Zone1 On Trump's Bible.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
It seems that many Christians as well as Trump's detractors are about the only ones on the earth who don't believe that America is a land blessed by God (of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob).

Donald J. Christ is the way, the truth and the light “You have to have it {MAGA BIBLE} for your heart, for your soul.” only $59.99 and it’s yours.

“I’m proud to be partnering with my very good friend Lee Greenwood, who doesn’t love his song God Bless the USA in connection with promoting the God Bless the USA Bible. This Bible is the King James Version and also includes our Founding Father documents. Yes, the Constitution which I am fighting for every single day. Very hard to keep Americans protected. Also, the Bill of rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance are all part of this God Bless the USA Bible. And it’s very important and very important to me. I want to have a lot of people have it. You have to have it for your heart, for your soul.

Many of you have never read them and don’t know the liberties and rights you have as Americans, and how you are being threatened to lose those rights. It’s happening all the time. It’s a very sad thing that’s going on in our country, but we’re going to get it turned around.

Religion and Christianity are the biggest things missing from this country, and I truly believe that we need to bring them back and we have to bring them back fast. I think it’s one of the biggest problems we have. That’s why our country is going haywire. We’ve lost religion in our country. All Americans need a Bible in their home and I have many. It’s my favorite book. It’s a lot of people’s favorite book.

This Bible is a reminder that the biggest thing we have to bring back America and to make America great again is our religion. Religion is so important. It’s so missing. But it’s going to come back and it’s going to come back strong, just like our country is going to come back strong.

In the end. We do not answer to bureaucrats in Washington. We answer to God in heaven. Christians are under siege. We must protect content that is pro God. We love God and we have to protect anything that is pro God. We must defend God in the public square and not allow the media or the left wing groups to silence, censor, or discriminate against us. We have to bring Christianity back into our lives and back into what will be again, a great nation.

Our Founding Fathers did a tremendous thing when they built America on Judeo-Christian values. Now that foundation is under attack, perhaps as never before. What can we do? Stand up, speak out and pray that God will bless America again. I’m proud to endorse and encourage you to get this Bible. We must make America pray again, pray, get educated, get motivated, and stand with me and the legions of Americans asking God to bless our great nation, to bring our great nation back, and to make America great again.

I’m proud to partner with Lee and this offering. He’s a very special man, both as a talent, but maybe even more so as a human being. He’s very, very special. And I think you all should get a copy of God Bless the USA Bible now and help spread our Christian values with others. There you have it. Let’s make America pray again. God bless you and God bless the USA.”

President & Messiah Blessed by God Trump

On Trump's Bible 240329 {post•4}

Did the God (of Abraham) create America and is he pissed at our whole nation because women want a right to privacy?

I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god 231218 {post•275} ding Dec’23 Sibaaf: “Except for when you say you know the God of Abraham doesn't exist, right? dvng 231218 SIbaaf00275

Exit polls show that abortion was top issue in MI and PA 221110 {post•1}
C_Clayton_Jones Nov’22 Vepsta: “Let’s hope defending the right to privacy remains a motivating factor for future elections.” cclytnjns 221110 Vepsta00001

Rob Reiner documentary God & Country: The Rise of Christian Nationalism 230922 {post•15} Woodznutz Sep’23 Srrdg&: You can't separate Christianity from of America. It's the glue that hold the whole thing together. wdzntz 230922 Srrdg&00015

On Trump's Bible 240329 {post•1} Woodznutz Mar’24 Sotbyz: “It seems that many Christians as well as Trump's detractors are about the only ones on the earth who don't believe that America is a land blessed by God (of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob). wdzntz 240329 Sotbyz00001

America's Christian Heritage 240316 #392
While Jefferson advocated for Jewish liberty, he held certain aspects of Judaism in low regard. In fairness, Jefferson opposed all religions based on divine revelation. He believed that God’s existence could be proven by reason and common sense rather than faith. A detractor of all priests, he found those of the Hebrew Bible “a bloodthirsty race, as cruel and remorseless as the being whom they represented as the family of god of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, and the local God of Israel.”

On Trump's Bible 240329 {post•4}

Do you understand Saint Woodznutz that Jefferson was elected twice to the Presidency never in his life believing that America was a land blessed by God (of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob). In fact Jefferson wrote those of the Hebrew Bible “a bloodthirsty race, as cruel and remorseless as the being whom they represented as the family of god of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, and the local God of Israel.”

nfbw 240329 Votbyz00004
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It seems that many Christians as well as Trump's detractors are about the only ones on the earth who don't believe that America is a land blessed by God (of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob).

