Received Silver Supporting Status Gift


Nov 14, 2012
I just got a notice that I have been gifted Silver Supporting Member Status. I can´t see who donated this to me but I want to say thank you. Feel free to PM me so I know who granted me this honor.
Sounds like you gifted All liberals but no conservatives,I know you didn’t with
LA RAM FAN I just tried to send YOU a Gift Silver Membership but the system tells me it won't go through and I don't know where to go to upgrade my C/C number or my PayPal account. Can't find out how and I asked for help "Contact Us" and nothing back yet! The reason I want to do this for you is because of the kind of really sweet guy I found and find you to be from Hoss's OP about Dale Smith's passing. I thought then you were a special person with a good heart and tonight I wanted to surprise you with my appreciation. Maybe a mod will get to me with the info I need so I can accomplish this task, though it may be tomorrow. Stay tuned, sweetie! ☺️
LA RAM FAN I just tried to send YOU a Gift Silver Membership but the system tells me it won't go through and I don't know where to go to upgrade my C/C number or my PayPal account. Can't find out how and I asked for help "Contact Us" and nothing back yet! The reason I want to do this for you is because of the kind of really sweet guy I found and find you to be from Hoss's OP about Dale Smith's passing. I thought then you were a special person with a good heart and tonight I wanted to surprise you with my appreciation. Maybe a mod will get to me with the info I need so I can accomplish this task, though it may be tomorrow. Stay tuned, sweetie! ☺️

Don't bother AA. I'll gift him right now so we don't have to listen to his crying.
LA RAM FAN I just tried to send YOU a Gift Silver Membership but the system tells me it won't go through and I don't know where to go to upgrade my C/C number or my PayPal account. Can't find out how and I asked for help "Contact Us" and nothing back yet! The reason I want to do this for you is because of the kind of really sweet guy I found and find you to be from Hoss's OP about Dale Smith's passing. I thought then you were a special person with a good heart and tonight I wanted to surprise you with my appreciation. Maybe a mod will get to me with the info I need so I can accomplish this task, though it may be tomorrow. Stay tuned, sweetie! ☺️
:thankusmile: Awwww thank you.:thup::re:

I think You have a really good heart.your posts to Dale were so kind they moved me.I’m so glad Dale got to see your kind thoughtful posts you made to him before his passing.dale was special to me.

me,him and hoss had a special pm relationship.his passing was the saddest to me sense tiny dancer who was the nicest and sweetest person I ever knew on this board.

there have been others here thst passed away that were saddening as well like kat but I barely knew her at was really hard on me just as much as tiny dancers was as I know it was on you as well

.i hope to meet up with hoss hopefully next summer and if I do,I’ll send YOU a pm and share my experience with him.:)he shares info with me on government corruption he doesn’t with anybody else because most people at this board would not believe the stuff that’s going on in the world we talk about.

Yeah pm a mod and ask them what’s up with that.thanks again.
Don't bother AA. I'll gift him right now so we don't have to listen to his crying.
awww....ain't chu a sweetheart!!!!! Why wouldn't it accept my efforts? I clicked on GIFT and it wouldn't go through. I tried and tried all the different options under my name at the top right and could not find any place to update or change payment methods.

Hoss, wasn't LA RAM FAN so thoughtful all through that thread of yours? He really impressed me. He really cared deeply and wanted to help Dale. Thank you Hoss, for showing him your gratitude also. We love ya LA Ram Fan! :)
:thankusmile: Awwww thank you.:thup::re:

I think You have a really good heart.your posts to Dale were so kind they moved me.I’m so glad Dale got to see your kind thoughtful posts you made to him before his passing.dale was special to me.

me,him and hoss had a special pm relationship.his passing was the saddest to me sense tiny dancer who was the nicest and sweetest person I ever knew on this board.

there have been others here thst passed away that were saddening as well like kat but I barely knew her at was really hard on me just as much as tiny dancers was as I know it was on you as well

.i hope to meet up with hoss hopefully next summer and if I do,I’ll send YOU a pm and share my experience with him.:)he shares info with me on government corruption he doesn’t with anybody else because most people at this board would not believe the stuff that’s going on in the world we talk about.

Yeah pm a mod and ask them what’s up with that.thanks again.
Hey LA RAM FAN , I see you're a Silver Supporting Member. Well, whatayaknow!
:thankusmile: Awwww thank you.:thup::re:

I think You have a really good heart.your posts to Dale were so kind they moved me.I’m so glad Dale got to see your kind thoughtful posts you made to him before his passing.dale was special to me.

me,him and hoss had a special pm relationship.his passing was the saddest to me sense tiny dancer who was the nicest and sweetest person I ever knew on this board.

there have been others here thst passed away that were saddening as well like kat but I barely knew her at was really hard on me just as much as tiny dancers was as I know it was on you as well

.i hope to meet up with hoss hopefully next summer and if I do,I’ll send YOU a pm and share my experience with him.:)he shares info with me on government corruption he doesn’t with anybody else because most people at this board would not believe the stuff that’s going on in the world we talk about.
Yeah pm a mod and ask them what’s up with that.thanks again.

:11_2_1043:What a thoughtful letter my bud. Thank you so much. You are special and needed a membership all your own. Isn't that Hoss sumpin' else?
Forgive me fir being ignorant what exactly is this this $25.00 gift I just got from hoss. I never paid any attention to it or ever tried to figure it out.
Forgive me fir being ignorant what exactly is this this $25.00 gift I just got from hoss. I never paid any attention to it or ever tried to figure it out.
:11_2_1043:What a thoughtful letter my bud. Thank you so much. You are special and needed a membership all your own. Isn't that Hoss sumpin' else?
Indeed.i can’t do it now but I will send you a pm tomorrow of a source thst talks about all kinds of stuff on things you would never believe to be true thst are and all kinds of great stuff where you can order stuff to stay healthy,I sent it to both hoss and Dale,It has an 800 number you can order to order a free catalogue,the stuff they have there,you can order will blow you away.

It is a catalogue thst gives you access to stuff the majority of the world does not know about. 😎
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Meanwhile Hossfly , how are you doing? I know Dale's passing less than a week after your last visit MUST have rattled you and you were close to him. You ok? And how is your own health? Doing better?
Meanwhile Hossfly , how are you doing? I know Dale's passing less than a week after your last visit MUST have rattled you and you were close to him. You ok? And how is your own health? Doing better?
Yeah Hossfly it had me concerned when Dale said in the video thst you lost fifty pounds.

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