top Selling Cars in 2018 in the USA -- not a single one comes with taxpayer subsidized sticker price

1. Ford F-Series: 451,138 sold in 2018. Change from the same date in 2017 +4.9% .
2. Chevrolet Silverado: 291,074. +10.7%
3. Ram Pickup: 233,539. - 6.7%
4. Nissan Rogue : 215,202. +10.0%
5. Toyota RAV4: 198,390. +7.4%
6. Honda CR-V: 179,580. - 4.1%
7. Toyota Camry: 178,795. +1.1%
8. Honda Civic: 176,242. +0.3%
9. Chevrolet Equinox 156,365. +17.2%

10. Toyota Corolla: 149,805. -9.5%
11. Ford Escape: 144,627. -7.9%
12. Honda Accord: 138,290. -13.6%
13. Jeep Wrangler: 133,492. +34.9%
14. Ford Explorer: 128,706. -5.0%
15. Nissan Altima: 123,792. -15.4%
16. Toyota Tacoma: 116,266. +2.8%
17. Nissan Sentra: 115,676. +2.8%
18. Toyota Highlander: 114,254. +14.3%
19. Jeep Cherokee: 113,719.+ 39.8%
20. Jeep Grand Cherokee: 109,313 Down 6.1%

Source These are the 20 best-selling cars and trucks in America in 2018

I admit, probably not as authorative as "good car bad car .com" but call me old-fashioned for looking for business facts in a business journal and not a green propaganda sheet.

Dumb fuck, first, it said passenger cars. Second, it was for the month of August.
Regardless of Tesla, coal is on its way out.
Really, then how will you build solar panels and wind turbines without coal? It can not be done.
So go ahead and explain.
The same way the coal is presently being replaced by wind, solar, and natural gas. And, as the grid scale batteries come online, there will be even less need for natural gas.
Why is the electric car so troublesome for Right Wingers? The concept, the use, the entire notion of non fossil fueled transportation seems to worry them something awful. If a low cost, long range, affordable mass produced electric car was introduced to the market, why would Right Wingers still look askance at it?

Surely Right Wingers support free markets. Surely Right Wingers would embrace a reduction in air pollution. Surely Right Wingers are not afraid of other emerging technologies. Why does the electric car make them so skeptical, goofy and angry?

Because battery cars are not the future hydrogen fuel cell cars are

How many hydrogen fueled cars are there right now on this planet? How many battery powered cars are there right now on this planet? You lose.
Why is the electric car so troublesome for Right Wingers? The concept, the use, the entire notion of non fossil fueled transportation seems to worry them something awful. If a low cost, long range, affordable mass produced electric car was introduced to the market, why would Right Wingers still look askance at it?

Surely Right Wingers support free markets. Surely Right Wingers would embrace a reduction in air pollution. Surely Right Wingers are not afraid of other emerging technologies. Why does the electric car make them so skeptical, goofy and angry?

Because battery cars are not the future hydrogen fuel cell cars are

I hope that improvements in hydrogen fuel cells can, one day, provide a unit about the size of a water heater that would provide electricity to a house. I hope that hydrogen fuel cell could power all our transportation. But I don't root against a battery powered car. I hope both technologies can compete in the market place.

Beta vs. VHS. Plasma vs. LED. 8 Track vs. cassette. All technologies develop and the market decides.

That was the other problem Obama picked batteries over fuel cell development..

I posted a thread here on it a few years ago .

Again, nice of you to post that President Obama made a good pick.
Battery powered cars wont charge in freezing weather. They require a heated garage. Battery powered cars cant charge if too hot. They require an air conditioned garage. Electric cars require power 24/7.

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