Recent Rioting In Minnesota.Yah, The Local Democrats Were Bored And Needed To Entertain Themselves, Right?

They're at it again. A cop inavertantly kills someone, and here come the loony/violent liberals and decide, Hey! weze all got a weason to trash and burn the place!!, who are they kidding? odds are, the rioters are probably uneducated and unemployed, the only skills they have is throwing rocks at people, breaking store windows/then looting, setting cars on fire, etc. etc. etc. and just memorizing their handed scripts, most of the time it's the usual "No Jussise, No Peece" !!!!
Anyone wonder if these riots would occur if it was some regular white guy who got his azz kicked by a few cops for attempting to rob a bank?

Don't you know, haven't you heard that the civilized action(s) to take when the lapdog radical leftist media whips your "people" into a frenzy over enforcement of the law is/are to burn down your neighborhood—especially pharmacies, grocery stores—you know, make sure you destroy all vital business infrastructure? No apologies will be offered and none shall be forthcoming. You just can't take the jungle primitive out of some cultures—or the base stupidity and ignorance, we haven't decided which. If the people rioting only knew the level of exquisite pleasure the leftist media, Hollywood and so-called leftist elite intelligentsia educators feast upon over the consummation of this kind of civilizational annihilation then perhaps these ghetto tribes would cease and desist before setting fire to their own food supplies and shit less where they sleep. It's quite brilliant really, this flavor of class warfare rebranded as race warfare. Keep the black folk angry, keep the white folk thinking the black folk who riot are savages straight out of the jungle. Keeps everyone full of doubt and distrust and despising everyone else. We're all so much easier to manipulate and control this way. They did the same thing here in Baltimore a few years back. Their base philosophy? Hate "the Man" so tear apart the place you live. That's POSH I tell you.
It was a large protest, not a riot. No fires, no looting, no destroying where they live. Windows broken, cars in a parking lot reportedly beat up. That sucks. So did tear gas, but it wasn't a RIOT.
It was a large protest, not a riot. No fires, no looting, no destroying where they live. Windows broken, cars in a parking lot reportedly beat up. That sucks. So did tear gas, but it wasn't a RIOT.

Wanna take bets it wont stay that way?
It was a large protest, not a riot. No fires, no looting, no destroying where they live. Windows broken, cars in a parking lot reportedly beat up. That sucks. So did tear gas, but it wasn't a RIOT.

Wanna take bets it wont stay that way?
No. However, even if you are right, it doesn't give the OP the right to call it a "riot" when it wasn't.
It was a large protest, not a riot. No fires, no looting, no destroying where they live. Windows broken, cars in a parking lot reportedly beat up. That sucks. So did tear gas, but it wasn't a RIOT.

Wanna take bets it wont stay that way?
No. However, even if you are right, it doesn't give the OP the right to call it a "riot" when it wasn't.

I'm not talking about what the OP said. Try to keep up with whom you are talking to.
It was a large protest, not a riot. No fires, no looting, no destroying where they live. Windows broken, cars in a parking lot reportedly beat up. That sucks. So did tear gas, but it wasn't a RIOT.

It has been more than just a "large protest"

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — There was chaos and destruction in Minneapolis Tuesday night as police officers and protesters clashed over the death of George Floyd.

RAW VIDEO: Police Fire Flash Grenades At Protesters Smashing Squad Cars
They're at it again. A cop inavertantly kills someone, and here come the loony/violent liberals and decide, Hey! weze all got a weason to trash and burn the place!!, who are they kidding? odds are, the rioters are probably uneducated and unemployed, the only skills they have is throwing rocks at people, breaking store windows/then looting, setting cars on fire, etc. etc. etc. and just memorizing their handed scripts, most of the time it's the usual "No Jussise, No Peece" !!!!
Anyone wonder if these riots would occur if it was some regular white guy who got his azz kicked by a few cops for attempting to rob a bank?
"inadvertently"? Wtf happened to personal responsibility? You get a free pass on it if you're police, or what?

This is so bad, that cop was wrong. The ones around that didn't stop him were wrong too. Wtf, is everyone too pussy to break up a fight now? Nobody has a sense of wrong or right anymore? Fuck that, I would put myself in harm's way to stop crap like that from happening. Probably earn a BLEO when it was a LEO who was in the wrong. IDGAF what the law is. Right is right and wrong is wrong, and that was wrong. There's some bad police training going on in places. Also the communist school system is cranking out apathetic douchelords that get hired as law enforcement officers.

Protect and Serve, my ass! They're there to enforce the low-hanging fruit laws and fuck you.

Up until recently, I respected the local law, things have changed for the worse.
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It was a large protest, not a riot. No fires, no looting, no destroying where they live. Windows broken, cars in a parking lot reportedly beat up. That sucks. So did tear gas, but it wasn't a RIOT.

It has been more than just a "large protest"

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — There was chaos and destruction in Minneapolis Tuesday night as police officers and protesters clashed over the death of George Floyd.

RAW VIDEO: Police Fire Flash Grenades At Protesters Smashing Squad Cars
Okay, you and I have different definitions of a riot, especially when the OP and some of the other posters start saying they burned the place down, etc. etc.
That was out of hand, causing all that damage to police cars. As residents of Minneapolis they are going to pay for it. Literally, in their taxes. And I don't see why this protest got so violent; the cops were immediately fired and the mayor is calling for Mr. Knee to be prosecuted.