I've sometimes wondered, if this is God's country, wouldn't he have come up with a better form of government than the one we have now.
if this is God's country,
It sure is not the God of Abraham that MAGA’s buyers of the Trump Bible think is real.

Jefferson opposed all religions based on divine revelation. He believed that God’s existence could be proven by reason and common sense rather than faith. A detractor of all priests, he found those of the Hebrew Bible “a bloodthirsty race, as cruel and remorseless as the being whom they represented as the family of god of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, and the local God of Israel.”
I've sometimes wondered, if this is God's country, wouldn't he have come up with a better form of government than the one we have now.
We had the best form of government in the world a couple of decades ago but somehow we morphed into the banana republic we have today.

Some place much of the blame on Supreme Court decisions that allowed money to be the name of the game in politics.

It seems that many Christians as well as Trump's detractors are about the only ones on the earth who don't believe that America is a land blessed by God (of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob).

Interesting. Most Biblical scholars do not think America is around in the Last Days. Looking around--I believe it, and other than my direct loved ones, no longer care. I'm uninvested in the nation liberals destroyed.
Most Biblical scholars

Richsrd D Land is not a Biblical Scholar
Per se but he is Biblical Dude who explains to born again Christians that America was never a Christian Nation and why born again Christians should never argue that it is.

WORLD: So what's wrong with "claiming that America once was, and ought to return to being, a Christian nation"?​
LAND: As an evangelical Christian I believe the phrase "Christian nation" has connotations of a redeemed nation. A Christian is someone who has a personal relationship with Jesus and has entered into a redeemed state. As an evangelical Christian, I would never want to claim that for any nation. There is no nation in history that has been made up completely of born-again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.​
Secondly, this nation was founded by many people who were operating largely out of what Francis Schaeffer would call a "Christian memory." They still accepted a Judeo-Christian value system, although some were Deists and some were committed Christians. Many of them were people like Thomas Jefferson, who issued his own edition of the Gospels in which he kept the teachings of Jesus, but eliminated all claims to Messiahship and all miraculous elements.​
Many others were operating from a Judeo-Christian worldview and accepted Jesus as the Savior, while not necessarily accepting Him as their Savior in the sense I as an evangelical would understand that personal commitment and personal conversion experience. Even after the First Great Awakening, it would be erroneous to assume that anywhere close to a majority of people who lived in the American colonies prior to the Revolutionary War were born-again Christians as evangelicals understand it.​
A "Christian nation" would have to be a nation where virtually the entire population were born-again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, and their societal institutions, including their government, would reflect a value system that would be put together by an overwhelming consensus of born-again Christians. That was not the case in the Colonial, the Revolutionary, the post-Revolutionary, the early Federal period, or any period since.​
WORLD: So how would you define the nature of the United States?​
LAND: As our Declaration and our Constitution indicate, America as a nation was an attempt to combine Judeo-Christian values, in a very traditional sense, with Enlightenment ideas of self-government. The genius was that it worked only because you had both.​

God & country

We're not a Christian nation, says Southern Baptist leader Richard Land, but America has certainly been blessed

by Marvin Olasky

Post Date: April 21, 2007 - Issue Date: April 20, 2007


Richard Land's The Divided States of America? (W Publishing Group, 2007) has as its subtitle What Liberals AND Conservatives are missing in the God-and-country shouting match
We have a gathering of Saints from the other Trump Bible Thread page one.l:

It will work because those that will buy them will say....."Well he's not like us but does not hate us like the leftist dems do".

might buy one.

I'm surprised Biden and Dimocrats aren't selling copies of the Quran.

I'm calling bullshit. Can't find anything about this on the TrumpStore website.

What's wrong with that? Would you criticize B. Hussein O if he started selling Korans?

The guy is a born entrepreneur. Old Joe Biden would just pick your pocket.

Fake thread title based from false conclusion
Lib 101
Dummy, my only contention is where you get your info, I don’t go to far left or far wing nut sites, From that you made assumptions about my beliefs based on me challenging the website that is known for dishonesty and spin. Now if you were to link a MSM site that is a hard news article, then fine, if not, too bad because I don’t read wacko sites like you.

I loved your stupid “assignment” BS, talk about gas lighting

Papageorgio in regards to David Barton : “That is better than the far wing nut tripe sites.”

Truth does not care at all from where it may be discerned. I saw the Trump video where he promoted his Bible but wanted a transcript so I could study it for lies. It took a while but I found one on a pro-Trump web-site. There are plenty of lies there.

See Trump Bible PROMO #nfbw 340329 Votbyz00003
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Things the religious right wants and we will see if Trump wins.

