Real black men are voting for Kamala Harris. and we are the super majority in the black community.

This is IM2_scared_Blacks_aren't_voting_democrat's 12,000th thread on this topic.

I think the racist is truly worried.
Actually i'm providing facts to counter the 12,000 threads about how Blacks are all running to support Trump. So yes, you racists are scared of blacks. Meanwhile, every other non white group can vote in the majority against trump and nothing gets said.
Oh, they've got a shit ton of those too and all of them think a black woman is less than half black. I guess genetics aren't their thing either.

Half black women who aren't runing for president are black to you scabs, so shut the hell up.
Actually i'm providing facts to counter the 12,000 threads about how Blacks are all running to support Trump. So yes, you racists are scared of blacks. Meanwhile, every other non white group can vote in the majority against trump and nothing gets said.
I don't think you've ever posted a fact.

Here's some actual facts, with supporting data...

What you post is what you wish were true in the realm where you had godlike powers to make your biased opinions reality.

That realm only exists inside your imagination.
Half black women who aren't runing for president are black to you scabs, so shut the hell up.

Judging people on what they are instead of who they are is your bag, not mine. I'm simply pointing out your inconsistencies. Hell, who knows, I just might wake up tomorrow and decide identify as a "real black man", that's allowed, RIGHT????????????

Note to the race baiter, harris is less than half black, she's mostly indian.

You are the race baiter and Harris is half black and half indian. But if she ws a crackhead she woud be black to you. So nobody GAF about your race parsing here white boy.
Judging people on what they are instead of who they are is your bag, not mine. I'm simply pointing out your inconsistencies. Hell, who knows, I just might wake up tomorrow and decide identify as a "real black man", that's allowed, RIGHT????????????

You and the right wing whites do that that every day 24-7. The inconsistency is on you, because like I said if she was not running for president and was in the store with a SNAP card, she'd be black to your punk ass.
I don't think you've ever posted a fact.

Here's some actual facts, with supporting data...

What you post is what you wish were true in the realm where you had godlike powers to make your biased opinions reality.

That realm only exists inside your imagination.

That's a lot of black folks shacking off the shackles of the commiecrat plantation, it could spell doom for kneepads.

I don't think you've ever posted a fact.

Here's some actual facts, with supporting data...

What you post is what you wish were true in the realm where you had godlike powers to make your biased opinions reality.

That realm only exists inside your imagination.

I've posted nothing but facts. And again, I'll listen to black pollsters who actually talk to a lot of black people instead of the white one who polls only a few. Trump will not be setting records with black people. You guys said this 4 years ago, 8 years ago, 20 years go, every four years it's the same thing.
That's a lot of black folks shacking off the shackles of the commiecrat plantation, it could spell doom for kneepads.

The plantation is the republiKKKLAN one. And blacks aren't running to it.
You are the race baiter and Harris is half black and half indian. But if she ws a crackhead she woud be black to you. So nobody GAF about your race parsing here white boy.

I guess if you ignore that sprinkling of Irish in her blood. Also your assumptions are as pathetic as you are. And I guess you consider yourself educated when you can even use your browser spellcheck. Not doing so just make you look stupid.

The plantation is the republiKKKLAN one. And blacks aren't running to it.

Poor thing, send CNN and email and tell them kneepads dismal numbers regarding black support are just a figment of their imagination. You do know how to send an email don't ya?

Shut the fuck up. You guys cry every day about the government that has provided your asses with every preferenve that can be given. So don't try lecturng me. Trump has whined bout everything. Its all he ever does.
You have the same opportunity that I have. But, you want to government to kiss your ass and give you money you don't deserve. Complain about everything but do nothing to help yourself or anyone else. Selfish, selfish, selfish. Trump is in the public eye so you hear stuff from your lying media. You aren't so no one but those of us hear about your whining nonsense about how someone else stopped you from being successful. Grow a pair and put on your pants and do something constructive instead of whining about how you've been taken advantaged of and want to steal from White people that you've never met. Keep your hands out of our checking accounts.
You are a white woman who supports trump. So you are retarded.

In reality the top black polling souces show that Harris has 84 percent black support and Trump has 8 percent. These companies exclusive poll backs, large numbers of blacks. They don't conduct a poll with 50 blacks then claim Trump has 20 percent black support because 10 blacks say they wil vote for him. Black men are not voting for trump and a white man and a white woman should not be trying to argue with A BLACK MAN who talks to other black men about who black men are supporting in this election.
You keep trotting that line out, IM2...that nobody can argue with you because you're black and they aren't. What "top black polling sources" are you referring to? Back up your bullshit for a change...
You keep trotting that line out, IM2...that nobody can argue with you because you're black and they aren't. What "top black polling sources" are you referring to? Back up your bullshit for a change...
It's because you can't. I've explained to you as a black person why we vote democrat and you have refused to accept that as the reason, but you think you can tell me why we do it. And don't say you didn't:

