Recent LENR Events, Papers, etc


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Note how the scientific establishment is afraid to to let anyone publish or even get a review of their papers, even from previously published 'mainstream' scientists like these two.

The advantage with the theory by Lundin and Lidgren, apart from that it fits with experimental data and observations, is that you don’t need to overcome the Coulomb Barrier — the repulsive force between the positive charged nuclei in the traditional concept of fusion, which is one reason why many scientists think that cold fusion is impossible.
“I also thought so — you can’t overcome the Coulomb Barrier [at low temperatures]. So fusing nuclei with protons won’t work. You may perhaps initiate a very weak process but not reach a level with significant energy release,” Lundin told me.
Neutrons, which have no charge, can easily be captured by an atomic nucleus without this problem. A few other LENR theories are also based on neutrons but what this model adds is a solid explanation of where the neutrons come from, which is often lacking in other models.
“Our model describes quite a natural process. It’s probably one of the main sources for maintaining a high temperature inside Earth, since there’s high pressure, high temperature and good availability of neutron producing elements [through this process] with basically unlimited resources of deuterium,” Lundin said.
In the conclusions of the report, the authors write:
“This report demonstrates, theoretically and experimentally, that nuclear energy production may be accommodated in rather small units, operating at modest temperatures (≈900-2000°C), and produce sustainable power output in the range 1 – 10 kW – at minute fuel consumption (few grams per year). (…) The magnitude of the power output, delivered from a miniscule amount of fuel, demonstrates that it is a nuclear process with great potentials. Properly utilized the process has potentials of becoming an unlimited and sustainable energy source, producing essentially no long-lived radioactive waste.”

Swedish scientists claim LENR explanation break-through
There were two reports (in 2013 and 2014) on tests of Rossi’s device by teams of Swedish and Italian physicists whose scientific credentials are not in doubt, and who had access to one of his devices for extended periods (a month for the second test). Both reports claimed levels of excess heat far beyond anything explicable in chemical terms, in the testers’ view. (The second report also claimed isotopic shifts in the composition of the fuel.) Since then, there have been several reports of duplications by experimenters in Russia and China, guided by details in the 2014 report.

More recently, Rossi was granted a US patent for one of his devices, previously refused on the grounds that insufficient evidence had been provided that the technique worked as claimed. There are credible reports that a 1MW version of his device, producing many times the energy that it consumes, has been on trial in an industrial plant in North Carolina for months, with good results so far. And Rossi’s US backer and licensee, Tom Darden – who has a long track record of investment in pollution-reducing industries – has been increasingly willing to speak out in support of the LENR technology field. (Another investor, the UK-based Woodford Funds, reports that it conducted ‘a rigorous due-diligence process that has taken two and half years’.)

Finally, very recently, there’s a paper by two senior Swedish physicists, Rickard Lundin and Hans Lidgren, proposing a mechanism for Rossi’s results, inspired in part by the second of two test reports mentioned above. Lundin and Lidgren say that the ‘experimental results by Rossi and co-workers and their E-Cat reactor provide the best experimental verification’ of the process they propose.

Why do scientists dismiss the possibility of cold fu...
The Peak Oil Crisis: The Next ‘Keystone’ Debate - Falls Church News-Press Online
For the last 25 years, the industries and scientific establishments that might be threatened by “cold fusion” and similar technologies have been able to keep the news of the technologies’ development under wraps through a variety of stratagems and keep government funding from speeding its development.

This situation is about to change radically. In recent years, principal developers of this new technology, tired of all the skepticism and accusations of fraud, have adopted the position that they will continue to work until a commercially viable product is ready and then put it on the market.

To those of us who have been following the issue, the artificial wall of secrecy that has existed for over 25 years is about to fall. A few tentative stories have begun to appear in the press and last week a California company, Brillouin Energy, that has been making progress on its LENR technology in recent years, was invited to make a presentation on Capital Hill. The key event which could turn all this around will be the completion of the one-year trial that a North Carolina company, Industrial Heat, has been conducting. This trial is due to be finished this winter and if successful, the company says it will disclose the results and if all goes well announce that they have a product for sale.