1. Abolishment of the safetynet. SSI, SSD, medicare, ACA, etc. You will work until you die as they do in China or most African nations. Homelessness will go up as people that can't will end up on the side of the street.
2. Abolishment of safety standards and work standards. Kids will be forced to work and within conditions that are closer to that of Africa or southern Asia. They want kids to take the place of illegals and work 40 hours per week instead of getting an education. They also want to abolishment of minimum wage and any ability for the worker to be paid fairly! Look at africa and china to understand how they really think of the workers. Utterly disposable and we'll lose most of our middle class under what maga wants for America. All while the rich becomes barons and all powerful masters of everyone else. Including the insane maga cult that will be fucking themselves as they're bowing to their masters.
3. End of investment in education. Some of the worse states in this nation for education are in the south. Every fucking one. We'll become a third world country and standards will drop through the floor.
4. End of investment in science. Say good bye to our leadership in science and good bye to longer lives. If the first three didn't shorten it already. This sure as fuck will. Not only an end of investment but an utter idiotic view of science and a stiff hand towards god and religion that will end up banning vaccines and killing millions of people. Already we see the results of this happening in places like Florida. Religion will take the place of science! commonsense ideas of the past 500 years will be replaced with idiocy!
4a. No more infrastructure investment. Everything will be payed by a fucking tollroad and this will be mostly on the back of the poor and middle class. Standards from 2, 3 and 4 have made these roads, bridges dangerous and low quality like parts of Africa but without investment we will have far less of even this.
5. They'll probably end up killing us gays and executing anyone that isn't a white male. If certain people are lucky maybe they'll in a few centuries be made into slaves for future generations of the maga idiots. why? Control. that is all it is about. Fuck improving society, fuck freedom and fuck rationality. Control into the narrow minded maga driven religious crap.
You forgot: enforce the Comstock Law to ban Mifepristone nationwide.
It's great when people who otherwise have no use for Jesus invoke him for political purpose.

Saint Ding nails Trump and hus MAGA Bible to the wall in that one!

It’s a wonder we have yet to see Saint Trump hawking a gold covered Bible with matching gold embossed sneakers designed to be irresistible to black men.
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Richsrd D Land is not a Biblical Scholar
Per se but he is Biblical Dude who explains to born again Christians that America was never a Christian Nation and why born again Christians should never argue that it is.

WORLD: So what's wrong with "claiming that America once was, and ought to return to being, a Christian nation"?​
LAND: As an evangelical Christian I believe the phrase "Christian nation" has connotations of a redeemed nation. A Christian is someone who has a personal relationship with Jesus and has entered into a redeemed state. As an evangelical Christian, I would never want to claim that for any nation. There is no nation in history that has been made up completely of born-again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.​
Secondly, this nation was founded by many people who were operating largely out of what Francis Schaeffer would call a "Christian memory." They still accepted a Judeo-Christian value system, although some were Deists and some were committed Christians. Many of them were people like Thomas Jefferson, who issued his own edition of the Gospels in which he kept the teachings of Jesus, but eliminated all claims to Messiahship and all miraculous elements.​
Many others were operating from a Judeo-Christian worldview and accepted Jesus as the Savior, while not necessarily accepting Him as their Savior in the sense I as an evangelical would understand that personal commitment and personal conversion experience. Even after the First Great Awakening, it would be erroneous to assume that anywhere close to a majority of people who lived in the American colonies prior to the Revolutionary War were born-again Christians as evangelicals understand it.​
A "Christian nation" would have to be a nation where virtually the entire population were born-again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, and their societal institutions, including their government, would reflect a value system that would be put together by an overwhelming consensus of born-again Christians. That was not the case in the Colonial, the Revolutionary, the post-Revolutionary, the early Federal period, or any period since.​
WORLD: So how would you define the nature of the United States?​
LAND: As our Declaration and our Constitution indicate, America as a nation was an attempt to combine Judeo-Christian values, in a very traditional sense, with Enlightenment ideas of self-government. The genius was that it worked only because you had both.​

God & country

We're not a Christian nation, says Southern Baptist leader Richard Land, but America has certainly been blessed

by Marvin Olasky

Post Date: April 21, 2007 - Issue Date: April 20, 2007

View attachment 924454

Richard Land's The Divided States of America? (W Publishing Group, 2007) has as its subtitle What Liberals AND Conservatives are missing in the God-and-country shouting match
We are a Christian nation, in name but not in deed.
Interesting. Most Biblical scholars do not think America is around in the Last Days. Looking around--I believe it, and other than my direct loved ones, no longer care. I'm uninvested in the nation liberals destroyed.
What most don't understand is that God didn't promise this land to the church but to the descendants of Joseph. However, the church has flourished in those lands where (most of) the descendants of Israel have migrated to. Of course, this is the result of Jesus being "sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel" where he would "build his church".
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