Zone1 Reality Check on Easter

The Romans didn't care about Jesus at all . Neither did Herod Antipas.
The Romans wanted a sedate populace and not one full of revolution in the air

The last thing the Sanhedrin wanted was a revolutionary like Jesus energizing the crowds and creating chaos.
over 50 million murders in thousands of wars and still going, but hey how many is evil to you?
Remember you think 184,000 fetanyl deaths is acceptable as long as the Big guy get's his 10 percent.
You do realize even the Jihaadists hate mongering is a road that leads back to Rome.
the RCC's antisemitic synods and decrees that influenced the Nazis antisemitic rules and acts. And it was where the head Palestinian Mufti (said to be Arafats Uncle
Haj Amin Al-Hussein
i) flead to Berlin to learn said propaganda of hate which influenced the Jihaadist propaganda, mentality of violence and hate=RCC IS EVEN RESPONSIBLE FOR TODAY'S RADICALISM & GLOBAL DECAY.
They are responsible by both inluence and affects of their past actions. Furthermore the world is held back by this imposter temple as it prevents the rightful spiritual platform to have equal rights to outreach humanity with proper reflections and teachings of righteousness.
There ends up no proper judgement, council, mediation, teaching, proper rational influences, problem solving, etc...and thus we live in this bizzarro world of our own design never to know what could and should be because the spiritual authority has made us blind and expecting that this is the way it is and always will be...
I don't understand your point here. I have said repeatedly on this forum, I am no fan of the Pope or Potato head, but to try and blame all the world's problems on the Catholic church is a bit of a stretch. And no, I'm not Catholic either.

But to think that the Catholic church has any influence in the Muslim world worth noting is just wrong, and right now, the Muslim world is hunting down Jews like the Catholic church used to do in the past. They have simply switched rolls is all.

The common thread between the Catholic church of old and the new age of Islamic fundamentalism is theocracy. Once you have men acting in world politics in the name of God, heads begin to roll. At least Christians realized that theocracy was a dead end street, as where Islam cannot divorce itself from it as only Sharia law will do.

Again, go back to 1 Samuel 8.
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was too large for the post, these are the synods I talked about, info they don't teach you in Sunday school or when passing around the $ collection plate.
In 1939 the Nazis barred Jews from train dining cars.

The Church's Synod of Elvira (306) forbade Jews and Christians eating together.

The Synod of Clement (535) parallels the law for the Re-establishment of the Professional Civil Service (Nazi Germany -1933) by disallowing Jews from holding public office.

The Third Synod of Orleans (538) inhibited Jews from showing themselves in the streets during passion Week. In 1938 the Nazis past a decree allowing authorities to ban Jews from the streets on certain days such as Nazi
During the Synod of Toledo the Talmud and other books were burned. Similar book burnings were a regular event in Nazi Germany.

The law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor (1935)
parallels the Synod of Elvira (306), which prohibited intermarriage and sexual intercourse between Christians and Jews.

The fourth Lateran Council (1215) mandated the marking of
Jewish clothes with a badge. In 1941 the Nazis forced Jews
to wear a Star of David. So Christendom foreshadowed the

In 1222 the Council of Oxford banned the construction of new
synagogues. In 1938 the Nazis destroyed synagogues in the
entire Third Reich. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

In 1279 the Synod of Breslau legislated for compulsory ghettoes.

In 1939 Heydrich also ordered compulsory ghettoes for Jews.

Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

The Synod of Ofen (1279) forbade Christians from selling or
renting real estate to Jews. In 1939 a Nazi decree mandated
the sale of Jewish real estate. Again Christendom foreshadowed
the Nazis.

The Council of Basel (1434) prevented Jews from obtaining
academic degrees. In 1933 the Nazis passed a law against,
"Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities" with
the same effect. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.