Thus, the results of Industrial Heat’s one-year test will be critical to what happens next. If the reactor has indeed been able to produce a megawatt of pollution-free heat continuously for a year and the verified costs of operating the device are sufficiently below any other source of energy to justify taking a gamble on a new technology, then we are clearly in a new age. Industrial Heat says they already have over $3 billion in tentative orders awaiting the results of the trial.

Assuming that no technical showstoppers emerge from the test and that energy producing reactors become available for sale in the next year or so, there would seem to only one possibly insurmountable problem remaining. That will be the disruption this will eventually cause to existing energy producing industries. If they have not already been made aware of what could happen, then a few minutes after the news hits the cable networks they will. High-level meetings will gather across the US and around the world to figure out how to stop or at least delay this technology for as long as possible.

We have seen this scenario before. Remember cigarettes and cancer? Exxon and global warming? It is clear that a well financed campaign to spread doubt and confusion can be highly effective. In the case of cigarettes, it was decades before tobacco consumption began to drop. In the case of global warming, enough money and PR has about half of the American people convinced that global warming is all an environmentalist hoax, even as sea levels rise, California fries, and unprecedented storms tear the land apart.

In the case of low energy nuclear reactions, it will be easy to conjure up fears. In a matter of days after it becomes apparent that the technology is valid and could shake the economy to its core, television ads will start claiming that the technology is bad for your health, and that it should be tested for another 30 or 40 years before the public is endangered. The TV ads naturally will be accompanied by a rush of lobbyists to Capital Hill seeking to outlaw or at least mandate years of testing before it can be released to the public. It will sound a lot like the campaign against AC electricity 120 years ago.

It should be noted that in 25 years of testing, no experimenter has detected harmful emissions or residue resulting from the technology.

Fortunately, however, the leadership of Industrial Heat, which at least for the minute seems to be the company that could be the first to offer this technology for sale, has a stratagem to circumvent to what will surely become widespread opposition to the technology. Industrial Heat simply took the technology to China where PR firms, lobbyists, congressmen and TV commercials have zero impact on decision makers. Moreover, China, where people are dying from their own coal smoke, is desperately in need of a clean source of energy ASAP.

Last month some sort of an agreement to set up an R&D establishment in China was signed between Industrial Heat and the Chinese government. It seems likely that the technology being tested by Industrial Heat will be transferred to the Chinese government, who are in sore need of a fix for their environmental and economic problems, will evaluate the technology on its own merits and with little consideration for the disruption it could cause to existing industries. The world just might be saved from global warming after all.
Next Big Future: Brillouin Energy has 35 page third party verification report that hat the Brillouin Energy HHT™ prototype repeatedly produced lab-scale excess heat from LENR
Brillouin Energy has 35 page third party verification report that hat the Brillouin Energy HHT™ prototype repeatedly produced lab-scale excess heat from LENR

Brillouin Energy Corp., developer of renewable energy technologies capable of producing commercially useful amounts of thermal energy (heat) based on controlled low energy nuclear reactions (“LENR”), announced today that its Hydrogen Hot Tube™ (HHT™) Boiler System reactor core modules, were the subject of a recently completed independent Technical Validation Report.

The 35-page Report was prepared as technical due diligence by Michael Halem, a third party technical investigator. The Technical Validation Report summarizes the investigation into Brillouin Energy's HHT™ single tube core prototypes at Brillouin's Berkeley laboratory and at its research partner SRI International. The results are drawn from a series of calibrated tests of both systems. Mr. Halem personally designed tests on the HHT™ systems and then directed the technical staff of Brillouin Energy and SRI to execute the test plans. The tests, in which 95 channels of data were recorded and then investigated, included multiple technical changes to validate the thermodynamic results.

