Did I just experience an Earthquake?

I missed the Mid-Atlantic quake that cracked the Washington monument a couple of years ago. My wife felt it indoors but I was mowing grass on a riding mower and never felt a thing. It would have been cool.
The varied experiences are amazing. But the shit talk is always disturbing. People who do that are most likely to fuck up and emergency responses. Probably push old crippled women out of the way.
Do you have any idea how much the bay area was devastated by the Loma Prieta quake? Probably not. A section of the upper deck of the bay bridge collapsed. Elevated freeways in Oakland and SF collapsed with people in cars crushed--that is the reason there are no double decker freeways in the bay anymore with the exception of part of the bay bridge. Your turn blowhard.

and btw, you're forgiven

A magnitude 4.9 earthquake followed by several strong aftershocks were felt across Southern California early Monday afternoon.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake struck at 1 p.m., with the epicenter roughly 13 miles northeast of Barstow in San Bernardino County. The impact was felt across a wide swath of Southern California, including metropolitan Los Angeles and northern San Diego County.

The USGS initially measured the quake as a 5.1 magnitude but quickly downgraded it to 4.9. It was followed by several significant aftershocks measuring 3.5 and 2.7.

We had a good one back in Boston back in the early 1980s? On the waterfront my building was on concrete stilts right next to the piers. Had great nightmares after that one. Ships ranching into building etc. LOL

Odd thing, those dreams became recurring

Fracking is a thing in Oklahoma and is leading to earthquakes there when there is really no better explanation for why, but the New Madrid faultline is legitimate, ever heard of the mighty Mississippi flowing backwards? Happened in 1812 and created a tsunami.

and btw, you're forgiven

A magnitude 4.9 earthquake followed by several strong aftershocks were felt across Southern California early Monday afternoon.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake struck at 1 p.m., with the epicenter roughly 13 miles northeast of Barstow in San Bernardino County. The impact was felt across a wide swath of Southern California, including metropolitan Los Angeles and northern San Diego County.

The USGS initially measured the quake as aI5.1 magnitude but quickly downgraded it to 4.9. It was followed by several significant aftershocks measuring 3.5 and 2.7.
I was stationed in Barstow in 69-70. It is in the middle of the Mojave desert--sand. Not much to feel from an earthquake there--a little shaking, maybe things falling off of a shelf.
I remember feeling a rare earthquake in Michigan about 10 years ago, think it was 4 point something.

I was in bed and thought that a really big truck was driving by and shaking the house a little. No big deal

People in California ought to be used to it
5 pointers are just enough to get your adrenaline going .....try a 7 pointer....those are frighting....i can only imagine what a 9 pointer must be like....
I was stationed in Barstow in 69-70. It is in the middle of the Mojave desert--sand. Not much to feel from an earthquake there--a little shaking, maybe things falling off of a shelf.
I was in the desert and felt a few quakes.

I got a bit nervous wondering if I was near a fault. I remember somebody I knew was in living in Alaska during the 1960s quake. HE told the story of the ground opening up and people and things being swallowed up before the gaping crevices closed. wtf?

I've always been a good one to be around in an emergency with panic. But I know when the time comes to flee. LOL
We're very close to a fault here. My building in another are was on top of the Inglewood/Newport fault: My building was on what they call rollers. I heard a load snap and the whole building shook like jello 3.o/4.6 quakes. Some people felt it outside. Others did not.

The Newport–Inglewood Fault, the source of the 1933 earthquake, is a right-lateral strike-slip fault trending northwest–southeast, and parallel to other major right-lateral faults in California. The fault spans about 46 miles onshore from Culver City to Newport Beach, where it enters the Pacific Ocean.

Fake news.

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