Zone1 How Reparations Should work

Sure, and if that were to have happened 100 years ago, I’d be in full agreement, but now you have people living there who had nothing to do with it.

I’m not suggesting a wrong wasn’t righted here, what I’m saying is, the county should have looked for private buyers, starting with the hotel chain.
That I wasn't there or I had nothing to do with it argument is bunk. Its bullshit and dishonest. Blacks today live with the resuts of that bullshit and so fuck that. The county stole the land, that was the initial crime, and the county owned that family.
The family that the land was taken from still exists. Had the county not taken the land, they could not have sold it. The taxpayers were probably on the hook when the hotel was built. They probably got some kind of tax break to build. Your question is unecessary. So is all the disingenuous commentary you are posting.

So…again, we’re talking about an event that happened 100 years ago. I understand the family still exists, but, whoever the current owners of the land were, probably were unaware of what happened when they paid for the land. So, was the land sized from them? What was their compensation?

Why did the county have to pay the 20 million…if they were going to seize the land from someone, they could have just put the land up for sale…let someone buy it, and then give that money to the family. The current taxpayers didn’t need to be on the hook for it and the current family would still have gotten paid.
As I understand it, the property was given back to the fee simple. They reserved the right to sell the counties request..and the $20M was the price agreed upon.
I suspect it was just easier that way...BTW..let us not be TOO disingenuous here, $20M is a drop in the bucket for this rich county...not one of those taxpayers will notice..and I suspect that many, if not most, approve of this action.

Sure but should they have to be on the hook for it is what I’m saying? When there could have been a better way to do it?

Also, was the land valued at 20 milllion or was tha just the price the county agreed to pay? (Meaning the taxpayers ended up paying more than the land was worth), if it was worth the 20 million then I’m sure the hotel would have paid that price.

Also just as an was this land valued at 20 mil…but mar a lago was only valued at 18 mil? Just throwing that out there.
That I wasn't there or I had nothing to do with it argument is bunk. Its bullshit and dishonest. Blacks today live with the resuts of that bullshit and so fuck that. The county stole the land, that was the initial crime, and the county owned that family.

The county has no money other than what it takes from the people, so, the current residents have no part in what happened 100 years ago. Also, there would have been a way to make that family whole without burdening the taxpayers.

It kind of sounds like you’re not necessarily interested in the money itself, but rather sticking it to people whom you feel wronged you as some kind of punishment, even though those people were probably not even born when all this happened.
That I wasn't there or I had nothing to do with it argument is bunk. Its bullshit and dishonest. Blacks today live with the resuts of that bullshit and so fuck that. The county stole the land, that was the initial crime, and the county owned that family.
...and to continue that thought, Whites today also live with the results of that bullshit...and many of us aren't all that happy either!
Eminent domain has been abused for centuries benefiting the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor and the marginalized.
I'd like to see those decisions revisited as well. In this goal, this decision by the County Govt. is landmark.
Chavez Ravine is next, I hope. That's the unhappy Chicanos, who also live with the results of that bullshit..nope, not happy either.

You are going to see a lot more of this, I think.
You have provable victims and provable malfeasance.
All you need then proof that parties are still benefiting from said malfeasance

That's a winning tort claim.
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Let me put it to people this way. Millions of whites today live in old suburban developments. Most of them were not around when those development were first built, or signed the covenants that excuded blacks, but they now live in homes built by money given in a program that excluded blacks and that community also excluded blacks. They live in a home built by racism therefore they benefit from that same racism. Those white neighborhoods have stayed white, much of it due to racist real estate agents who won't show those houses to black customers.
Sure but should they have to be on the hook for it is what I’m saying? When there could have been a better way to do it?

Also, was the land valued at 20 milllion or was tha just the price the county agreed to pay? (Meaning the taxpayers ended up paying more than the land was worth), if it was worth the 20 million then I’m sure the hotel would have paid that price.