I (rightly) pointed out that the reason 90% of black folk vote democrat is due to pressure and influence and how they’ve been taught all their lives. That doesn’t mean they can think for themselves, it just means that when you’ve been taught something all your lives, that influences future decisions, and, there is a social stigma for not conforming to the norm
You sat behind computer telling me, a black man, that you pointed out to me, a black man what the reason most blacks vote democrat for And you were totaly wron. It coud not be becauseof policies, it is because we were taught something. I think I have showed you and every other white racist here the history of blacks while we were republicans. I told you that we were republicans for 100 years and all we got was Jim Crow. Yet you want to try explaining to me, a black man, why blacks vote for democrats.

The "social stigma" you talk about is blacks suporting policies that will harm us. We are not here to vote for whats in the best interest of the white community.

For example, those ike you hail Clarence Thomas as a great independent thinker. Why?

Is it independent thought for a black man to vote to gut provisions of the voting rights act that allowed him to vote?

Is it independent thinking for a black person to say its OK for police to use racially biased evidence?

Is it independent thinking for Thomas to end AA, the policy that alowed him enter into both Holy Cross and Yale?

Trump has promised to undo civil rights, and do you think a black person voting for that is really thinking?

Why is it that whites such as yourself only believe blacks are thinking independently when they choose to vote or support things that benefit whites?

And last, don't try telling me how I don't speak for all black people then try using one black person who says what you want to hear as evidence that a blacks do what you claim.

We don't vote Republican becuse Republican party policy is anti black or does not address the needs of the black community. Anyone black voting for the republican party as it is composed today is an idiot. And IDGAF what you think about me saying that. Now stop trying to argue with me about why we don't vote republican.
No you're not. And until you turn black and face white rcism, you won't be right. Thereis pressure in the black community to not vote for white supremcy. If someone does they are frowned upon and rightfuly so. You didn't show me a motherfucking thing. You have no point but you think you do because you look this from the perspctiveof a white man.

Your argument shows me what you are. You ignorantly beLieve we are pressuring blacks to vote one way for no real reason. Any black man that has your pointof view is an idiot. Thats not racist, because the repubican party at this time is opposing anything that has helped blacks gain some semblance of opportunity. Why should anyone black vote for what Trump and Republicans have to offer? And don't try lying to me about this, because what you say Republicans have to offer is not what they have to offer to us as blacks.

I'm really tired of Repubican white boys and your gaslighting.

If whites weren't inflluenced not to vote for Harris the race woud not be this close. If 2 whitemen were running and one was convictedof 34 felonies, the polling woud not be a statistical tie. The claims about Harris' sex life, calling her a ho, or kneepads, etc., is proof of the white racism that's involved here. None of these things have anything to do with policy. You live to deny racism when somebody black says it. Whites must stop doing this.

YOU saw somthing that you think was on display. I saw two times where blacks were told how we should vote in our best interest. Our best interest is not in voting for a man who thinks he can get black support because he has a mugshot.

Why do whites like you make such IGNORANT comments. We have been taught something? Yeah we've been taught by our life experiences and public policy that Republicans have nothing to offer us. You can't see the racism in the shit you're posting.

So you explain to me why we should vote for the candidate who has said he will end the policies/initiatives that have created the black middle class, such as DEI? Why should we vote for a man who has said he wil re implement stop and frisk, a poicy whereby blacks and hispanics got most of the frisking even while whites rode around with more drugs in their cars and commit more crimes. Why should we vote for a man who has said he will give police absolute immunity? Why should we vote for a man who has insulted our communitytme after time after time. And don't tell me that mess about the trump economy and how much he did for blaks. Because its not true. Biden/Harris had lower unemployment and have done way more for our prosperity than trump.

So tell me white boy, why can every other non white race vote majority democrat and novbody white presses them to vote republican?

And they both are lying. Trumps nameis mentioned over 300 times in the manual.

They are wanting to do way with every equal oppotunity progrm, and gut the Cibvil rights division. Stephen Miller will file lawsuits against anything he thinks helps non white peope. He's doing it now with his bogus organization.

Whites aren't walking on eggshells. Whites who practice racism are. Whites aren't being told they are bad people, whites who practice racism are. Whites do commit microagressions, whites do have unrealized racial bias. Look at yourself, you think you can tell me, a black man, why I vote democrat when I have told you myself why blacks vote democrat. You seem to believe that you know more about being black than a man who is black. And don't try to say that you don't because you had the nerve to tell me how we vote because of what we have been taught,

I've seen whats happening. Whites have becoming more and more confortable expressing jim crow style racist beliefs. This has been slowly evolving since Reagan.

Whites aren't suffering son. Criticiosm of racist behavioris what you're seeing. So go out and work to end the racism in yourself and your community.OBTW, the fact you say things ike this shows that you are white.