In all cases, the results were consistent: the data demonstrate with very high confidence that the Brillouin Energy HHT™ prototype repeatedly produced lab-scale excess heat from LENR.

"I was given full access to the experiments," said Mr. Halem. "I was able to confirm, with a high degree of confidence, excess energy output above chemical and likely due to a nuclear reaction." The Technical Validation Report affirms that Brillouin Energy’s HHT™ technology "is scalable by assembling multiple HHT™ tubes" in a reactor system. The Report was peer reviewed by Mr. Halem’s technical colleague, Dr. Antoine Guillemin who holds his Masters in Nuclear Physics and Ph.D. in Building Physics. Brillouin Energy’s Technical Validation Report is available upon request to qualified interested parties under a customary non-disclosure agreement.
Congress views Brillouin Energy's LENR HHT Bolier Reactor System for generating Thermal Energy Berkeley, CA

Brillouin Energy Corp. Congress and Government officials viewed Brillouin Energy's LENR HHT Bolier Reactor System. Brillouin is the developer of renewable energy technologies capable of producing commercially useful amounts of thermal energy (heat) based on controlled low energy nuclear reactions (“LENR”), announced today that its WET™ and HHT™ Boiler System reactor core modules were presented to Congress on Capitol Hill.

On Monday, November 2nd, 2015, Brillouin Energy WET and HHT Boiler System Reactor core modules were demonstrated to Congress during an event, which was sponsored by U.S. Representative Anna Eshoo. The Company’s ultra-clean, low-cost WET and HHT Boiler System reactor core modules were presented by Brillouin Energy’s President and Chief Technology Officer, Robert Godes. Joining Mr. Godes were Brillouin Energy’s Chief Executive Officer, Robert W. George, Business Development Director, David Niebauer, and Technical Advisory Board Members Dr. Michael McKubre of Stanford Research International (SRI) and Carl Page of the Anthropocene Institute.

“Demonstrating Brillouin Energy’s latest reactor modules on Capitol Hill is a wonderful opportunity to increase awareness of our clean energy “fuel-free” technology to Congress and others among U.S. governmental and scientific representatives,” explained Robert Godes, President and CTO of Brillouin Energy Corp. “Additionally, this demonstration allows us to present the significant progress that has been made toward commercializing the development of Brillouin Energy’s LENR technologies.”

As Dr. Michael McKubre said, “it is very clear that something on the order of four times (4x) and potentially more gain in power (and therefore ultimately energy) was achieved at an impressive and industrially significant operating temperature of around 640°C. To my knowledge this had not been achieved before in the LENR field. That the Brillouin Energy Q-PulseTM control system is capable of triggering the excess power on and off is also highly significant.”

Brillouin Energy
Brillouin Energy has two Boiler Systems – its WET Boiler System and its Hydrogen Hot Tube (HHT) Boiler System, under development for eventual commercial deployment.
1. The WET Boiler System, is being designed to generate heat from 212° to 302° Fahrenheit, and is intended for home heating and hot water use.
2. The HHT Boiler System is being designed to generate heat at 932° to 1,112° Fahrenheit, and is intended for commercial electricity generation.

The nickel metallic reactor core module is very small relative to the amount of thermal energy output, making the technology very clean and efficient with a virtually inexhaustible fuel supply. Brillouin Energy is currently working to scale the heat production up to commercial output levels.

Read more: Congress views Brillouin Energy's LENR HHT Bolier Reactor System for generating Thermal Energy Berkeley, CA | Virtual-Strategy Magazine
Rossi's Engineer, 'I have seen things you wouldn't believe.'

