Reality Sets In


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
A week ago amid a lot of arrogant huffing and puffing congressional Dems demanded the full, unredacted Mueller Report by April 2, a deadline that passed quietly and without USAG Barr's compliance. Next came congressional demands for Trump's tax returns and the response came today … acting WH chief of staff said Democrats will never get Trump's returns. :D
lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:
Except his actions are only "lawlessness and obfuscation" in the small minds of the TDS demented. To rational adults it is congressional Dems who continually overreach and distort and for political purposes. Like you they are filled with hate and rage.

I say GTF up, snowflakes. :D
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lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:
Refusing to accept an election result, hatching a ridiculous "Collusion" scheme as an excuse for their horrendous failure, wasting millions of tax dollars, destroying many innocent people financially is nothing to be proud of.
It's dim scum doing all that.
Yes...dim scum is not a menu item in a really terrible Chinese restaurant.

It's the people who think their childish butt hurt demands trump established law. It's for the hopeless idiots who spent years praying for Robert Mueller's report on Trump collusion with Russia and once they got it they denounced it and now want something more that just confirms all their brainless unsubstantiated suspicions.

They are a mob of angry unthinking clowns.
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A week ago amid a lot of arrogant huffing and puffing congressional Dems demanded the full, unredacted Mueller Report by April 2, a deadline that passed quietly and without USAG Barr's compliance. Next came congressional demands for Trump's tax returns and the response came today … acting WH chief of staff said Democrats will never get Trump's returns. :D
What's that? Trump is finally being honest?
Can we have a quote?
It's dim scum doing all that.
Yes...dim scum is not a menu item in a really terrible Chinese restaurant.

It's the people who think their childish butt hurt demands trump established law. It's for the hopeless idiots who spent years praying for Robert Mueller's report on Trump collusion with Russia and once they got it they denounced it and now want something more that just confirms all their brainless unsubstantiated suspicions.

They are a mob of angry unthinking clowns.
New Chinese item: Hung Dim Scum!
A week ago amid a lot of arrogant huffing and puffing congressional Dems demanded the full, unredacted Mueller Report by April 2, a deadline that passed quietly and without USAG Barr's compliance. Next came congressional demands for Trump's tax returns and the response came today … acting WH chief of staff said Democrats will never get Trump's returns. :D
The most opaque administration in history
lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:

What law says he has to release them

Trump doesn't have to release his returns, the IRS already has them.
If the dem congress scum had a valid reason to see them, the IRS would turn them over.

Since the IRS has had the returns and has not taken any action, it proves everything is legal.
lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:

What gives you the right to those things?

The investigation I thought was the Russian collusion.

All this does is prove that it was a witch hunt all along. They just needed a fake reason to start it all.
lawlessness and obfuscation by the president and his crew is not something to be proud of.... :rolleyes:

What law says he has to release them
He does not have to release his own copies of his taxes, the law states the chairman of one of the 3 committees involved with tax code oversight requests them from the Treasury secretary/IRS Chairman, and they must (shall) release them to them... in a private, secure setting... not for the public to see, but for these committee members to see. US IRS CODE 6103 f.
A week ago amid a lot of arrogant huffing and puffing congressional Dems demanded the full, unredacted Mueller Report by April 2, a deadline that passed quietly and without USAG Barr's compliance. Next came congressional demands for Trump's tax returns and the response came today … acting WH chief of staff said Democrats will never get Trump's returns. :D
What's that? Trump is finally being honest?
Can we have a quote?
Can you point to anything in my post that would make a rational poster to think there is a Trump quote?

Perhaps you can tell me … what is it about Shrillary's epic defeat that caused so many Clintonettes - including our congressional Dems and most of leftarded media - to completely lose their minds?

If you still cry yourself to sleep every fucking night, awake on the angry, bitter side of the bed every fucking morning, and obsess all day long I respectfully suggest you at least consider committing yourself for observation.

Is "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a Real Mental Condition?
"Many have argued that some people have been seriously disturbed and distressed by the policies, speech, behavior and tweets of President Trump, so much so that it has affected their cognitive, affective and behavioral functioning. Such people may need mental health support." - Rob Whitley, Ph.D.

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