Also just as an was this land valued at 20 mil…but mar a lago was only valued at 18 mil? Just throwing that out there.
Yer killing me Smalls~

You don't don't try to answer your own questions that could drive an informed conversation? How much do you think this hotel is worth?

Hint...more than $20M. Why should the Hotel pay? They had nothing to do with the theft? Why make them the victim?

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...and to continue that thought, Whites today also live with the results of that bullshit...and many of us aren't all that happy either!
Eminent domain has been abused for centuries benefiting the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor and the marginalized.
I'd like to see those decisions revisited as well. In this goal, this decision by the County Govt. is landmark.
Chavez Ravine is next, I hope. That's the unhappy Chicanos, who also live with the results of that bullshit..nope, not happy either.

You are going to see a lot more of this, I think.
You have provable victims and provable malfeasance.
All you need then proof that parties are still benefiting from said malfeasance

That's a winning tort claim.
This is brilliant EvilEye. You show tangible damage caused by racist policies that have occurred well past slavery and shown evidence of how it has impacted people today.
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Yer killing me Smalls~

You don't don't try to answer your own questions that could drive an informed conversation? How much do you think this hotel is worth?

Hint...more than $20M. Why should the Hotel pay? They had nothing to do with the theft? Why make them the victim?

I didn’t say the hotel “should” pay, I said they should have been given the option, beyond that, the land could have been put up for private sale.

That would have been a better option than the current county taxpayers footing that bill, and the end result would have been the same
This is brilliant EvilEye. Yoy show tangible damage caused by racist policies that have occurred well past slavery and shown evidence of how it has impacted people today.

Sadly, it's not that hard.
Tort court won't work if the injustice is not seen as concrete or the relief requested is overly broad.
But for the case with the clear lines of causation--Like Dodger Stadium, in the case of Chavez Ravine--being built after a known and proven conspiracy twixt the developers and the city/county govt.--it's a win~
The county has no money other than what it takes from the people, so, the current residents have no part in what happened 100 years ago. Also, there would have been a way to make that family whole without burdening the taxpayers.

It kind of sounds like you’re not necessarily interested in the money itself, but rather sticking it to people whom you feel wronged you as some kind of punishment, even though those people were probably not even born when all this happened.
Again, you need to get out of your present mindset. Blacks today are born into a situation they did not create, including the members of that family who lost generational wealth, while whites today are born into a situation that benefits them. Those people are paying taxes regardless, no extra tax was created for this to happen, therefore your argument is just simply a load of garbage.
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I didn’t say the hotel “should” pay, I said they should have been given the option, beyond that, the land could have been put up for private sale.

That would have been a better option than the current county taxpayers footing that bill, and the end result would have been the same
The county stole, the county pays for what they stole.
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Sadly, it's not that hard.
Tort court won't work if the injustice is not seen as concrete or the relief requested is overly broad.
But for the case with the clear lines of causation--Like Dodger Stadium, in the case of Chavez Ravine--being built after a known and proven conspiracy twixt the developers and the city/county govt.--it's a win~

That is why a lot of local governments are considering reparations. As these types of cases increase, eventually state and federal governments will be forced to pay due to the fact that somebody is goingto tie these wrongs to both state and federal policies.
The country stole, the county pays for what they stole.
...and the fact, that the county stole is just that much more egregious when you realize that they didn't even need or want the property..they used eminent domain solely in the aid of depriving this Black family, and indeed all people of color that would have patronized their resort, of the opportunity to sit in the sun and enjoy life...just like the White folks did eh?
How fucked up is that?
I've always favored the tort system for addressing the many provable claims of racially biased seizing of land by the govt. via eminent domain--only to sell the land to the White people who wanted it.
I never considered the Govt. would actually recognize the wrongs done...and make amends. BTW..that is the actual definition of 'reparation'.
This is the first time that any US any level..has actually given some of the land back.