Why is it that your racist ass believes that backs are only thinking for ourselves if they re voting for trump?

Given the reality, blacks who are thinking about voting for trump ARE NOT thinking at all. If a black person is voting for someone who is going to implement white supremacist policies, they are intellectually inferior. You don't seem to understand this.

No you're not.
I am right, you’re just too much of an angry person to see it.

Thereis pressure in the black community to not vote for white supremcy. If someone does they are frowned upon and rightfuly so

Some black people don’t see it that way. You know…those who are thinking for themselves?? And you just admitted it, there is pressure and social stigma..for people who don’t think like you.

Your argument shows me what you are

So, once again, I’m right. I don’t think like you so I must be white. You are just further and further completing my argument.

You ignorantly beLieve we are pressuring blacks to vote one way for no real reason.

No, Obama told us, the guy in the video you posted told us, and now…you just told us, that you pressure black people to vote a certain way.

Any black man that has your pointof view is an idiot

Just digging that hole deeper aren’t ya. You do see this, right? You are literally telling us that a black person who doesn’t tow your line is an idiot. YOU are the one saying black people cant think for themselves.

because the repubican party at this time is opposing anything that has helped blacks gain some semblance of opportunity

What are they doing to hold you back from opportunity?

And don't try lying to me about this, because what you say Republicans have to offer is not what they have to offer to us as blacks.

I’ve yet to see any Republican policy that excludes black people..or people of any color for that matter. Perhaps you could list one or two.

If whites weren't inflluenced not to vote for Harris the race woud not be this close

I have yet to hear anyone say you shouldn’t vote for Harris because she is black. If anyone is being influenced to not vote for her, it’s probably based on normal political things. You know..her record.

If 2 whitemen were running and one was convictedof 34 felonies, the polling woud not be a statistical tie

You don’t have 2 white men running. You have a democrat, and you have republican who has been hounded for 9 straight years, and some people see that for what it is. They see the 34 charges as just the dems lawfare nature.

The claims about Harris' sex life, calling her a ho, or kneepads, etc., is proof of the white racism that's involved here.

No it’s not. She DID have an affair with a guy 30 years her senior, and this guy DID get her appointments that helped launch her career. It had nothing to do with racism. Had she been white, the same accusations and the same words would have been used. There have been white women and men who have garnered ire and ridicule as Harris…

You live to deny racism when somebody black says it
Have I ever denied racism exists? Not once.

YOU saw somthing that you think was on display

I’ve given you the evidence, hell, YOUVE given the evidence. In your very response.

Why do whites like you make such IGNORANT comments. We have been taught something?

Yes, you have been taught, through pressure and social stigma (which you, yourself, have just admitted to) that voting a certain way is frowned upon. A 90% voting pattern just doesn’t perpetuate itself naturally. Black people have been voting democrat for decades, and in the black community, that’s just what you do, and if you dont, well, you get what we see in this thread, what you just said, what Obama just said.

You have shown us this time and again, ever black person who votes Republican and pushes back against the narrative that is being set, gets called. Tom, or sellout. No, THOSE people can’t think for themselves, because they are thinking wrong…

Yeah we've been taught by our life experiences and public policy that Republicans have nothing to offer us.

What is it that you think republicans are denying you? What opportunity do you not have that you see white people getting?

I understand, decades ago, things WERE bad, but this is 2024, and we’ve come a long way since then, are we perfect as a society? No, but if you’re telling me that there are things you are held back from doing because of your skin color, I’d like to hear about it, and who’s doing it.

You can't see the racism in the shit you're posting.

Because there is no racism, I just don’t agree with what you are saying. Granted, to you, disagreement is racism I guess.

So you explain to me why we should vote for the candidate who has said he will end the policies/initiatives that have created the black middle class, such as DEI?

Because DEI is, in itself, a policy based on skin color, and, it’s a policy meant to specifically exclude white people. How you don’t see that as being a problem is beyond me.

I see society as a place where everyone has equal opportunity. If you do your job, work hard, and make good choices, then you will succeed. Skin color should never be a factor in any of that.

Why should we vote for a man who has said he wil re implement stop and frisk, a poicy whereby blacks and hispanics got most of the frisking even while whites rode around with more drugs in their cars and commit more crimes.

Did Trump said he wanted to target black and brown people? He said he wanted to go back to stop and frisk, if this is causing black and brown people to be targeted excessively, then that is a problem with the local police. Now if you are telling me that trump is telling the police to over sample black and brown people, then I agree, that’s problem.

Because its not true. Biden/Harris had lower unemployment and have done way more for our prosperity than trump.

What have Biden/harris done for the black community?

So tell me white boy, why can every other non white race vote majority democrat and novbody white presses them to vote republican?

