@realDonaldTrump shows Twitter knows which side its bread is buttered


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

The author told an audience; “Trump is to Twitter as Michelangelo is to sculpture”.

It was met with an icy silence.

But, he was right on target.

Michelangelo’s genius, one infuriated listener pointed out, was deployed in creating uplifting works of art, whereas Trump’s tweets merely plumbed the depths of human nastiness. Which was spot on. But it nevertheless remained true that Trump is surpassingly good at what he does, which is polluting the public sphere, infuriating his opponents and pandering to the inner demons of his supporters.

I think this explains our Tweeting president very well.

More of this guy’s observations @ @realDonaldTrump shows Twitter knows which side its bread is buttered | John Naughton
Kamala wants President Trump banished from Twitter. Her dream is to silence the President of the United States by eliminating his main way to communicate to the people.

This shows what kind of stalinist she is, and also how the left is frightened of any kind of open dialogue.

I guess Twitter can do what they want. But it wasn't for the "real Donald Trump" , I would never go on the app. They might as well just close up shop.

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