The Synod of Gerona (1078) forced Jews to make contributions
to the Church equal to that of Christians. The 1940
Sozialausgleichsabgabe enforced a special Jewish income tax
equal to the party contribution levied on Nazis. Again Christendom foreshadowed the Nazis.
"The Nazis 'did not discard the past; they built upon it. They didn't begin a development; they completed it.' This fact makes
ludicrous any unqualified claim that the Nazis were the enemies
of Christendom. In actuality, they were in very large measure the
agents for the 'practical' application of an established social logic."

(Hilberg, R., "The Destruction of the European Jews" Chicago:
Quadrangle, 1961), and (Eckardt, "Elder and Younger Brothers:
The Encounter of Jews and Christians" New York: Schocken
1973, 12-14).

The roots of the antisemitic "established social logic" referred to above lie in the antisemitic potential of the NT. The roots of modern antisemitism lie in the pages of the NT. Without it the Shoah (Holocaust) would never have happened.

A Disturbing Fact:
On April 19 1939 in celebration of Hitler's birthday All Catholic churches in greater Germany hoisted the Swastica in Celebration.
The Catholic church has a long history of apostasy. But before you puff your chest out too far, remember the days of Jeremiah and the state of the Jewish nation that led to God taking away literally everything they had.
The Romans didn't care about Jesus at all . Neither did Herod Antipas.
King Herod died 4bc and Lysanias died 35bc are mentioned in the Jesus story in the Jesus era Antipas is an AD era figure as is Pilate both Christs fitting those eras Yehuda died 6bc and Theudas 45ad Rome cared about their revolts, enough to Kill, including Crucifying Yehuda's sons.
It would be like saying Putin didn't care about Yevgeny Prigozhin, that head of the Wagner group-Mercenaries revolt.
In my best Bob McEnroe voice
"Are you serious?"
King Herod died 4bc and Lysanias died 35bc are mentioned in the Jesus story in the Jesus era Antipas is an AD era figure as is Pilate both Christs fitting those eras Yehuda died 6bc and Theudas 45ad Rome cared about their revolts, enough to Kill, including Crucifying Yehuda's sons.
It would be like saying Putin didn't care about Yevgeny Prigozhin, that head of the Wagner group-Mercenaries revolt.
In my best Bob McEnroe voice
"Are you serious?"
Surada likes to stir the pot and tell half truths the facts are the Romans ruled over diverse nations and they were very adept at keeping their power in order to do this they were well versed in local rebellios people and knew how to deal with them after all they didn’t want another Hannibal or Sparticus on their hands giving the people hope and ideas about throwing off their rule….
The Romans wanted a sedate populace and not one full of revolution in the air

The last thing the Sanhedrin wanted was a revolutionary like Jesus energizing the crowds and creating chaos.

Jesus wasn't revolutionary. Read Sermon on the Mount. He's teaching passive resistance... obedience to the law.

In the 1st century the various Jewish factions were fighting each other and the Romans.

It was bound to end badly with the destruction of the temple and exile.
Surada likes to stir the pot and tell half truths the facts are the Romans ruled over diverse nations and they were very adept at keeping their power in order to do this they were well versed in local rebellios people and knew how to deal with them after all they didn’t want another Hannibal or Sparticus on their hands giving the people hope and ideas about throwing off their rule….

Herod Antipas wasn't bothered by Jesus. Jesus was safe in the north and in Galilee. The danger to Jesus was with the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem.
Herod Antipas wasn't bothered by Jesus. Jesus was safe in the north and in Galilee. The danger to Jesus was with the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem.
once again the Galilean figure lived in the time of King Herod, Herod Antipas was in the Pilate ad era with the Christ by the river Jordan.
A totally different christ than the Galilean tax revolter.
once again the Galilean figure lived in the time of King Herod, Herod Antipas was in the Pilate ad era with the Christ by the river Jordan.
A totally different christ than the Galilean tax revolter.