Nobody is pressing blacks to vote republican either. I mean, repubs will take every vote they can get for sure, but nobody is pressing them. I’m not sure what you are getting at here. We’re talking about the pressure within the black community to vote a certain way. Do those pressures also exist in other communities?

And they both are lying. Trumps nameis mentioned over 300 times in the manual.

So?? That doesn’t mean Trump is involved. Trump said he isn’t involved, the architect of P2025 has said he’s not involved. Because they wrote this and put his name in it doesn’t prove he’s involved. It just means they put trumps name in their report.

They are wanting to do way with every equal oppotunity progrm, and gut the Cibvil rights division. Stephen Miller will file lawsuits against anything he thinks helps non white peope. He's doing it now with his bogus organization.

Yeah, miller filed a lawsuit because a companies diversity program forced them to fire a white guy. Do you think it was right for them to discriminate against white people in the name of DEI?

Whites aren't walking on eggshells. Whites who practice racism are. Whites aren't being told they are bad people, whites who practice racism are.

That’s wrong. White peoples are afraid to speak in many places because of your next sentence;

Whites do commit microagressions, whites do have unrealized racial bias.

This is some straight up bullshit. That whites are committing these aggressions and biases and only blacks can see it. That’s some awfully convenient stuff right there.

If you and a white person were having this very conversation at a work place, it would get the white person fired, but you would get away with it, even with all your “white boy” pejoratives, and name calling. You can accuse a white person of racism and immediately it get sent to HR and they have to do an investigation. If that white person tries to deny that they are a racist, you say it’s unconscious bias, and anything that white person says will be labeled as micro aggression.

So yeah, white peoples have to walk on egg shells because people love to throw around that “R” word like a weapon. I’m sure that just makes you all kinds of happy, doesn’t it?

Look at yourself, you think you can tell me, a black man, why I vote democrat when I have told you myself why blacks vote democrat

No, I told you of why there is a pattern of 90% of black people voting democrat, and you have confirmed those statements here in this thread.

And don't try to say that you don't because you had the nerve to tell me how we vote because of what we have been taught,

No, I simply pointed to reasons that I’ve read on the internet about why black people are so monolithic in their voting, and you’ve confirmed it.

But black voters aren’t the monolith exit polls make them out to be. Pew Research Center found that a quarter of black Democrats identify as conservative, and 43 percent identify as moderate.

We found that black voters are so loyal to the Democratic party in part because of social pressure from other black voters.

I've seen whats happening. Whites have becoming more and more confortable expressing jim crow style racist beliefs. This has been slowly evolving since Reagan.

What whites are favoring segregation? Where do you see Jim Crow style beliefs of segregation and relegating blacks as second class citizens?

Whites aren't suffering son. Criticiosm of racist behavioris what you're seeing

You mean criticism of perceived racist behavior. Remember, apparently only black people can see this racist behavior. If you are any indication of the standard for what constitutes racism, it’s no wonder why people push back, everything is racist to you.

So go out and work to end the racism in yourself and your community

White folks have been working on their issues and they have come a long way, but people like you won’t ever be happy. You’ll always keep moving the goal post. For every stride they take to move away from racism, you’ll pull the goal post a little further away. That’s where people like Robin DiAngelo come in, where keeping racism alive is her money maker. She came along and invented this thing called “unconscious bias” and micro aggression” as a way to make it so that white peoples can never cure the issues of racism, because apparently they can’t see it, so they need other people to tell them about their racial biases, and when you do that, the problem will never get solved.

It’s kind of like the old peanuts cartoon where Charlie’s tries to kick the football, but Lucy pulls it away at the last minute…that’s what we have here.

OBTW, the fact you say things ike this shows that you are white.

lol, you’ve said this, because obviously anyone who has this point of view couldn’t possibly be black. Once again, you are pigeon holing black people into a particular character, that in order to be black, you MUST think a certain way. I.E. “think like this or you are disingenuous”

(Irrelevant statement)…believes that backs are only thinking for ourselves if they re voting for trump?

I never said that, in fact you are the one who has inferred that black are not thinking for themselves if they DO vote for Trump. I merely pointed out the social stigma in the black community. YOU have confirmed this stigma.

Given the reality, blacks who are thinking about voting for trump ARE NOT thinking at all.

Good grief man, it’s like you’re writing my arguments for me….

If a black person is voting for someone who is going to implement white supremacist policies, they are intellectually inferior. You don't seem to understand this.

There are no white supremacist policies, even if there were, how would Trump know? Apparently only you are able to see the racism…if Trump can’t see his unconscious bias, how is he supposed to fix it and his racist ways?

And once again, it has to be said, because I know where you are going to go with this…I understand that racism DOES exist, I’ve never denied that, it’s just not as prevalent in society as you believe. We still have work to do as a society to fix issues, but if someone were to listen to you, theyd get the impression we were still living in the 60’s

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