Zone1 How Reparations Should work

I've always favored the tort system for addressing the many provable claims of racially biased seizing of land by the govt. via eminent domain--only to sell the land to the White people who wanted it.

Your last sentence is correct. I do indeed, support reparations for anyone wronged by the Govt..

So, why discuss it in the context of your racial bias then? Why limit the your discussion to a specific & narrow sliver of wrong doing by the government?

By the nature of this topic you have demonstrated a racial bias on the issue. You had to be coaxed to give a nod in favor of reparations for white people.

If you support reparations for anyone wronged by the government, then contextualizing your support in terms of race, muddies the issue by way of association with racial disparities and systemic racism.
I don't need to see that solition because the people involved studied the situation and saw that the solution was the county repaying back what they took. Again drop your mindset because people today are benefiting fron those wrongs. The argument you wage is tired and really without merit. Other groups have got reparations for things done in the same way, so what is the big hang up now?
The county didn't take anything. Read the article. the CITY OF MANHATTEN BEACH took the land by eminent domain.
All ya need to know eh?

Mrs. W. A. Bruce, a landowner of property near the coast, created the first beach resort for Black Americans in Southern California, Bruce's Beach.[13][14] Bruce set up a small portable cottage with a stand in front where soda and lunches were sold.[13] There were two dressing tents with showers, and fifty bathing suits were available for rent.[13] Peck's land was located between Bruce's land and the beach itself, and Bruce erected "no tresspassing signs" on his land, which required beachgoers to walk a half-mile around his land in order to go to the beach.[13] Many beachgoers did so, which made the nearby white landowners unhappy.[13] In the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan began violently harassing the resort's visitors, the Bruce family, and four other Black families that bought lots. In 1924, the city used eminent domain to seize the land from the Black property owners under the pretense of building a park.[15][16][17]
THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA is not and never was THE CITY OF MANHATTEN BEACH. They are ten miles apart with another city in between them. Just look at a map if you doubt me.

You see by this..that you and your ilk are losing, slowly, incrementally, and surely.
Eminent Domain was one of the most widely used tools of racism last century...and we're going to pay those people's descendants what they're owed.
This is just the first crack in the dam.

Sucks to be a Boomer racist in the 21st century, eh?
Nice attempt at putting a racist twist on a problem that has nothing to do with race. Eminent domain has always been full of problems. Another case that you chose to ignore was that of the Gamble family (not black) in New London, OH. They lost their long time Ohio river view property to eminent domain so that developers could make money on it in 2005. Eminent domain is abused--lets not act like it is only abused for racist reasons.
Nice attempt at putting a racist twist on a problem that has nothing to do with race. Eminent domain has always been full of problems. Another case that you chose to ignore was that of the Gamble family (not black) in New London, OH. They lost their long time Ohio river view property to eminent domain so that developers could make money on it in 2005. Eminent domain is abused--lets not act like it is only abused for racist reasons.
The racist twist was the false use of emminent domain to take property from blacks. It is time to stop denying everything that went on.
The racist twist was the false use of emminent domain to take property from blacks. It is time to stop denying everything that went on.
In this case you are correct. But eminent domain has been used to seize property from far more whites than blacks.
Yes...yes you are. Is it deliberate, or some sort of affliction?

The that something bad happened....and now the scales have been, as far is is possible, balanced.

I have to ask, why does that stick in your craw?
Because they DON'T want there to be balance.

They benefit from and like the imbalance that currently prevails.
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Because they DON'T want there to be balance.

They benefit from and like the imbalance that currently prevails.

Why the heck would any white person want the added taxes to fund entitlements? Why would any white person what the crime rates that come with black poverty? Why would any white person want to hear the bitch-assed crying about black “inequity”?

You clowns don’t want to be equitable with whites. It requires to much work and not as much crime as you are culturally accustomed to.
it's objectionable giving money to someone for sole reason of a person's race, not for any obvious or quantifiable wrongdoing, such as abuse of eminent domain laws, or destruction of property.
All you need to see or hear is that "race" is involved and you take all leave of your senses.

What you just described IS reparations that Black Americans have been demanding.

It's a righting of a wrong.

Only anti-Black bigots can't understand this.
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Follow this logic. “Black people are discriminated against and held from positions of power”. Juxtaposed against “white people benefit from the imbalance”. As if there is a shortage of unskilled labor LOL. That’s where the real power resides, in cleaning toilets. There is zero power in the labor of black people, that’s why your communities are broken.

Didn’t you dimwits see all the third-world unskilled labor the Democrats have imported? And you still voting for them? LOL
All you need to see or hear is that "race" is involved and you take all leave of your senses.

What you just described IS reparations that Black Americans have been demanding.

It's a righting of a wrong.

Only anti-Black bigots can't understand this.

A guilt by association wrong, not seeking redress for specific wrongs.
Let me put it to people this way. Millions of whites today live in old suburban developments. Most of them were not around when those development were first built, or signed the covenants that excuded blacks, but they now live in homes built by money given in a program that excluded blacks and that community also excluded blacks. They live in a home built by racism therefore they benefit from that same racism. Those white neighborhoods have stayed white, much of it due to racist real estate agents who won't show those houses to black customers.
Another one of your stupid remarks. The house you live in was built on land stolen from Native Americans. Don’t you owe them?
Reparations are because individuals were robbed from creating a better society. Anything less than righting the individual harm created wilL only work to continue the problem.
You and most blacks weren’t robbed of anything today, so your individual selves are due nothing.

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