Real plane crashes compared to 9/11 flight 93's disappearing act.

“I challenge any pilot,” says Nila Sagadevan, a pilot and aeronautical engineer, “give him a Boeing 757 and tell him to do 400 knots 20 feet above the ground for half a mile. You can’t do it. It’s aerodynamically impossible.”

...and the pilot of the 757 on 9/11 didnt do it either. IN THE END HE CRASHED!!!! :lol:
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“I challenge any pilot,” says Nila Sagadevan, a pilot and aeronautical engineer, “give him a Boeing 757 and tell him to do 400 knots 20 feet above the ground for half a mile. You can’t do it. It’s aerodynamically impossible.”

Sully could do it!


Was he the one that just landed the plane in the river?
You have absolutely no previous crash to compare it to. I do not recall any other crash where the person piloting the plane drove it straight into the earth. At top speed.

Finally, this guy makes sense. :clap2:
A miniturizing ray was used to make all the parts small enough to fit in the pick up. It made clean up faster.
Was he the one that just landed the plane in the river?

yes, but there was no bird strike that could take out BOTH engines. there was thermite planted in the engines and the NIST said birds alone brought down a jumbo jet which is obviously impossible.

The government alleges that four wide-body airliners crashed on the morning of September 11 2001, resulting in the deaths of more than 3,000 human beings, yet not one piece of hard aircraft evidence has been produced in an attempt to positively identify any of the four aircraft. On the contrary, it seems only that all potential evidence was deliberately kept hidden from public view. …

obviously a lie.

here is one of many examples of debris with identifying markings that positively identify it as coming from a 757.


Show me one picture of the crash site that show it is a crash site from a jumbo jet.......

A 757 is not a "jumbo jet", it's not even a wide body. The 757-222 that crashed wasn't even the bigger 757-300. Get at least some of the basics correct......K?
why is it that the conspiracy websites fail to show all the available pictures and only show pictures that support some type of cover-up?? dont they want to be impartial and look at all the evidence?

why dont they show pictures like this jet engine smashed into the ground from flight 93?
(you are welcome to try to pick that up by yourself and put it in a pickup truck)

fine the plane didn't crash prove where it is and where all the people are....
why is it that the conspiracy websites fail to show all the available pictures and only show pictures that support some type of cover-up?? dont they want to be impartial and look at all the evidence?

why dont they show pictures like this jet engine smashed into the ground from flight 93?
(you are welcome to try to pick that up by yourself and put it in a pickup truck)


because all your pictures are fake and part of the cover up.....all their pictures are real.....

remember these ar the people that are where they are in life because of the deeds of others.....they are not responsible for their own actions or place in life......
Hi Creative:

The Russian plane at the top of this thread spiraled out of control straight to the ground from almost 40,000ft.

I will bring up many more nosedives to compare to when I have time.

Creative is one of the very few USMB members with both eyes wide open, because you realize that Flight 93 Never Crashed Into The Empty Shanksville Field (my Topic). However, many USMB members :)cuckoo:) are in 911Truth Denial and will NEVER accept 'the' 911Truth in a kabillion years. We find the same empty hole in the Pentagon Case (What Really Happened).

There are two kinds of 911 LIARS that run around this place:

1. Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPES (worthy of destruction = #7-9) like the Retired Guy, DiveBomb, Elvis, Manu, etc..

2. DoD Handler/Operative/Asset Official Cover Story LIARS (How To Spot) like Gam, Mr. Fizz, Candy, Chris, etc..


2. DoD Handler/Operative/Asset Official Cover Story LIARS (How To Spot) like Gam, Mr. Fizz, Candy, Chris, etc..



you do realize how ridiculous you sound, right?

i have never worked for any government agency. i came to this forum of my own free will after searching on google for information on airplane crashes (i wasnt looking for 9/11 stuff). the only reason i am involved here is to point out how completely ridiculous and illogical some of the arguments here are. a large number of the ridiculous and illogical ones come from you.
Hi Mr. Fizz:

i have never worked for any government agency. i came to this forum of my own free will ...

In other words, Mr. Fizz is claiming to only be a Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPE!

[ame=""]Maybe We Can Agree On Something After All! :0)[/ame]

After all, both groups regurgitate the same Loyal Bushie/Obama Official Cover Story LIES ...

[ame=]They Keep On LYING ...[/ame]


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Hi Mr. Fizz:

i have never worked for any government agency. i came to this forum of my own free will ...

In other words, Mr. Fizz is claiming to only be a Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPE!

After all, both groups regurgitate the same Loyal Bushie/Obama Official Cover Story LIES ...



sorry dude, you are way off again. you just keep digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole!!

i didnt vote for bush either time. the first time i voted for Gore. in 2004 i was out of the country and wasnt able to vote at all. coincidently, i was out of the country during the obama election too and was unable to vote again. (yes, i know there is absentee balloting but dont even bother to go there).

so the more time you waste trying to peg me as "loyal this" or "fanatical that" the more you look like a complete ass. there is no need to try to make people that dont believe in your wild conspiracy theories out to be any thing other than normal americans.

sorry, but your absurd theories are by far the minority. most americans think you are whacked out.

The collapse if the twin towers in New York was aided by explosives secretly planted in the two buildings.

Answers: (992 respondents)
Very likely 6%
Somewhat likely 10%
Unlikely 77%
Don't know 6%
Other response 1%
Where are the impact marks from the planes huge engines?

The plane was reported to be upside down on impact.




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