Reality Check: NATO photo preplanned. Trump front row center Montenegro back corner


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Any of you left wing snowflake nutbars who have been commenting on this "non incident" should break out some ketchup to go with all the crow you are going to be eating.


Fucking morons.

The 'family photo' was planned with assigned positions for 31 people: the 28 heads of state and the Montenegrin, plus Stoltenberg, and the king and prime minister of Belgium, the host country.

Trump, Stoltenberg and the Belgians were set to be front-row center, with British Prime Minister Theresa May on Trump's other side.

Marković – the new guy – was placed in the back row on the far right end.

After the incident, he told reporters that the whole situation was harmless
'It didn't really register. I just saw reactions about it on social networks, he said. 'It is simply a harmless situation.'

Markovic added that it is 'natural that the president of the United States is in the front row.'

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