“As a skeptic I started there, and in the beginning Rossi wouldn’t let me see any data. Gradually he gained confidence since I solved a few problems. And after some time I found myself with the truth in my hands, having made some calculations, and I was amazed. I made the same calculations twenty times and I tried to find the error, but there was no error.
“Now after seeing everything that Rossi is doing, and the levels at which we have arrived, there really is no error, but already at that time he saw things that ordinary people were not yet able to see.
“Either you have seen this from the start, or you have to remain puzzled. If you’re skeptical, then until you have a 100 percent proof, until the hammer hits your finger, you won’t believe that your adversary has a hammer.
“Many people play on this, and especially on the fact that Rossi has a rather closed character, as many geniuses. He is a genius who has an impressive way of reasoning. I sometimes find it difficult to follow him. You should see him when he arrives disheveled, shirt inside out, running around in the laboratory. He reminds you of the scientist from ‘Back to the Future’.
“He comes with a paper fluttering, saying ‘Oh, I had this idea, we have to try this’, throwing away 15 days of your setup of a reactor because he wants to try something different, and you have not even finished the idea that he had previously. Rossi is an avalanche of great ideas....
“With the failures, I found myself having to believe in it. Why? Because when something fails, you see the behavior of the object. The next time you adjust it, then you see that it behaves very differently. And then you realize that it is something unique. We have it all filmed, which still cannot be disclosed. We have photographs of creatures that emit pure light that have completely melted the reactor down, all in a very quite way. You just turn off the stimuli system and the reaction is switched off. It’s impressive.
“I can assure you that the shutdown of the reaction is immediate. The response at ignition with the certified technology is medium fast since we use this technology to produce steam. With steam, inertia when starting up is necessary because of the mass of water that becomes steam. But with ideas we have plans for everything, even instantaneous reactions. Now I’m working on many of Rossi’s new ideas including the E-CatX*, while also being responsible for power supply & control and maintenance on the long term test [of the 1 MW plant**].
“Until now the test is in line with the result that we expected. We encountered the biggest problems during the design and installation phase of the test plant. The most difficult thing was the choice of materials needed to withstand this new kind of energy release and this type of operation for such a long time. And we have found many little flaws—teething problems. For example, also the choice of bolts has led to a revision because some bolts were not sufficiently treated with anti-corrosive, and so they rusted. But if you don’t test you cannot say that you have a product to sell.”

Rossi's engineer: 'I have seen things you people wouldn't believe'
Andrea Rossi Vindicated? Cold Fusion Takes Another Step Towards Credibility |

Professor Alexander Parkhomov of Lomonosov Moscow State University has published a paper describing his successful replication of Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat LENR or cold fusion device.

It seems Parkhomov managed to acquire enough working data from Swedish and Italian academics to execute an experimental replication that offers data showing 2.74 more energy out than put in. As well as the paper there is video, diagrams and photography.

Another attempt by the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project (MFMP) to replicate Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat, cold fusion reactor ended explosively last Thursday after the reactor heated to over 1,000º C.
Thus far, nothing to indicate that this is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. This should be in use big time by now if there were anything to it. Many billions to be made on what amounts to very low cost energy if the claims were true. And that nonsense about government and business suppressing it is just that, nonsense.
Thus far, nothing to indicate that this is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. This should be in use big time by now if there were anything to it. Many billions to be made on what amounts to very low cost energy if the claims were true. And that nonsense about government and business suppressing it is just that, nonsense.

The power of the establishment to ruin career for scientists is NOT bullshit dude.

You would know that if you followed ANY of the more recent controversies were scientific careers have been destroyed by activists and PC gatekeepers.

As to your claim that there is "nothing more than smoke and mirrors" what do you call publication of scientific papers in peer reviewed journals, granting of patents, successful demonstrations before Congress and investment by outside corporations that run into the multi-million dollar range?

Industrial Heats primary owner and CEO has a great record on investing in successful alternative energy sources, and he is firmly convinced of the legitimacy of LENR and Rossi's work.

And in contrast to all this, all you have is worn out platitudes and mindless pathological skepticism?

No, what we see are many claims, and nothing on the market that is verifying those claims. I wish that this were so, it would solve a lot of problems we have at present.

So now scientific validation is based on marketing?

Well, dont worry too much, Industrial Heat and Brillioune will have some products out in the n ext few years, God Willing.

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