Record cold Across California


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Yes you read it correctly. In this year of "record" heat (thanks to the miracles of modern data falsification) there is one thing you can't fib about...because the people really are freezing their collective butts off! So here you have it, the coldest recorded temps in over a century in many cases.

Thanksgiving cold breaks records across Calif
Tis freezing.

So I now expect the insufferable Air Quality Board to declare a Spare The Air Day so they can fine us for having fires this weekend.
Tis freezing.

So I now expect the insufferable Air Quality Board to declare a Spare The Air Day so they can fine us for having fires this weekend.

I wish we could fine them for the wonderful MTBE experiment. Jackasses.
Well, that is very nice. We had two record warm days for early November, and two days just before Thanksgiving that were the coldest for this time of year for the last 25 years. Neither of which proves a thing.

However, the continues decline in the masses of the glaciers thoughout the Cascade Range is much more indictutive of the direction in which the climate is moving.
Global cooling here in the UK because we are suffering our earliest snow for 17 years
Well, that is very nice. We had two record warm days for early November, and two days just before Thanksgiving that were the coldest for this time of year for the last 25 years. Neither of which proves a thing.

However, the continues decline in the masses of the glaciers thoughout the Cascade Range is much more indictutive of the direction in which the climate is moving.

Actually, it does prove something.

This is a La Nina year. El Nino and La Nina have significant impacts on our climate and weather ---- far more than some humans using fossil fuel.
Tis freezing.

So I now expect the insufferable Air Quality Board to declare a Spare The Air Day so they can fine us for having fires this weekend.

There ARE other ways to stay warm.:razz:

Yes, there are.

I spent much of yesterday making 3.5 gallons of turkey soup - the kitchen was quite toasty!
Global cooling here in the UK because we are suffering our earliest snow for 17 years

Snow? That's your signal for cooling?!?! You do realize, if the temp GOES UP from 20 F to 25 F(i.e. warming), it will still snow, don't you? :cool:
Well, even the most Global Warming models that have grossly overstated AGW result in an increase of only 1 degree over a century.

5 degrees is nonsense.
Well, that is very nice. We had two record warm days for early November, and two days just before Thanksgiving that were the coldest for this time of year for the last 25 years. Neither of which proves a thing.

However, the continues decline in the masses of the glaciers thoughout the Cascade Range is much more indictutive of the direction in which the climate is moving.

I find it intersting that whenever Chris posts his pointless drivel you are all in support of that, even knowing it is falsified data. Yet when real people and real animals are suffering from severe cold that is just "weather".

Here's a little point that is not under your hat, I have allways said that local temps are meaningless. I have allways said that everytime you post up some "record" temp it is not meaningful. You on the other hand say that anything warm or cold or wet or dry supports the alarmist claim.

Well get used to the fact that the "weather" is going to continue to cool in accordance with well known climate cycles. That is a fact no matter how many ridiculous posts Chris, or you, makes.
Hmmm...., is California the globe, now? :cuckoo:

No, konrad it isn't. But then neither is any point that Chris you or olfraud posts about now are they?
Global cooling here in the UK because we are suffering our earliest snow for 17 years

Snow? That's your signal for cooling?!?! You do realize, if the temp GOES UP from 20 F to 25 F(i.e. warming), it will still snow, don't you? :cool:

Yes it requires COLD to create snow. According to olfraud and Chris and yourself the planet is warming so rapidly that snow will be unheard of (kind of like that alarmist in the UK who predicted that children would never know what snow was...just before record breaking snow obliterated records across the country) yet we continue to see epic winters across the globe (or don't you read the news?) both southern and northern hemisphere.

Get used to it. You're going to have to figure out some way to explain the next few years as the winters get progressivly harsher. The Arctic has been rebounding from the 2007 low for the last three years. The Antarctic right now is three standard deviations above "normal". It is going to continue to get worse. Not due to CO2, which has zero effect on the climate, but due to natural cycles.
Well, that is very nice. We had two record warm days for early November, and two days just before Thanksgiving that were the coldest for this time of year for the last 25 years. Neither of which proves a thing.

However, the continues decline in the masses of the glaciers thoughout the Cascade Range is much more indictutive of the direction in which the climate is moving.

Actually, it does prove something.

This is a La Nina year. El Nino and La Nina have significant impacts on our climate and weather ---- far more than some humans using fossil fuel.

And you can see the overlay of the natural cycles on this graph from Dr. Roy Spencer;

Oct. 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update: +0.42 deg. C Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

Note the ups and downs, and the fact that all have been moving upward.
Global cooling here in the UK because we are suffering our earliest snow for 17 years

Snow? That's your signal for cooling?!?! You do realize, if the temp GOES UP from 20 F to 25 F(i.e. warming), it will still snow, don't you? :cool:

Yes it requires COLD to create snow. According to olfraud and Chris and yourself the planet is warming so rapidly that snow will be unheard of (kind of like that alarmist in the UK who predicted that children would never know what snow was...just before record breaking snow obliterated records across the country) yet we continue to see epic winters across the globe (or don't you read the news?) both southern and northern hemisphere.

Get used to it. You're going to have to figure out some way to explain the next few years as the winters get progressivly harsher. The Arctic has been rebounding from the 2007 low for the last three years. The Antarctic right now is three standard deviations above "normal". It is going to continue to get worse. Not due to CO2, which has zero effect on the climate, but due to natural cycles.

Now don't even try to put words into my mouth. Your lies are egrarious enough without that nonsense, faux geologist.
Well, that is very nice. We had two record warm days for early November, and two days just before Thanksgiving that were the coldest for this time of year for the last 25 years. Neither of which proves a thing.

However, the continues decline in the masses of the glaciers thoughout the Cascade Range is much more indictutive of the direction in which the climate is moving.

I find it intersting that whenever Chris posts his pointless drivel you are all in support of that, even knowing it is falsified data. Yet when real people and real animals are suffering from severe cold that is just "weather".

Here's a little point that is not under your hat, I have allways said that local temps are meaningless. I have allways said that everytime you post up some "record" temp it is not meaningful. You on the other hand say that anything warm or cold or wet or dry supports the alarmist claim.

Well get used to the fact that the "weather" is going to continue to cool in accordance with well known climate cycles. That is a fact no matter how many ridiculous posts Chris, or you, makes.

Well, dumb ass, Chris has been posting the record cold and warm tempertures for every week for about six months. Now if the temperatures were not climbing, then there would be an equal amount of warm records and cold records. But that is not what is happening. Warm records outnumber cold by multiples.

It is you, a self proclaimed 'scientist', that has been making ridicoulous posts. Next month, the AGU conferance. Why don't you show all the presentations supporting your lies then?

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