Really! Is there anything within Islam that we really consider peaceful/non-violent?


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
Being a natural born citizen of the United States--I am a tolerant person when it comes to religion. I actually believed that after the attacks prior to and of course 9/11 when our President G.W Bush stated that Islam was hijacked-(that's is really a peaceful religion)-and it was the extreme version of Islam that slaughtered 3000 or our innocent Americans and sent us to war--of which this country has lost a lot of blood and treasure in. I actually believed there was a peaceful version of the Islam.

Since then we have spent a trillion dollars fighting this "extremist Islamic war" in Afghanistan--and have lost 4000 additional Americans-- along with thousands of injuries to American soldiers--sometimes severe loss of limbs, brain and body trauma--etc.

Then of course we had the Boston Marathon Bombings of again --against innocents--killing Americans, including youngsters at random--and of course coming again from the Islam religion. Muslims that were literally permitted into this country for Asylum (protection from Russia)--and they attacked us--after we provided security to them from oppression and incarceration.

The UK (Britain) is guilty of the same kindness. Yet we see two Muslims that literally hacked with knives and clevers a soldier to death in broad daylight--in front of the public--on a busy street--while again chanting "Praise Alla." They were Muslim and Islamic so-called "extremists."

I have yet to see the "good--side of Islam." I have been told it's there--BUT none of us have really seen it. If there is a good side of Islam--they sure don't come out to condemn the actions of killing innocents or better yet starting wars. I haven't seen any Muslim come out and state that the 9/11 attacks that killed 3000 of our own was wrong--much less the war that ensued afterward. Yet--we constantly hear about "what a peaceful religion Islam is."

Well--I would suggest that we take Muslims with the faith of Islam--and corner them into a certain section of this world--aka the Middle East--so they can behead each other. Because after all of these years-- I am sick and tired of their bull-shit so-called peaceful religion.

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How many Muslims come out and openly stand with us against the Muslim terrorists? On 911, we saw hundreds of people in the streets in Muslim countries cheering after the buildings collapsed. Were those all the radical ones or just the average people who lived there?

It's hard to tell who is who when no one speaks out against terrorists. What we do hear all the fucking time is death threats whenever anyone makes even mild jokes about Islam.

Then we have those murderers who killed the Libyan ambassador and 4 others. Some still insist that they weren't terrorists, just average everyday protesters. Well, if that is how the average Muslim people behave when they protest, then they are nothing but terrorists.

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