Reconquista of US SW: Myth or Reality?


Apr 22, 2007
I think it will become a reality!

[ame=]‪Aztlan Reconquista‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]‪Young Reconquista‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]‪Reconquista: Mexico's Fraudulent Land Claim‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]‪Celebrating Reconquista‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Have some faith in America's ability to assimilate.

Failing that, have some faith in America's armed forces. :)
So you are saying all the Mexicans that have or are moving into the southwest will enable it to break away and rejoin Mexico? Why do you think they are getting the hell out of Mexico in the first place!
They would not know what to do if they would take over this country - trust me! Their mentality just does NOT work normally. It would last at most ONE MONTH! If that long. Don't forget that anybody who takes over HAS to abide by the U.S. Constitution; Bill of Rights; The Rule of Law. They aren't wise enough to do neither.
Also, I'd like to note people had the same fears about Italians in the 1910s, Germans in the 1890s, and the Irish in the 1850s.
Reconquista of US SW: Myth or Reality?
I think it will become a reality!

Myth – as well as pointless hysteria and a non-issue. Have some faith in your country.

Because it’s the law of the land.

Mexicans coming to the US would indeed assimilate, abide by the law, and participate as citizens.
Because it’s the law of the land.

Mexicans coming to the US would indeed assimilate, abide by the law, and participate as citizens.
When Mexicans are the majority they will do what ever they want.

I really want to hear your reasoning on this one.
You got to be a real redneck racist to think that Hispanics are some how obligated to keep you're European values, standards or traditions.

Hispanics will do in America as they do in the countries they come from and why should'nt they?, in Mexico they don't celebrate the Forth of July and George Washington.
Last time I checked, we consider the fundamentals of our society (representative government, the rule of law) to be universal values. From that basis, it's not at all "redneck racist" to believe immigrants will uphold those values. Heck, it's those very values that make this land attractive to so many around the world.

You're right that they don't celebrate the Fourth of July and honor George Washington in Mexico. And guess what? They didn't so in Italy, Germany, Ireland, or India either. And yet those groups came to America and have been absorbed in to our culture with ease.
It doesn't have to be a real concept. Payback for 180 year old era in US expansion justifies murder, drug running and illegal entry in the minds of left wing anti-American lefties. The left relies on hatred and emotion rather than reality so it makes sense to them that 21st century Americans should have to suffer to accomodate their sense of justice.
You're right that they don't celebrate the Fourth of July and honor George Washington in Mexico. And guess what? They didn't so in Italy, Germany, Ireland, or India either. And yet those groups came to America and have been absorbed in to our culture with ease.
The big difference is the Europeon culture compared to Hispanic culture, as is the difference of a first world country compared to a third world country.

Why would Hispanics behave any differently in America then they do in the countries they come from?
Also, I'd like to note people had the same fears about Italians in the 1910s, Germans in the 1890s, and the Irish in the 1850s.

That's the standard leftwing ridiculous comparison. Those people came LEGALLY, not creeping over the border at midnight. Many brought needed skills - they weren't illiterate rural peasants. There wasn't 20 million of them in a very short time frame. They didn't virtually take over a whole section of the US, and virtually make it a province of germany. They didn't fill the jails. There was no welfare state to loot. They didn't bankrupt the ERs. They were determined to become americans and learn english as soon as possible, as opposed to mexicans who've been here 30 years, can't speak a word of english, and don't need to in a city (los angeles) where the mayor gives speeches in spanish.

You have NO IDEA what you're talking about.
You're right that they don't celebrate the Fourth of July and honor George Washington in Mexico. And guess what? They didn't so in Italy, Germany, Ireland, or India either. And yet those groups came to America and have been absorbed in to our culture with ease.

The big difference is the Europeon culture compared to Hispanic culture, as is the difference of a first world country compared to a third world country.

Why would Hispanics behave any differently in America then they do in the countries they come from?

What differentiates so-called "Hispanic culture" from European culture, or American culture, for that matter?

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