Record @ Home?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
Inquiring minds would like to know.

I have 2 KRK Rock-it 5 Monitors, A Lexicon Omega Pre-Amp, a Shure KSM-32 Condensor Mic, and a pretty nifty "Home made" Vocal Box, that works very well.

I'm interested in collaborations all of the time. I write, record, and mix vocals. Lemme know.
Also Midnight Marauder, you once, long long ago, mentioned to me a site that would host your own radio show, for free. Could you drop that into here?

When I drop this album I'm dropping, I want it to be interesting as fuck, pardon my language, and so I'm persuing all-types of angles with music and want to get my feelers out there and generate a buzz.

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