Reconcile this...Dems still complaining about trespassers at our Capitol while saying nothing about trespassers from Mexico?

as far as I can tell, doing anything combative would actually be a civil war. Is that really what you want? .....

I didn't bring it up or engage in idiotic, juvenile bravado about it. Go ask your 'buddy' about that.
Stop mouthing off like an impotent, brain damaged, racist jackass. The bullshit he repeats endlessly will never amount to any productive exchange of ideas or improvement in regards to the problem of illegal immigration.
Trump's wall was working pretty well. How about finishing it.
Bah Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Old white men can’t jump…
Ageist and racist post. Please, keep going. I couldn't ask for a more clear example of Democrat hate and ignorance.
I didn't bring it up or engage in idiotic, juvenile bravado about it. Go ask your 'buddy' about that.
well you suggested he do something. You interjected your position in this now. You can't recoil. So my question to you still stands. Man up
I’m still struggling to understand how such a thing makes sense in a Democrat mind.
A couple hundred protesting taxpayers break into the Capitol they pay for to protest on the floor of Congress and they’re considered to be “INSURRECTIONISTS”.
According to Democrats, the Capitol must now be fortified like Fort Knox, complete with tall fences (that don’t work) and guarded by thousands of troops....This is all the rage, all that’s talked about in media and on social networks....MEANWHILE, hundreds of thousands of tresspassers with ill intent from Mexico continue traversing our border and Democrats say nothing other than that they don’t want fences erected or our troops used to secure our border.
How is this reconciled?
Because Conservatives have lost the culture war. Now not just do universities and the news media side with the left so does corporate America.

US is done as you know it. And this is coming from an Independent moderate.
Nice potty mouth, you kiss the former president’s ass real well.
My adult language is scary…are you triggered? Need a safe space?
I kiss the ass of all good real Americans who bust their ass for good real Americans…you don’t?

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