Moscow propagandists are already calling Alaska "ours". my MAGA and commie friends, maybe its to Moscow empire to " find out "?

maybe its time to invite them to try to come take it?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • no, Moscow empire is too strong

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the hans killed much more . PROVE WITH a link your 2MM claim ?

Republicans win the prize for killing the most muslims.

"Landmark research proves that the US-led ‘war on terror’ has killed as many as 2 million people, but this is a fraction of Western responsibility for deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last two decades"

"Landmark research proves that the US-led ‘war on terror’ has killed as many as 2 million people, but this is a fraction of Western responsibility for deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last two decades"

shias kills sunnis , sunnis kill shias + kurds+ turkmans + PKK = an old MENA´s soupopera . why do you blame USA for it ?
shias kills sunnis , sunnis kill shias + kurds+ turkmans + PKK = an old MENA´s soupopera . why do you blame USA for it ?
"Blame"?!!! No dude, Im commending republicans for wiping out muslims. You said republicans are scared of muslims, but the truth is we are responsible for mass murdering them. We showed no mercy. :cuckoo:
my MAGA and commie friends, maybe its to Moscow empire to " find out "?
Muscovites have been making that claim for over 30 years . maybe its time to invite 🇷🇺 them to try to come take it?
Why Alaska? The colonization of Alaska was a project by the Moscow empire with the objective to use it as starting point for the colonization of both Americas, down to Cape Horn. After Crimean war Moscow Tsar was a Bankrupt (as Putin today) and he was very happy to sell it to the U.S.

There's no Russian empire, just Putin in a 1960's backward country
No dude, Im commending republicans for wiping out muslims. You said republicans are scared of muslims,
the (semi)- MUSLIMS with an long imperialistic tradition like the 🇷🇺 Muscovites . Not a bunch of homeless santa in flip- flops (Arabs )
"Blame"?!!! No dude, Im commending republicans for wiping out muslims. You said republicans are scared of muslims, but the truth is we are responsible for mass murdering them. We showed no mercy. :cuckoo:
I didn't.
And the situations cannot be more different.

not for Moscow 🇷🇺 imperialists, they believe that Americans are all weak - passive gays , thats why they call Americans for pendos (pederasts ) . That´s why be must defeat Moscow imperialism in Ukraine, 'Breaking up Moscow empire is the only way to end its imperialism', And I don’t mean Putin´s imperialism, but Moscow imperialism in general , from Solzhenitsyn and Brodsky to Yeltsin and Dugin.

“On the Independence of Ukraine” by Muscovite Joseph 🇷🇺Brodsky (a Nobel prize


) After the collapse of the commie Moscow empire so called ussr , Brodsky manifested his arrogance towards Ukraine in a poem published in 1992. It is evidenced by the fact that the Ukrainians are called “Khokholy.” In the poem passage, we read:​

“Goodbye, Khokholy ( translates to English as the n-word (anti- Ukrainian 🇷🇺slang ). We lived together – enough!

Spit, whether, FC Dnipro

Dnipropetrovsk in, can, he reversed sloping.”

He states that Ukrainian literature, precisely Taras Shevchenko’s creative output, is less valuable than Muscovite literature, for instance, represented by Pushkin. One of the reasons for this perspective is, indeed, the prejudice the Muscovites have against their fellow countrymen.

Brodsky and Putin are the authors of linguistic deception. When he talks about Kyiv as the “mother of Ruthenian cities,” he makes it clear that the history of Ukraine is, actually, the history of Mongol - Muscovite ulus . However, Ruthenian differs from Muscovite because this description is a historically younger linguistic creation.

How Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Became Putin’s Spiritual Guru

The strange story of a global literary hero who went on to inspire Russia’s war on Ukraine.

Troubadours of Russian imperialism

The works of Pushkin, Gogol and Brodsky shaped Russian thinking about Ukrainians.


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