Whatever.. you don't believe in Jesus so it doesn't matter.
Reality Check:
1)Easter is about the Ishtar mythology where Fishman god Dagon's son Baal's son is a fishman birthed out of a giant egg-(sounds like a UFO description)
Today you still see remnants of this Dagon-Baal-morning star worship through Baal (sun )Crosses, Baal's Dec 25th birthday borrowed, Fishead hat mitre, fish scale robes, and popes fishman god ring.
2)In Canaanite Dying god Mythology of Athtar the Fierce, this son of Baal called the Morning Star
(Rev 22:16)needs to die to surpass (be the new mask of) his father on the throne.
& Resurrection from the dead stories are borrowed to give power to the legend & compete and convert other cultures who had same predated death scenes.
Found was a 700bc stone tablet on Bel called the Marduck tablets(seen below) with the exact same death scene accts and it sits in the British museum.
3) There are still Christian Hospitals, funeral homes grave- buriel sites, and Christians still buy life insurance because nobody is resurrected by this giant fishman.
4)eventually children stop believing in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, but some adults seem to still need this crutch.
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I think everyone knows that the Canaanites had their Pantheon of gods. It's fascinating stuff, but what is your point? Are you trying to undermining the Easter story? To what end?
I think everyone knows that the Canaanites had their Pantheon of gods. It's fascinating stuff, but what is your point? Are you trying to undermining the Easter story? To what end?
With 2 main opposing gods-
And the Hebrews chose to reinterpret Shalem as an Essence instead of an Idol while Rome chose to keep the Idol Baal who's death scene is plagiarized.
Herod Antipas wasn't bothered by Jesus. Jesus was safe in the north and in Galilee. The danger to Jesus was with the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem.
Just to show how your stories are mixed up and faliscious didnt Good old Herod want the Magi to tell him where Jesus was born so he could kill him.. That is according to the accounts of the New Testament.. So how wasn’t a Herod bothered by a Jesus ….Hmmmmm….Wasn’t the

Sanhedrin toothless by the Romans by the time the Jesus story supposedly took place… You can’t have your cake both ways and eat it too… Wink a wink…
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With 2 main opposing gods-
And the Hebrews chose to reinterpret Shalem as an Essence instead of an Idol while Rome chose to keep the Idol Baal who's death scene is plagiarized.

I thought we were talking about Babylonian influence on Rome.

The Babylonian Empire fell to the Achaemenid Empire in 539 BCE, and the Roman Empire was founded in 27 BCE, meaning that there were over five hundred years in between the existence of these two empires.
Just to show how your stories are mixed up and faliscious didnt Good old Herod want the Magi to tell him where Jesus was born so he could kill him.. That is according to the accounts of the New Testament.. So how wasn’t a Herod bothered by a Jesus ….Hmmmmm….Wasn’t the

Sanhedrin toothless by the Romans by the time the Jesus story supposedly took place… You can’t have your cake both ways and eat it too… Wink a wink…

Herod Antipas and Herod the Great weren't the same... Or have I mixed up Herod Agrippa?

I'll have to check Herod Antipas' birthdate to get my bearings.
Herod Antipas and Herod the Great weren't the same... Or have I mixed up Herod Agrippa?

I'll have to check Herod Antipas' birthdate to get my bearings.
It doesn’t matter like the Jesus stories are based on different characters where their lives and stories were converged into one character the same can be said about the Herod characters as well… When the stories were written and compiled centuries later there was no one alive who could question the authenticity of them… All are converged characters and only come alive in the written words in the New Testament just like the stories in books like Lord of the Rings or any other literary novel.. It is fiction just like the cruciFICTION and any other tale tails found there…
I thought we were talking about Babylonian influence on Rome.

The Babylonian Empire fell to the Achaemenid Empire in 539 BCE, and the Roman Empire was founded in 27 BCE, meaning that there were over five hundred years in between the existence of these two empires.
Baal worship made it's way into Asyria and Canaanites worshiped Baal. Just as Persia Mithra made it's way into Tarsus through a Roman soldier named Lucius or something to that affect.
Even one of the churches merely reused the altar of Mithra (sickly man on a crooked cross) as the church altar to Jesus.
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