The 2nd link is a great overview of the issue. A long read for some..but very informative for the two of you who actually care...LOL~

Six months ago, Los Angeles County leaders signed off on an unprecedented transaction: They would return two parcels of beachfront property in Manhattan Beach to the Bruce family, the first example of the government giving back land to a Black family after acknowledging it had been stolen.

On Tuesday, the county announced a surprise twist in the historic deal: The family would sell the Bruce’s Beach property back to the county for nearly $20 million.

In the early 1900s, Willa and Charles Bruce were pushed out of a bustling resort they had built, beloved by the area’s Black community. The Ku Klux Klan, along with other white residents of the area, plotted to drive the family away and city officials later condemned their property in 1924 through eminent domain, claiming they needed the lots for a park. The family’s resort was demolished, and the Bruce family moved away. The park would not be built for decades.

In an effort to “right the wrongs of the past,” the board made the momentous decision in June to return the Manhattan Beach land to the descendants of the Bruces, a move celebrated nationally by reparation advocates.

As part of the agreement, Bruce family members had a two-year window in which they could require the county to buy back the property from them. They have decided to do just that.

Reparations should go into building a better society, rather than giving it to individuals.
Reparations should go into building a better society, rather than giving it to individuals.
Reparations are because individuals were robbed from creating a better society. Anything less than righting the individual harm created wilL only work to continue the problem.
Reparations should go into building a better society, rather than giving it to individuals.
Hmmm...let's try an analogy, shall we?

Your illiterate Grandfather invents a widget, its design is stolen before it gets patented and Thomas Edison steals it to drive his empire..that becomes GE. Meanwhile, you, his very literate grandson, is able to prove via drawings and journal statements from people who knew your Gramps, that the widget was his all along.

Should you get paid your fair share of GE?

When a wrong is clearly defined..proven, as it were--and people are still benefiting from it, should not the descendants get paid what was stolen from their family?
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I don't give a shit what the KKK did 100 years ago. And I don't give a shit about slavery reparations. I care about my country being wrecked by a bunch of anti-American Democrats NOW, and if you are an American that is what should concern you, not ancient history.
Again, you need to get out of your present mindset. Blacks today are born into a situation they did not create, including the members of that family who lost generational wealth, while whites today are born into a situation that benefits them. Those people are paying taxes regardless, no extra tax was created for this to happen, therefore your argument is just simply a load of garbage.
If the county footed 20 million, that money has to come from somewhere and that somewhere is the taxpayers.

As for your assertion of who was born into what, that’s a discussion for another thread so we don’t pollute this one.

I’m just failing to see why you can’t agree that there could have been a solution that didn’t involve using taxpayer money, unless the idea here isn’t the money, but making other people “pay” for wrongs they never committed against black people.
Hmmm...let's try an analogy, shall we?

Your illiterate Grandfather invents a widget, its design is stolen before it gets patented and Thomas Edison steals it to drive his empire..that becomes GE. Meanwhile, you, his very literate grandson, is able to prove via drawings and journal statements from people who knew your Gramps, that the widget was his all along.

Should you get paid your fair share of GE?

When a wrong is clearly defined..proven, as it were--and people are still benefiting from it, should not the descendants get paid what was stolen from their family?


We could go on all day about this. Let's take Japan. In WW2 loads of Japanese people lost family members, their country fell apart. The US could have given reparations to each individual, instead they gave it to the country in a similar situation to the Marshall Plan and look what happened, Japanese people are much better off.

Imagine I give reparations to some black guy. He blows it all on cocaine and hookers, gets three people pregnant and the dies. That's three kids without benefiting from the reparations. That's generations who will suffer.

Now, imagine I give it to society and make it work (the hard part in the US as politicians are useless, the electoral system built for the 18th century, etc etc) then this guy gets nothing, he doesn't dies, gets someone knocked up, his kid/kids then get a decent education, get decent opportunities and then for generations to come they're better off.

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