Upset, protesting? Okay. Being so destructive? I don't see it.
This was planned....the dems want unrest before the patriotic of them....

Thinking back to the 1968 campaign, I'll give Democrats enough credit to know that such unrest is more helpful to conservative law and order candidates.
and where were these thugs when that pretty innocent white girl was shot for no reason in san fransisco?
i wonder if we would see similar riots if something like this happened in an average american whitey town in a state like North Dakota
This was planned....the dems want unrest before the patriotic of them....
The protest was planned or the killing via pigs was planned?

Yes cops are pigs. Straight from your mother's basement.
My Ma is dead, what does that have to do with pigs abusing citizens to the point of killing them?
I saw one bad cop doing a really bad thing for which he should be charged, prosecuted, convicted and incarcerated.
I saw countless feral segregationist black racist pigs looting and burning other people’s property for which they should be charged, prosecuted, convicted and incarcerated.
Why should those feral racists be speaking a dialect of a southern illiterate even though they live in Minneapolis?
Oh, yeah. It’s because they’re self-segregating, brainwashed racist hypocrites, courtesy of the democrat party.
Shouldn’t those rioters be arrested for violating social distancing orders? Where’s the Minnesota Wuhan gestapo?
It was a large protest, not a riot. No fires, no looting, no destroying where they live. Windows broken, cars in a parking lot reportedly beat up. That sucks. So did tear gas, but it wasn't a RIOT.

It has been more than just a "large protest"

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — There was chaos and destruction in Minneapolis Tuesday night as police officers and protesters clashed over the death of George Floyd.

RAW VIDEO: Police Fire Flash Grenades At Protesters Smashing Squad Cars
Okay, you and I have different definitions of a riot, especially when the OP and some of the other posters start saying they burned the place down, etc. etc.
That was out of hand, causing all that damage to police cars. As residents of Minneapolis they are going to pay for it. Literally, in their taxes. And I don't see why this protest got so violent; the cops were immediately fired and the mayor is calling for Mr. Knee to be prosecuted.

Upset, protesting? Okay. Being so destructive? I don't see it.

Yeah, I guess we do have a different definition:

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They're at it again. A cop inavertantly kills someone, and here come the loony/violent liberals and decide, Hey! weze all got a weason to trash and burn the place!!, who are they kidding? odds are, the rioters are probably uneducated and unemployed, the only skills they have is throwing rocks at people, breaking store windows/then looting, setting cars on fire, etc. etc. etc. and just memorizing their handed scripts, most of the time it's the usual "No Jussise, No Peece" !!!!
Anyone wonder if these riots would occur if it was some regular white guy who got his azz kicked by a few cops for attempting to rob a bank?
Looters should be shot on sight/site.
with that said...INADVERTANTLY? Did you SEE that video? He was flat out MURDERED by that cop. PERIOD.
Remember a couple of years ago when the Somali cop in Minnesota killed the Honkie gal after she called 911?

No rioting, as I remember. In fact the officer was lauded by leftists.

I'm pretty sure she was Australian ... so, no worries.
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They're at it again. A cop inavertantly kills someone, and here come the loony/violent liberals and decide, Hey! weze all got a weason to trash and burn the place!!, who are they kidding? odds are, the rioters are probably uneducated and unemployed, the only skills they have is throwing rocks at people, breaking store windows/then looting, setting cars on fire, etc. etc. etc. and just memorizing their handed scripts, most of the time it's the usual "No Jussise, No Peece" !!!!
Anyone wonder if these riots would occur if it was some regular white guy who got his azz kicked by a few cops for attempting to rob a bank?
Four cops got fired for that. Probably criminal charges are being written re: Knee Boy. What else can they do?
Maybe not destroy businesses that had nothing to do with it? If they are this displeased over just the firing and too impatient to wait for the criminal charges or the lawsuit by the "knee boy" family, perhaps they should have rioted and looted the police department? Oh. Wait. Cowards and idiots won't harm what can defend itself with firearms. calling him "knee BOY"? Shame on you. Knee boy???????
They're at it again. A cop inavertantly kills someone, and here come the loony/violent liberals and decide, Hey! weze all got a weason to trash and burn the place!!, who are they kidding? odds are, the rioters are probably uneducated and unemployed, the only skills they have is throwing rocks at people, breaking store windows/then looting, setting cars on fire, etc. etc. etc. and just memorizing their handed scripts, most of the time it's the usual "No Jussise, No Peece" !!!!
Anyone wonder if these riots would occur if it was some regular white guy who got his azz kicked by a few cops for attempting to rob a bank?
Four cops got fired for that. Probably criminal charges are being written re: Knee Boy. What else can they do?
Maybe not destroy businesses that had nothing to do with it? If they are this displeased over just the firing and too impatient to wait for the criminal charges or the lawsuit by the "knee boy" family, perhaps they should have rioted and looted the police department? Oh. Wait. Cowards and idiots won't harm what can defend itself with firearms. calling him "knee BOY"? Shame on you. Knee boy???????
Or were you calling Murder Cop "knee boy"? Sometimes you just go all over the place and I don't know what the fuck you are saying. Clarify.

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