Rebel News reported arrested for “assault” on police officer while asking questions to government official.


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Wow, Trudeau‘s thug police set up this Rebel News reporter by blocking him, and proceed to immediately shove him into a wall and tell him he is under arrest.

Trudeau hates Rebel News, the only real news network in Canada that isn‘t paid to push State propaganda.
It's just a matter of time before these feckin' NAZIS begin disappearing people.
Wow, Trudeau‘s thug police set up this Rebel News reporter by blocking him, and proceed to immediately shove him into a wall and tell him he is under arrest.

Trudeau hates Rebel News, the only real news network in Canada that isn‘t paid to push State propaganda.

Canada is done ... their leftists have destroyed freedom .
Wow, Trudeau‘s thug police set up this Rebel News reporter by blocking him, and proceed to immediately shove him into a wall and tell him he is under arrest.

Trudeau hates Rebel News, the only real news network in Canada that isn‘t paid to push State propaganda.

dims desperately want the same thing in the USA .
Wow, Trudeau‘s thug police set up this Rebel News reporter by blocking him, and proceed to immediately shove him into a wall and tell him he is under arrest.

Coming to America if Biden stays in office. Now you understand his maniacal diatribe the other night declaring the opposing party in a 2 party system to be a "dangerous organization." And look at how many GOP line up to get in order like Mike Pence.

Proof once again the age old lesson of history that it is far more easy for people to fall to low positions of hate, oppression and control than to rise up to freedom, justice, truth and liberty.

Is it any wonder why America is such a threat to the world?
Wow, Trudeau‘s thug police set up this Rebel News reporter by blocking him, and proceed to immediately shove him into a wall and tell him he is under arrest.

Trudeau hates Rebel News, the only real news network in Canada that isn‘t paid to push State propaganda.

Trudeau is a Fag popinjay.
I'm guessing that Canada's "elections" are as rigged as ours.
I don't think Canadians are gonna put up with much more of Trudeau.

I think he's close to being shown the door.
This fake assault is a microcosm of how Canadian police operate at the federal, provincial and municipal level. They manufacture threats and crimes to ensure the expansion of their budgets while maintaining the caste system.

Consider this, 1000s of Canadians may have been charged with such an "assault" of an officer and they didn't have a camera recording, nor were they a member of media who could gain traction online etc.

Your police are supporting ours while Europe views us as a backwards, neanderthal nation akin to East Germany. How much damage are you doing to your own country by association?

We are a Police State. I've told you numerous times and provided endless links and evidence. We are the closest system you will find to the old Soviet era nations of the 1980s.

By the way, how many such public incidents do Americans need to see before you realize that Canada is a police state and maybe, just maybe, the Creepy Ones in Ontario are selling you a load of horse manure on the "threat" people like myself pose or ever posed?

Hopefully the CIA and FBI have enough sense and clinical assessment skills to unpack the truth about what many of us have experienced. Often over decades, or, our entire lives! The E.U knows...
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