Recall to Active Duty

Would you serve if you were recalled to Active Duty?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Big Black Dog

Platinum Member
May 20, 2009
Regardless of your age, health status, retirement status, and if all prior members of the military, regardless of the branch of service originally served in were suddenly recalled to active duty, would you go willingly? This survey is for only people who have served at least one day on active duty in any branch of the military.

Yes, I would go.
I'd want to go. But I haven't thought about what I'd do if/when Obama's regime ordered me to do something that wasn't in this country's best interests.

Would I fire on members of the Tea Party?

Would I want to be in a position of going to prison for disobeying an order?

Or helping a Patriot surreptitiously?

Would I be willing to be executed for it?

Certain things I would stand and fight for to the death.

But I see myself making the OTHER guy die for HIS beliefs.

My best role might be that of getting information out.

Maybe the military is no longer for me.

(Just thinking aloud.)

If GWB were in the Oval Office I'd go in a second.

In any capacity.

If Mitt were POTUS, ditto.


No, I think not.
Regardless of health status? I'm not sure what you are asking...Do you mean would I go if I was in a full body cast, or if I wasn't in a full body cast? Would this be a result of Congressional action or a Presidential order? Also, there is a difference between reservists, those with reserve commissions, and those who have completed their military service and been discharged. Not as easy a question as some might think.
No. I already did my time and I'm too old and not about to take any shit from some young punk.
I notice the no vote did not have the gumption to say so IN the thread. I would go in a heart beat.

I voted no. Been there done that, too old anyway. Why would you go back in? There are no countries powerful enough to attack USA.
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Would I go back if I was recalled to Active Duty ...

Of course I would because I would be required to if called back to Active Duty.
I followed lawful orders before and can do it again if necessary.

It depends on who is asking. If the fat asses in the Pentagon are doing a survey about using Vets to do the fighting while they downsize the Military I say kiss my ass.
I had to vote no, and the reasons why are...

1). I wouldn't serve under that filthy fucking kenyan fraud bastard if my wages were increased ten fold.

2). I'm not serving in any military where the homos are waltzing around openly flaunting their fagness either.

Otherwise I probably would... but I'd also have to be given a commission as a bird colonel or something.
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Sadly, under the administration of the dumb assed timid bean counter that democrats hand picked to be president when they ran a virtual corpse for his 4th term, the Military was downsized after WW2 just in time for Korea. You can bet that the fat asses in the Pentagon won't leave their D.C. cocktail parties to serve in combat and the current hand picked Marine Corps Commandant will preside over the destruction of the USMC but if I was a younger man I would still say "kiss my ass".
I voted yes, but I would have to think that this country would have to be up shit creek without a paddle before they would be trying to bring my wrinkled old ass back into active duty. I suppose I could be a REMF so some kid could serve in a forward unit.
It would have to depend on the circumstances of the Navy needing me. If it's to go out and fight a lawful war, I'd have no issues; however, if it was to fight in some civil war/revolution, I'd stay at home.
I'd want to go. But I haven't thought about what I'd do if/when Obama's regime ordered me to do something that wasn't in this country's best interests.

Would I fire on members of the Tea Party?

Would I want to be in a position of going to prison for disobeying an order?

Or helping a Patriot surreptitiously?

Would I be willing to be executed for it?

Certain things I would stand and fight for to the death.

But I see myself making the OTHER guy die for HIS beliefs.

My best role might be that of getting information out.

Maybe the military is no longer for me.

(Just thinking aloud.)

If GWB were in the Oval Office I'd go in a second.

In any capacity.

If Mitt were POTUS, ditto.


No, I think not.

Not straightforward is it? ...not black and white, grey areas exist.

If I were American, and this applied to me, would I go voluntarily?
I might, or I might not, depending on what it were for.

The way many veterans seem to get treated these days by many people in society, including the govt...I might just stay in the rocking chair on the verandah and let someone else do it.
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Veterans' programs shrink while young vet jobless rates remain high -

Thanks for your service, vets! Now try finding a job

But for young vets who served after the 9/11 attacks, the number is higher: 10%. That rate peaked at 13.1% in December 2011. But today, it still translates into 246,000 post-9/11 vets who were prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country -- and who now are looking for work.

And in some ways, things are getting harder.

That's because a 2-year-old federal program that retrains veterans and offers tax breaks to businesses that hire veterans -- the VOW to Hire Heroes Act -- is set to expire at the end of the year. Also, Congress has slashed a social safety net that provides food stamps to feed more than 900,000 veterans and their families.

3 reasons why companies don't hire veterans - Fortune Management

3 reasons why companies don't hire veterans

As more veterans return from overseas and seek to enter the civilian workforce, they are encountering some misguided assumptions from hiring managers.

First are the assumptions and stereotypes about members of the military that make some employers reluctant to hire them. About one in three employers consider post-traumatic stress disorder to be an impediment to hiring a veteran, according to a survey report by the Society for Human Resource Management.

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Regardless of your age, health status, retirement status, and if all prior members of the military, regardless of the branch of service originally served in were suddenly recalled to active duty, would you go willingly? This survey is for only people who have served at least one day on active duty in any branch of the military.

Yes, I would go.

That is a great question. I really am not sure. I have gone back before when called up years ago. I do miss soldiering. I just question too much when and where we soldier. So, probably best that I stay out and continue doing my own thing.
I have not been in the military, so I'll approach this from a different angle. At various times, I've considered joining the military. Obama has completely taken that thought out of my head though. The last thing I want to do is go and put my butt on the line so that he can help his Al Quaeda buddies.
I have not been in the military, so I'll approach this from a different angle. At various times, I've considered joining the military. Obama has completely taken that thought out of my head though. The last thing I want to do is go and put my butt on the line so that he can help his Al Quaeda buddies.

You mean like his Al Qaeda buddy Osama Bin Laden? But you would no doubt put your ass on the line for someone like Bush/Cheney and their Haliburton buddies? Don't bother joining if your service to your country depends on who the CIC happens to be at the time.

I served ages ago in the Navy, and the ship I served on is an artificial reef, the F-14's all decommissioned, and my squadron stricken. Even my rating doesn't exist anymore. I have no reason to think the Navy would want me back. Hypothetically, If I was recalled, it would have to be because I have some current skills they would want, not what I did for them decades ago. This whole scenario is highly unlikely to all but those who left the service very recently.
I served under Carter, Regan, Bush 1 and Clinton. I couldn't serve under Pajama Boy.

Carter was a naïve weakling but as a Navy vet, he respected us. Regan loved, honored and respected us. Bush 1 was a combat vet and respected us. Clinton loathed us and turned the service into a social experiment. His draconian cuts were harmful. He gutted our morale. But he was for America. As far left as Clinton was, he still stands as a giant compared to the current faculty lounge Marxist Pajama Boy.

I can still fly. Would love to be back in an active squadron. There's nothing like the camaraderie. But at my age, my chickensh*t tolerance level is too low. Hearing an old fart yell, "I'm not doing that &*%$ practice bleeding crap. Shove it and let me know when you have real work to do", is not conducive to strong unit cohesion.

Finally, I can't envision a scenario where they'd need an old fart like me when there are millions of younger, more currently skilled vets inside the three year recall window.

Now if the feces really hit the oscillator and we were in such dire straights that they'd scrape me from the bottom of the barrel out of desperation...

Katy bar the door and someone sew me a custom made extra large G-suit.
You folks are reading way too much into my question. Forget politics. Forget age, health status or any other issue you have. Very simple yes or no kind of a question. If you were called back to active duty, would you go?

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