Recent Rioting In Minnesota.Yah, The Local Democrats Were Bored And Needed To Entertain Themselves, Right?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
They're at it again. A cop inavertantly kills someone, and here come the loony/violent liberals and decide, Hey! weze all got a weason to trash and burn the place!!, who are they kidding? odds are, the rioters are probably uneducated and unemployed, the only skills they have is throwing rocks at people, breaking store windows/then looting, setting cars on fire, etc. etc. etc. and just memorizing their handed scripts, most of the time it's the usual "No Jussise, No Peece" !!!!
Anyone wonder if these riots would occur if it was some regular white guy who got his azz kicked by a few cops for attempting to rob a bank?
Inadvertently is not a condition for death in this case.

I would have loved to join in protesting the disintegration of law and order by the pigs.
If you win inNovemeber you will have all the Antifa and BLM and others you want. This time around I will just laugh at it all. And more guns will be purchased. more and more and more. And people will hide them and all the ammo they can get for when you confiscate them.
Remember a couple of years ago when the Somali cop in Minnesota killed the Honkie gal after she called 911?

No rioting, as I remember. In fact the officer was lauded by leftists.

Of course. Muslims are the highest point for social status for liberals. Even higher than the LGBTP fanboys
They're at it again. A cop inavertantly kills someone, and here come the loony/violent liberals and decide, Hey! weze all got a weason to trash and burn the place!!, who are they kidding? odds are, the rioters are probably uneducated and unemployed, the only skills they have is throwing rocks at people, breaking store windows/then looting, setting cars on fire, etc. etc. etc. and just memorizing their handed scripts, most of the time it's the usual "No Jussise, No Peece" !!!!
Anyone wonder if these riots would occur if it was some regular white guy who got his azz kicked by a few cops for attempting to rob a bank?
Four cops got fired for that. Probably criminal charges are being written re: Knee Boy. What else can they do?
Inadvertently is not a condition for death in this case.

I would have loved to join in protesting the disintegration of law and order by the pigs.
If you win inNovemeber you will have all the Antifa and BLM and others you want. This time around I will just laugh at it all. And more guns will be purchased. more and more and more. And people will hide them and all the ammo they can get for when you confiscate them.
I live out here in the woods of the Ozark Mountains I doubt any BLM or ANTIFA dudes show up to chase off the woodland fairies...And to note I do not and never have had any ANTIFA or BLM or others I want. There was some white supremacist around here when I moved here in 1998..But they be gone because they be crazy and self destructive.

Yet, I am not worried about anyone but cops because being the sovereign citizen they be they feel they can do what the hell they like.
This was planned....the dems want unrest before the patriotic of them....
The protest was planned or the killing via pigs was planned?

Yes cops are pigs. Straight from your mother's basement.

Which chapter of the DNC sent you here ?
Unlike like people who feel the need to join an organization to feel needed and part of the herds I am no member of any party...Yet, I am not the topic of this thread...Pigs want to kill restrained people are pigs they are murderers and belong in those shit hole nations you guys like to put down.
I don't blame people for protesting actions by those that are supposed to serve and protect, not kill without mercy like the criminals they claim are the bad guys.
This was planned....the dems want unrest before the patriotic of them....
The protest was planned or the killing via pigs was planned?

Yes cops are pigs. Straight from your mother's basement.

Which chapter of the DNC sent you here ?
Unlike like people who feel the need to join an organization to feel needed and part of the herds I am no member of any party...Yet, I am not the topic of this thread...Pigs want to kill restrained people are pigs they are murderers and belong in those shit hole nations you guys like to put down.
I don't blame people for protesting actions by those that are supposed to serve and protect, not kill without mercy like the criminals they claim are the bad guys.

We really haven't heard from both sides here yet. All we have is a video. Is it possible that there is other information about this event that we haven't seen yet? I'd say its more than likely. Will it make a difference? Definite "maybe".

Someone was killed here and that's definitely not good. But there hasn't even been an autopsy yet.

It always best to wait before rendering judgment.

A friend of mine who was a cop was accused a number of years ago with "brutality" (against another honky, so it didn't make the news).

After the matter was investigated, it was discovered that the civilian had accused the police officer's mother of prostitution. Deserved the beating 1000%.
Inadvertently is not a condition for death in this case.

I would have loved to join in protesting the disintegration of law and order by the pigs.
i wonder how many of these tit mouses pooped on white cars
This was planned....the dems want unrest before the patriotic of them....
The protest was planned or the killing via pigs was planned?

Yes cops are pigs. Straight from your mother's basement.

Which chapter of the DNC sent you here ?
Unlike like people who feel the need to join an organization to feel needed and part of the herds I am no member of any party...Yet, I am not the topic of this thread...Pigs want to kill restrained people are pigs they are murderers and belong in those shit hole nations you guys like to put down.
I don't blame people for protesting actions by those that are supposed to serve and protect, not kill without mercy like the criminals they claim are the bad guys.

The video looks bad, I'm not going to defend the actions taken, however I want to see all the facts.
My understanding is, Mr Floyd was ordered to get out of his car, and refused. That certainly doesn't justify him being killed, but he very likely would still be alive had he complied with the officers.

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